They don't know if they become weirdos because they love it, or they love it because they are weirdos, they have played for two or three years, they never thought about going to the game, they heard that they were going to play, they were scared, lest they would not be able to pretend to be forced and godlike after losing, and brainstormed for many days.

The competition was going to be held soon, but they hadn't decided whether to participate or not, so at this time, Lord Xie called them again, and Lian Sheng answered the phone and handed it to Master Zhang.

After listening to the call, Master Zhang was very worried and said, "Let's take a look at it in the evening and make a decision after seeing the situation." "

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he said, "If you participate, you will participate, it's nothing." "

Po is a reborn and knows that they lost after going to participate, so he doesn't really want to participate, but he wants them to participate, saying, "After participating in this competition, the level will improve a lot." "

When Master Zhang heard this, he laughed and said, "You are really a person, just to have fun, so take it seriously." "

Lian Sheng also seemed to have made a lot of determination, and said, "Okay, go, it's good to get to know more people!"

In the evening, Bao drove them to the tennis court of the International Hotel to watch people practice, and saw that the two tennis courts were brightly lit and lively.

Xie Zhu is a director of the Political and Legal Committee, and he was originally playing with the city leaders, but later the city leaders were transferred, and Xie Zhu was hot-headed and organized this city-wide tennis tournament.

He hoped that the more people who came to participate in the event, the better, and when he saw them coming, he came over to greet them, saying: "The level of everyone is uneven, that time I came to your stadium to see you play, it will not be the worst, the three of you, I will find two or three more, make a team, represent the Eastern District, if you win the championship, the trophy will be taken back and placed on the court, which can improve the popularity of your stadium." "

Zhang Zhu has been worried about whether he will lose and what to do if he loses, and after hearing such words, he said angrily: "The popularity of our stadium is already very high in the city, and there is no need to improve it." "

Then Zhang Zhu and Lian Sheng discussed nervously, they planned to find someone to make a team by themselves, don't thank the master for helping them find someone to make a team, Lian Sheng said: "Find Lin Ke, he hits the ball very strongly." "

Lin Bureau is also a rebirth like Bao, the previous life was a serious football player, in a bloody football game was kicked by the opposing team members and killed on the spot, after rebirth and continued to play football, he played for six years in the youth team, failed to become a football player after expanding his interest in sports to play basketball and table tennis, swimming is also a hobby of his, swimming all year round, the first time to play tennis is the same as being very good at playing, the ball is "bang" straight sound, which is breathtaking and amazing.

Zhang Zhu said: "He hits the ball hard, but he always goes out of bounds. "

Thinking about it, he said: "He was injured, and he fought with Liu Ju the day before yesterday and injured his foot." "

A captain who was going to participate in both singles and doubles was looking for someone to play doubles with, and when he saw them, he came up to greet them and asked, "Do you play regularly?"

Lian Sheng said after a while: "Yes." After a while, he said, "No." "

Zhang Zhu and Lian Sheng wanted to go up and try out the game and go to the locker room to change clothes. The facilities here are much better than their stadium, there are several bathrooms, you can take a hot shower after a play, and it is also 5 star.

Master Zhang was always pretending to be forced and eloquent, and suddenly burst with confidence, and said to Lian Sheng: "If you lose, you will lose, we are all people who want five pages, and we are not as young as them." "

Five pages is fifty years old.

Zhang Zhu and Lian Sheng went up to play, I don't know if they were too nervous or not used to the court here, they played as if they couldn't play at all, either they couldn't hit the ball or they knocked the ball out of bounds.

After a while, Zhang Zhu slowly woke up from his sleep and said, "This stadium is weird. "

Lian Sheng also became alert and said, "Yes, it seems that the elasticity is not enough, and the ball can't jump." "Very quickly they got used to the pitch and the more they played, the better they played.

Zhang Zhu has been playing chipping, defending as an offense, waiting for work, and after playing two or three beautiful chipping balls, he floated, pretending to be forced to say: "Many people can't pick up my chipping! My chipping is amazing!".

After playing ball, Bao sent Zhang Zhu home and then sent Lian Sheng home.

On the way home to send Lian Sheng, Lian Sheng not only likes fortune telling but is also very good at calculating, while analyzing the situation, he said: "At first, Ah Zhang was very scared and didn't dare to come, I told him, don't be afraid! Why, I have seen many people play, and I have played with many people, Teacher Gao represents the highest level in the city, who else? "

He also said: "It would be nice if Shaw came to play doubles with me. "

Lian Sheng was a son-in-law in his previous life like A Xiao, and the two main personnel led by Zhang Zhu were all sons-in-law in his previous life, which can be regarded as a masterpiece. said: "Ah Zhang is unstable, sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad, I'm worried. "

said: "Don't say it, Ashaw is very resilient when he plays. "

didn't ask Po to play doubles with him.


A few days later, Bao drove Lian Sheng and Zhang Zhu to play on the tennis court of the International Hotel.

Lian Sheng is an alcoholic, and around the Spring Festival this year, he asked Ah Bao to help him buy wine from his classmates many times, and he bought many bottles each time.

He drank every day, and he didn't go out to drink at home, and every time he was full of alcohol, Po asked, "Are you drinking again?"

He said, "No." "

And he said, "I drank only a little bit." "

When they got to the pitch, they saw the captain and the other man playing against each other, and a lot of people were watching.

Because they are pulling against each other, they don't attack and move each other, and they have a lot of rounds, and they look like they are very good at fighting.

After the captain finished fighting, he came to Lian Sheng to fight, and said, "I saw you fight last night, and you played well." "

The two men fought against each other.

Lian Sheng is still too nervous, and the more he tries to play well, the worse he plays.

The captain told him not to be too nervous, he was very strong with those who knew him well, but he was humble to those who were not very familiar with him, and said: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, you can't be too nervous when you play." "

Lord Xie saw Lian Sheng standing in front of the net to block the net, and reminded him: "If you can't stop the net, you have to retreat immediately, you can't wait there anymore, and your chest will be used as a shield if you wait there again." "

Lian Sheng also said: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, I usually play casual ball, but I don't practice these." "

Soon he was playing better.

When Shaohong and Shaoqing heard that they were going to participate in the competition, their blood was boiling, and they came to see it with great interest tonight, planning to go and cheer them up when the time came.

Shaohong looks amazing, she is the reincarnation of the empress, the empress when she plays is a madman, and the empress when she doesn't play is also a madman.

Shaoqing saw Lian Sheng hit a few beautiful balls, and shouted: "Okay, Brother Lian Sheng will play these balls well!"

Shaoqing was still very broken-mouthed, and when he saw Lian Sheng coming down after playing, he said, "Brother Lian Sheng played well tonight without drinking!".

Ah Bao looked very strange and asked Lian Sheng, "How does she know that you are drinking?"

Lian Sheng said: "The night before yesterday they came to our court to play, I drank a little wine, played a little gaffe, that night my friends were having dinner at my house, I accidentally poured too much wine. "

It turned out that they had invited someone to their stadium the day before yesterday to play a game.

Xie Zhu watched Ah Bao play not long ago, and thought he was playing well, and saw that he was always standing by and watching, and didn't go up to play, so he asked, "Why don't you go up to play?"

Po is a reborn, knowing that they lost this competition and doesn't want to participate, he said, "The number has arrived." "

He said: "I mean everybody is coming, the more lively the better, in addition to the main players there are also a lot of substitutes. "

Later, Xie Zhu and Zhang Zhu didn't know why they quarreled, Xie Zhu originally planned to ask the three of them to participate, he found two or three more, and made a team to represent the Eastern District, if he won the championship, the trophy was put on the court, and it could also improve the popularity of their stadium, but Zhang Zhu planned to make up a team by himself, and also applied for funds from the district government.

Xie Zhu said: "I invited you to participate and did not ask you to report to the district government. "

Zhang Zhu did not show weakness and said: "I am working for the district government, not for you." "

Lord Xie couldn't help him, and said, "Okay, okay, the four of you go and make two pairs, and participate by yourself, it seems that you also have a lot of personality, okay?"

Lord Xie pulled Lian Sheng outside and said, "I originally planned to ask you and Ah Xiao to participate, if Master Zhang doesn't want to participate, forget it." "

Lian Sheng said: "If the three of us go to participate, they will play doubles and I will play singles." "

Xie Zhu said: "I already have someone to fight singles." "

At this time, Lord Xie saw a few beautiful balls played by a junior brother at the door, and said, "Those junior brothers are playing very well." "

Shaoqing and Shaohong watched for a while and then wanted to leave, so they asked Master Zhang to go together. Zhang mainly went back with them.

Lian Sheng didn't want to go back, so he said to Bao: "He wants to take their car back, we have our own car, and we will go back after a while." "

At this time, a man named Mr. Cai drove a "Mercedes-Benz" and hurried over, and when he came in, he said with a smile: "It's so lively!".

Lord Xie said: "No matter how lively it is, you are welcome, and you have already been asked to play the main force." "

Mr. Cai played well, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to his image, taking out the ball from his trouser pocket, his trouser pocket was always turned outside, like a wild dog sticking out his tongue on a hot day. Lian Sheng fought with him for a while.

On the way home, Lian Sheng didn't know why he scolded the captain, saying: "He came to play doubles with me, but he is familiar with the rules, he has practiced doubles, if he plays singles with me, he must be beaten by me very badly, pretending." "

said: "If you can't find anyone at that time, the two of us will play doubles together, your ball is not a threat, and it is okay to defend." "

Suddenly remembered and said, "Oh, by the way, I came to ask Mr. Gao to find his students, what a stupid, his students are so right, I didn't expect it!".

Lord Xie asked Ah Bao to participate, and Ah Bao began to want to participate, but he didn't know if Zhang Zhu and Lian Sheng wanted to ask him to participate, and he planned to participate if they called it, and if they didn't call, they wouldn't participate, it didn't matter.

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