Uncle saw that Li Ju always played the ball with the person opposite, but did not pull with him, so he asked Li Ju to call him, Li Ju ignored him and continued to play with the person opposite, and Uncle said that he was "grotesque".

Uncle played singles for an hour and doubles for an hour today, as if he had taken a big advantage, and he was very happy.


They went to drink again.

Uncle was talking a lot about the appreciation of the renminbi, saying that if it rose by 2 or 3 percent, he would earn 300,000 yuan, and if it rose by 5 percent, he would earn 600,000 yuan.

Ah Xiao said, "It's time to eat a big meal!"

The fat man said, "Go to Nanshan Bay to eat!".

Ah Bao said: "How about eating in Nanshan Bay, it is sent by Nanshan Bay!".

Ah Yang quietly said to Ah Bao: "Uncle's four bottles of four special wines should not have you a bottle of Jian Nanchun at that time. "


They went to play again.

Uncle also lost to Po after playing 10-2. It's good to transfer Ah Bao, and after being mobilized by Ah Bao, he said, "You me!" Ah Bao knocked the ball out and said loudly: "Decline!".

When it got dark, they turned on the lights and continued to fight, and Po was shaken by the oncoming light and said, "I was caught in the demon mirror." "

Uncle thought Bao was going to fight hard, and said, "No matter what, you are a demon!" Uncle was very unhappy after losing, and asked the bank to accompany him to fight for a while.


Uncle said that he would go back in two weeks, and he called going out to do business a return.

Not long ago, he made a single oil order and lost money, and he wanted to earn it back.


On this day they were going to drink again, and they also played for a while before drinking.

It was drizzling for a while, and Ah Bao and Coach Wang were still fighting.

Uncle didn't dare to come early in the morning now, and he didn't come until they fought for a while, and when he saw them braving the light rain and fighting, he wanted to fight but didn't want to fight, and his heart was very entangled.

After they finished fighting, he came to talk to Po and asked, "What are you doing these days?!".

Ah Bao was the most taboo for people to ask him like this, and deliberately said: "Go and chop the chicken." "

He cried out and said, "Oh, no, you have to go and chop the chicken, don't be chopped by the chicken." "

He asked Ah Bao to accompany him to buy red wine, and after buying it, he was waiting for Ah Bao to pay the money, Ah Bao was not as happy as before this time, so he had to pay it himself, and Ah Bao looked down on him even more.

He bought four more packs of cheap cigarettes, and when he returned to the court, he was very generous, desperately stuffing them into people, and you pack him one by one.

When drinking, Uncle Ah said, "Two of them are students of Teacher Gao, me and Ah Qun. "

He always said that he was a student of Mr. Gao, but he never saw him pay the tuition, and Mr. Gao told a story, saying: "Once upon a time, there was a person who had a treat, scrambled a plate of eggs, and put a pair of chopsticks next to it, pointing to the eggs and saying that this is the young chicken of the future, and pointing to the chopsticks and saying that this is the young bamboo shoots of the past!".

Uncle also said that he had a "deputy" in the Shanghai company, and the bank Xu pretended to go to Shanghai to be his "deputy", he said: "You can't come to be my deputy, if you want to find a woman, you can go together." "

Uncle also said that he went to fortune telling with his younger brother back then, and the fortune teller said that he could earn one million in his life, his younger brother could earn five million, and his younger brother was reading a big book or something. At this time, he said that he was out of his mouth and said, "How to calculate, he has already earned five million when he doesn't pay back the bank." He said to Lian Sheng: "He will go to eat his daughter's in the future, I look at his five elements, and the blessing in his old age is good." "

The bank Xu asked his uncle how he looked, and the uncle said: "You can't do business, you have no good fortune, you can only work for people all your life, your eyebrows are too heavy, and you are suppressed." He also said: "Ah Xu is really bad, Ah Zhang found a former flight attendant, but you haven't yet." "

Uncle was still unsatisfied, and wanted to come and toast to Ah Bao, saying: "Jiabao, I just said two disrespectful words from you, apologize to you, do it!" Ah Bao forgot what he said just now, probably the sentence "chop chicken".

They didn't want to leave yet, Po said, "It's past nine o'clock and you won't leave?!" They heard that his daughter was alone at home, so let him go first.


Uncle didn't play well today, and he was very unhappy after losing, so he asked the bank to play with him for a while.


My uncle's child got a scholarship in college this year, and he was very happy, so he said that he wanted to invite someone to drink, and asked everyone if Liuyang River was good, and bought three bottles, 39 yuan for one bottle.

Uncle bought Liuyang River to invite everyone this time, and Ah Bao thought that he would not dare to buy such wine to invite people.

After drinking it, Bao said to the fat man that his throat was very good, and the bank Xu also felt that his throat was very hot, so he said.


Uncle left in advance today, he came to fight early in the morning, and he didn't fight enough, where would he go first?!


Before the Spring Festival, it is always more lively than the Spring Festival, Ah Bao has not played for many days, called his uncle, and asked, "Have you been very busy lately?"

He said, "No, no, it's okay, play ball, isn't it?!".

Both went.

The road was very congested, and Po drove for half an hour to get to the stadium. That's when the fat man called him and he said, "I'm already on the court." "

The fat man asked, "Who else?"

He said: "Uncle, the forest bureau ......."

The fat man asked, "Who called you?"

Po said: "When we see the weather is good, we come. "

Lian Sheng didn't come to play as usual after work, but left with a racket.

The fat man was dumbfounded for a long time, desperately thinking about where he was going to fight with the woman, and then said, "Uncle's mother went to have surgery, and Lian Sheng said that if something happened, he must be going to help." "

Ah Bao asked, "Not long ago, my uncle's father went to the hospital, and now it's his mother's turn to have surgery?"

Bao thought that Lian Sheng was going to help Ah Hui collect money at the end of the year, Ah Hui was helping a black boss sell Mark Six lottery, Ah Hui's wife and Lian Sheng's wife colleagues, Ah Hui heard that Lian Sheng would tell fortunes and then came to ask him to help him calculate, so the two sold Mark Six together.

In fact, Lian Sheng just had no way to play when the line of the beat was broken, so he had to change the line at this time.

The bank Xu also came, and he kept yawning in a depressed mood, and said to himself: "Hey, it's going to be the New Year, why is the unit still as quiet as at night, and it doesn't pay a penny, it's strange!".

In the end, only the four of them were left, cold and hungry, so Po went to a nearby restaurant to buy a bowl of noodle soup and took it to the court to eat.


noodle soup gave off a burst of aroma, and the bank Xu came to ask him for a fish ball, and after eating, he came to ask for another one. After eating half a bowl of noodle soup, Bao felt much more comfortable and said, "One-stop service!".

The fat man and the bank Xu couldn't resist the temptation and wanted to eat noodle soup.

Bao said, "Bring a bowl to my uncle." "

Uncle said, "I don't want it, I don't want it!" He had already eaten a snack before going out.

After the two of them went to the bank, Xu ate a bowl of three yuan, and the fat man ate a bowl of five yuan.

After eating, he came back and continued to fight, and the bank Xu said: "My stomach is heavy!".

The four of them played until eight o'clock in the evening, and the uncle was still unsatisfied, saying that he played on the court every year on the afternoon of the Chinese New Year's Eve, and asked everyone to play again tomorrow.

The next afternoon, it was drizzling, and Po thought to himself that his luck was not much better.


Two days later, they went to play again, and the fat man asked Po to pick him up, and on the way he talked about transferring a cottage racket to his uncle, saying: "Uncle's racket is 250 yuan, 10 pieces of thread and 10 pieces, and 26 pieces of hand glue, a total of 296 fast ......


After Bao arrived at the court, he said to Zhang Zhu: "The fat man is really, ask me how much it is acceptable to transfer that racket with my uncle, I said that he may say that if you want to take it, or transfer it with him at the original price, the fat man said that I don't want the original price, just like second-hand cars and second-hand houses, it will depreciate sharply after buying, it's funny!".

Uncle lost face and said, "That's what I told him, fuck, I don't want to transfer miles, he came to ask me." "

Ah Bao deliberately said: "How can people care about these hundreds of yuan, it is a fat person who will have no money, and no one will be without money." "

Mr. Deng from the university drove past the court with a few outsiders, saw them playing, and came down to play with them. A few people are in the dark, I don't know if they are from Xinjiang or Tibetans, like crazy people, shaking hands or something.

Ms. Deng is a physical education teacher, but she taught herself how to play tennis, swinging a racket to hit the ball as if she were chasing ducks.

After they left, Po said to the power group, "They're drinking!"

"Oh no, my colleague went to play ball after drinking that night, and he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage after falling, and he didn't know it at first, but the next day his eyes turned black, and the doctor said that he had a cerebral hemorrhage," the power group said. "


Uncle didn't fight well the more he fought, he was very unconfident, and he went out to do business.

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