Ah Bao waited at home for the fat man to call him to tell him to play, but the fat man hadn't called him until the afternoon, so he had to call Lian Sheng.

Lian Sheng said: "They made an appointment at half past three. "

Po didn't know who else they were dating.

Since going to a nightclub that night, they call the fat man "Captain".

Po saw the fat man when he arrived at the court and joked: "Captain, why didn't you notify me when you played today, everyone notified me and only I didn't notify you?!


The fat man was afraid that he would come to rob Miss Yang with him, so he deliberately did not inform him to play ball, because there was a ghost in his heart, like the horse in Zhuangzi's pen that was chewed by Bole, sneaky, and said: "Lian Sheng said that it would be good for him to notify you." "

Lian Sheng also took out a new ball today as if he was celebrating a holiday.

These new balls were bought by Po, and Po hid them every time he bought them, and then took some old balls out to play, and today he took out the new balls.

They entered the field to play, and for a while, the three people of Fatty, Lian Sheng, and Bank Xu seemed to have been enchanted by some god, holding their rackets motionless, in different postures, like several statues in a sports park.

Bao was surprised, followed their eyes, and saw a woman walking outside the court, and when she walked into the court, Bao saw that it was Miss Yang.

Then Miss Lin also came.


fat man wanted to use the ball to fish Miss Yang, and like an angler who had finally caught two big fish, he was very excited, and said loudly: "Teacher Chen's coach's fee is 100 yuan!

Po joked with him, "Then yours is eighty." "

The bank Xu was also very excited, picked up the ball and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, a few here and a few there, and finally even a jacket pocket, like those selling glasses on the street.

It rained for several days, but today it was sunny and there were a lot of people who came to play, so it was very lively.

Uncle is the oldest of them, but the sword is not old, and he is also excited to see a woman, and he fights with everyone desperately.

Not long ago, a mouse ran into his house, and he didn't warm up like he did when he went to the court, and he sprained his waist.

Everyone saw him playing desperately, and they all coaxed and said: "Uncle has so much strength today, it's like he wasn't injured!".

Liu Ju just learned tennis, he didn't like to be lively, but when he saw so many people coming today, and there were women, he didn't want to play anymore after playing for a while, so he picked up the racket and walked out.

Lian Sheng used to laugh at him for not playing well, but today he called out his position as if he was raising the price, shouting: "Liu Ju, why don't you play and leave?!".

At this time, the wind was stronger, blowing off all the leaves of several large trees around the court, and then blowing from one side of the court to the other, from that side to this side, like an oversized broom sweeping the floor.

Miss Yang and Miss Lin cowered in the cold wind for a long time, and no one had invited them to play, as if they had been called to watch the performance.

Po was moved by compassion

, passed by them as he picked up the ball, and asked, "Do you want to play?"

They didn't know if they really didn't hear it or if they pretended not to hear it, and they didn't move. Seeing that they didn't move, the fat man said to Bao, "You didn't say it louder. "

Miss Yang came on the stage, and she took Po's beat and started fighting.

She was a chubby beauty, with slow movements, like slow motion in the movies, and like she was wearing too many clothes and had difficulty moving, when suddenly the beat flew out of her hand and hit the ground hard.

This racket was just bought by Bao, and he was very distressed, he didn't know what to say, and he was so embarrassed.

The crowd laughed as they watched the excitement all around.

Lian Sheng was also pretending to be a big head of garlic, and instead of helping her pick up the racket, he touched it with his foot.

At this time, Ah Bao not only felt distressed, but also felt insulted, as if the beat was his own.

The people who watched the excitement around laughed even harder.

The fat man is the kind of person who always wants to conquer women by force, and he deliberately hits the ball very fiercely, until he beats Miss Yang to the point where he has nowhere to hide.

He walked up to Ah Bao and said hypocritically: "As soon as Miss Yang came, the four of us couldn't play the ball." "

Ah Bao didn't believe that the bank Xu would have such a girlfriend, and asked the fat man: "Is she Ah Xu's sister, she looks a bit alike, and both of them have short legs?".

The fat man insisted, "No, it's a close friend of Ah Xu!".

Ah Bao went up to play again, and he took the fat man's racket to change with Miss Yang, saying, "This one is lighter." "

She refused to change with him, saying, "This one is also very light." "

He still wants his racket back, not for anything else, for fear that he is not used to using other people's beats, and if he doesn't play well, he will lose face in front of them.

Po is in stark contrast to the fat man, he is the kind of person who pities flowers and jade, and he tries his best to send the ball to Miss Yang, called "Feed the ball."

Even so, she still couldn't catch the ball properly.

She didn't want to fight after a while. At this time, Miss Lin had already left, and she felt that it was not too early, so she also left.

The fat man went to the lounge to drink water just now, and walked out slowly after drinking the water, and when he saw Miss Yang, he was stunned and asked Bao, "Is she gone?!Miss Yang is gone?!".

Po deliberately said, "You don't know yet?!".

He said, "I don't know, I was drinking water in there just now. "

Po said, "You didn't take her seriously!".

After Miss Yang left, Lian Sheng also hit the ball outside.

The fat man sighed: "This is rare. "

Ah Bao said: "Lian Sheng's soul was taken away by Miss Yang. "

The fat man and Lian Sheng went to the nightclub a few days ago and didn't take advantage of the woman, they ate the scales - they were hard-hearted, and they had to go to the dance hall to dance at night.

Po exclaimed and said, "I played ball in the afternoon, and I have to go to the dance hall in the evening?!".


In the evening, Po drove to pick them up again. Of the four of them, Po was the only one who had a car, but they all pretended to be very unimpressed.

After the fat man and the bank agreed to get into the car, the fat man said: "Jiabao, Jiabao, no matter how old and broken the car is, it is better to have something than nothing." "

The bank's Xu also said: "If this car has a sign on it, it will become a taxi." "

Po deliberately said: "I plan to change it at the end of the year!".

The fat man always wanted to buy a car, but he didn't have the money, so he asked, "How much do you want to change it for?"

Ah Bao said: "There must be at least more than 300,000." "

More than 300,000 is an astronomical amount for them, and they are silent.

Passing by a kiosk, the fat man asked the bank to buy chewing gum. After the fat man got the chewing gum, he gave one to the bank, Xu and Bao.

After Lian Sheng got in the car, the fat man also gave him a piece, and Lian Sheng saw that it was chewing gum, frowned, and said, "I don't like to eat this kind of thing." "

Ah Bao smelled the smell of wine, shouted, and said, "Liansheng, you are drinking again?"

He said, "Yes, yes, your nose is so good, you only drank a little bit and you smelled it!"

He asked the fat man for a piece of chewing gum, then filled it with garlic, and said, "I was thinking just now, if there are too many people, I should drive an extra car, my brother-in-law has a red sports car, which has been parked, and I am afraid that it will be too late to drive." "

His brother-in-law's broken car, all of a sudden wanted to mortgage to Bao, and suddenly wanted to sell it to Yan, Uncle also once drove this car to take Bao to the manor to play, the horn and brakes were broken, just now Lian Sheng called his brother-in-law, his brother-in-law said that the car had not been driven for a long time, and the battery was dead.

The fat man always didn't take advantage of women, and he was a little discouraged tonight, and said: "It's still Jiabao who is right, it is the most cost-effective to touch, it used to cost two or three hundred, and now it doesn't need a hundred." "

Po didn't say anything like this, he splashed dirty water on him for no reason, and wanted to argue with him.

At this time, Lian Sheng was pretending to be garlic again, and said: "In the past, it was not only two or three hundred, but five or six hundred, I was engaged in construction at that time, and I often went to Foshan to get tiles, and invited the people there, eight people spent six thousand." I used to invite them a lot, and I didn't have to think much about spending money. "

At this time, Miss Yang called the bank Xu and said that they had arrived at the door of the dance hall.

They hurried to the door of the dance hall, and by this time they had already bought their own tickets to enter.

They found them in the ballroom, and saw Miss Yang's eyes glowing green like wild cats at night.

They sat together for a while, and then Lian Sheng got up uncomfortably and said, "It's better to go to the box." "

The fat man had to go to the service desk to inquire about the price, and when he came back, he said, "A box will cost 200 yuan after a discount." "

Lian Sheng was rarely so bold today, and said: "Two hundred is two hundred! I invite you tonight! Wait a minute, I'll settle the bill!".

The fat man had no choice but to open a box, and Lian Sheng said to Bao: "Sitting there was laughed to death, the fat man is too careful, since he came, don't be afraid to spend a little more money." "

They went to the box first, and Lian Sheng saw that there was a small secret room inside, specially prepared for lovers, and he was so excited that he danced with his hands.

Soon the fat man brought Miss Yang and the others here, and this time he was also satisfied, and said, "It would be nice to have such a big living room at home!"

Lian Sheng thought that the living room of his brother-in-law's house was bigger than this, and said, "Where is this living room big?!".

At this time, the TV was broadcasting the World Cup live, and they were all pretending to be looking. Lian Sheng didn't want to watch it anymore after watching it for a while, and said, "I can't understand football." "

Po deliberately said, "Oh, you're not betting on football, you're just betting on Mark Six." "

Miss Yang knew that Lian Sheng was originally a physical education teacher, and asked, "Then what kind of ball games did you originally do?!".

Lian Sheng said: "I used to engage in, engage, and engage in sports. "

The fat man always didn't take advantage of the woman, and he was unwilling, saying, "I'm not allowed to go back until two o'clock tonight!"

Miss Yang was crazy and not to be outdone, she said, "Okay!"

Seeing that she was so bold, the fat man answered so categorically, and asked, "Why did you leave first in the afternoon, I don't know, you didn't tell me." "

Miss Yang said, "I didn't see you, I thought you left first." "

The fat man said, "No, I'll go to the lounge to drink water." "

The fat man then asked, "Where was Valentine's Day last night?".

Miss Yang pretended to be a resentful woman and said, "No, play cards at home." "

The fat man asked, "Playing or playing for real?"

Miss Yang said, "Ten yuan." "

Po thought they were playing big and asked, "Ten quick money for a card?"

She said, "No, a plate." "

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