said: "If you don't need money, the team will pay." Don't be stupid, hehe, come and play in a moment. "Tell Po to participate.

When Po arrived at the court, they were already starting to practice, and the scene was very enthusiastic. Zheng Shao, a student of Teacher Gao, was called to participate.

Zheng Shao played with Teacher Gao not long ago, drove a white Mercedes-Benz, like a gentleman, and kept mobilizing Teacher Gao, saying, "Let Ah Lao come and go!"

Sometimes if you don't play well, you pretend to throw the racket.

He said: "It's playing very well now. "

Lian Sheng said modestly: "Hehe, just hit it." "

After they left, they said to Po: "He used to be self-righteous, but now he doesn't seem to be as good as me." "

Zheng Shao is a private business owner, he is capricious when he has money, he is still a talker, he fights with Lian Sheng, and says while beating: "I'm not afraid of anyone, it's nothing!"

Shout: "Punch the line!

Lian Sheng didn't dare to fight with him, and said, "Okay, good, you press the line, you press the line." "

He shouted again: "Out of bounds, you ball out of bounds, out!".

He also shouted: "Go to the net!" My ball is a downspin ball, and after passing it, it will drill straight on your paddle surface, and if it is not flat, you will definitely go to the net. "

Lian Sheng said: "Yes, yes, yes." "

Changmei is Graff from another world in the parallel universe, and she is a group pet.

She used to play with Deputy District Chief Lu and wanted to participate, but there was no women's event in this competition, and she saw them playing above the building and came down to watch.

As soon as Zheng Shao saw the beauty, he wanted to get close to her and let Ah Bao fight.

Po thought that he had been fighting for a long time and didn't want to fight, so he asked, "Don't want it?"

He said he was just taking a break, saying, "Not so soon." "

He sat next to Chang Mei and chatted with her, Chang Mei was only interested in Deputy District Chief Lu and was not interested in him, and he was about to leave in a while, he was a little sorry and said, "Bye!"

Mr. Gao was invited to be a guide, he is an old-timer in the local tennis world, representing the highest level in the city, and they are much more bold to have him as a guide.

Lian Sheng saw him coming and asked him to fight with him for a while.

Zheng Shao watched them play below. Group A is an information release center and a rumor release center, Zheng Shao must have heard Lian Sheng's bad words there, and said while watching the game: "Lian Sheng is always playing, he doesn't work, and he doesn't seem to have to take care of housework, pretending to watch the court here every day, and then always playing, it's good!".

Uncle happened to be sitting next to him, and when he heard it, he was embarrassed to get up, helped him speak, and said, "Our men here don't have to take care of housework." "

Lian Sheng couldn't beat Teacher Gao, he was sweating profusely, and after coming down, he sighed: "Teacher Gao's physical strength has not retreated." "

Zheng Shao disagreed, and said: "Where haven't you retreated, I almost fell off my pants the day before yesterday." "

"He hasn't played for more than a month, and he went to play basketball not long ago and dislocated again," he said. "

Seeing that the time was not early, Master Zhang was going back to cook for his father again, and said to Bao: "Jiabao, come back at nine o'clock tomorrow." "

Seeing that they were still hesitating to participate by themselves, Ah Bao said to Lian Sheng: "It's better for me not to participate, you go find someone else." "


In the evening, Lian Sheng called him and said, "I can't find anyone else, Master Zhang said that if you lose, you will lose." "

It seems that Zhang Zhu still wants to participate by himself.

The next morning, Ah Bao was still sleeping, and Lian Sheng called him again and said, "Jiabao, come quickly, everyone has been poached, there is no one left, you come quickly, hehe." "

Po went again.

Chang Mei came again, this time she wanted to come and fight with Teacher Gao for a while, wearing a sun hat. She was very short-sighted, and when she saw Po, she said, "Oh, it's you, I didn't know it was you just now." "

said: "I saw you play yesterday, and the light was too dim to recognize." "

Teacher Gao came again, and Po greeted him and said, "Teacher Gao has gained a lot of weight recently!".

Teacher Gao said: "I went to play not long ago and lost 10 pounds, and I gained 6 pounds in Thailand. "

The basketball coach of the original sports school also came to cheer them on at this time, and saw that Zhang Zhu was playing, and said: "Oh, Zhang Zhu is playing well now, and he has improved!".

Po joked: "It took him two days to get hard." "

The basketball coach of the original sports school said bitterly: "It's these two days." "

Teacher Gao said, "It's good to go and participate, you can improve and improve." "

After Mr. Gao saw Chang Mei playing, he said, "Wow, she played well." "

Po once heard the Forest Bureau say, "She is a college volleyball major." "

Chang Mei found that they were talking about herself, and asked Teacher Gao, "Teacher Gao, how am I playing?".

Teacher Gao pointed out her shortcomings and said: "You retreat too late, the hitting point is too low, the ball will go out of bounds after the racket is swung, and the ball must be in front, not in the back." "

Women are women's natural enemies, and the administrator Xiaoyan didn't like Chang Mei to play, so she said to her: "You come down, let him play, give him more time to practice, and we will play again when we have time in the future." "

Said to Bao: "You go up, go up and practice." "

Then they started to play doubles, with Bao and Lian Sheng playing Zhang Zhu and Xiao respectively.

Po was very uncomfortable with today's new ball, saying: "The ball is too heavy and elastic, and I can't hold it down." "

He played cautiously, saying as he played: "The game is not about playing, it's about holding the ball, just don't go out of bounds." "

Lian Sheng was no better, and said: "Others must not pick it up when they go out of bounds, this ball is picked up." "

Teacher Gao saw that Ah Bao was always out of bounds, and said to Ah Bao: "Heh, you just didn't turn around like this, and the ball flew out all of a sudden." "

Seeing him volleying in front of the net, running around, he couldn't help but be full of loopholes, saying: "You block the net and wait in front of the net, just go straight, and don't pay attention to it on the other side." "

The sun is rising higher and higher, Ah Xiao has been playing for a long time, he is afraid of being sunburned, he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to give up his seat to others, and says to Changmei: "Sister Chang, let me fight for you." "

On such a hot day, she didn't want it, and said, "Don't." "

Ah Xiao insisted: "Let you fight, I'll go drink saliva." "

Chang Mei still said, "I don't want it." "

Ah Xiao said: "Let you fight, this side is good." "

Chang Mei said: "Don't, the impact is not good, don't let people see playing during work hours." "

Ah Xiao was already very resilient, but he didn't think that Chang Mei was more resilient than him.

The two cheerleaders of Shaohong and Shaoqing came again, and when Shaoqing saw Ah Yan, like a long-lost sister, they talked warmly.

Shaoqing was very broken and said, "I saw you playing well before, and I wish I could be like you." "

When Mr. Gao heard this, he said, "Then you are playing better than her now?!".

She immediately said: "Ahem, let you see, there must be a lot of problems, I think that Mr. Gao is coming today, I must call Mr. Gao to show him, and let Mr. Gao give me some pointers." "

Shaohong looks amazing, she is the reincarnation of the empress, the empress when she plays is a madman, and the empress who doesn't play is also a madman.

At this time, she sat down and chatted with people, and a ball flew by, and she jumped up, dodged the attack of the ball, and said, "The player has better judgment and is helpful for driving." "

Zheng Shao usually sleeps until ten o'clock every morning, and he hasn't gotten up at this time and hasn't come.

Ah Bao asked Lian Sheng, "Why didn't that one come?"

Lian Sheng said: "I don't know, I don't know what they say. "

Xiao Yan said: "That one is going to play singles." "

Lian Sheng said, "No." "

When it was over, Ah Xiao said half-seriously and half-jokingly: "In the past two days, I just eat, sleep and play, and don't do anything else." "


It's the day of the competition. On this day, Zheng Shao got up earlier than anyone else, and was the first to gather at the stadium, driving the white "Mercedes-Benz" and stopping at the door of the lounge.

Then Shaohong also came, she thought she was early enough, how did she know that Zheng Shao was earlier than her.

She drove a two-box "Xiali" past Zheng Shao's white "Mercedes-Benz".

Zheng Shao was so nervous that he ran out of the lounge and watched Shaohong's car drive slowly past before he gasped and said, "Oh, hey, ah-".

I'm afraid of being rubbed by her.

Mr. Gao also came, he was a tennis celebrity in another world in the parallel universe, McEnroe, took out a cigarette and handed it to everyone.

Lian Sheng said, "How can you let Mr. Gao take a cigarette?!".

Pull out your own cigarette.

Zheng Shao has been playing tennis for a long time, and he feels that he is too old to participate in the competition now, and sighs: "There is no way, if it was twenty years ago, it would have been about the same." "

In fact, they were all only in their forties at this time, of course, too old compared to professional sports, but still very young compared to amateurs.

Lin Ke is also a rebirth, in a bloody football game was kicked by the opposing team and killed on the spot, reincarnated in the hometown of football and played in the youth team for six years, failed to become a football player after expanding his interest in sports to play basketball and table tennis, swimming is also a hobby of his, not only in summer but also in winter. After retirement, my dream is to be a club owner, have my own team, lead a team of seniors, and go around playing and playing.

The tournament is scheduled to be held at the tennis court of Guangfa Bank, which has two tennis courts and a practice wall, which is considered the best except for the International Tennis Center in the High-tech Zone.

They drove off in several cars as if they were going to a group fight, and Lian Sheng sat in Po's car, and when he was about to reach the court, he suddenly said, "Oh, I didn't bring my sportswear!" and had to drive back to get it.

When they arrived at the stadium, it was not early, the road was full of cars parked, and there were colorful flags everywhere, and many traffic police officers were called by Xie Zhu to help maintain traffic order, and the scene was very grand, similar to the world's four Grand Slams.

They had to park their car far away and walk over, very excited.

The leaders of the city and the director of the sports bureau were also invited by Xie Zhu to participate in the opening ceremony, just over, Lian Sheng and Ah Bao did not catch up, I saw them greet everyone who came to participate in the game with a smile, and left after a while.

Liu Ju and Lin Ke did not participate in the game, Liu Ju felt that he was too old, and his wife did not let him participate, but Lin Ke injured his foot while playing not long ago and could not participate. They wanted to come to cheer, but when they saw that the leaders of the district did not come, they left after a while.

You can always see a middle-aged woman on the court, wearing a red trench coat and always smiling on her face.

Lian Sheng said to Bao: "She is the general manager of the distribution, I went with Zhang yesterday, she received us, and gave us a business card, and Zhang said that she has a good temperament." "

After the death of Zhang's wife, he is looking for a new partner and is interested in all women. The people he liked didn't take a fancy to him, and the people didn't like him.

Zheng Shao's wife came to help Zheng Shao with the child, their boy is already very old, can play basketball and tennis, and recently gave birth to this girl.

Zheng Shao sat next to Lian Sheng and Ah Bao, and after hearing Lian Sheng say this, he said to his wife: "That woman is the general manager of the distribution." "

His wife immediately said: "I know, Zhao Hongxia, assistant to the president, office director, general manager of the company, Huang Ke took me to meet her, she is engaged in public relations, she doesn't understand the bank's business, she is in her forties, her children are in high school, and the locals are ......" said so much in one breath.

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