Monsters on all sides.

was easily blocked fifty miles outside the territory.

A bow tower full of bowstrings.

The fireballs with the size of the face kept throwing out.

Thunder is jumping!

The storm is sweeping!

The flames are burning!

Sword Qi is waving!

The province's towers are in full swing.

Deliver a covering strike at a group of monsters in the distance.

Fish that slipped through the net.

It was left to the soldiers to solve.

And those little bosses.

was blocked by one hero after another.

The situation is very good.

The heroes lived up to expectations.

Each one of them has shown good combat power.

Keep blocking mini-bosses.

They even rubbed each other on the ground!

Spider Queen Lilith.

Pieces of flesh were torn off.

The movement of the eight limbs is extremely fast.

There were almost afterimages.

The boss can't catch the other party at all.


Lilith will also switch to a humanoid form.

Unleash skills in the humanoid state.

The two patterns are constantly switching.

Deal a lot of damage!

One person.

dragged two 087 bosses.

In the other direction.

Alice's white python.

Directly entwined the boss to death.

Stout body.

Constant shrinkage.

Countless blood gushed out.

stained with her white, shiny scales.

The boss's hands are constantly tearing Alice.

But it was blocked by scales.

Burst into sparks.

Only white marks can be left.

Even the armor couldn't be broken.

"Sword Dance!"

Karen whispered.

Under her feet.

A white lotus blooms.

Her figure flickered.

appeared in front of the boss.

The holy sword in her hand swung it.

Every attack.

They are like the petals of a lotus flower.

The special effects are directly full!

Roses are not weak either.

The profession she chose was a very wild one.

Named Martial Artist.

A pair of jade hands are wrapped in fist gloves.

She threw a punch.

Will boss the flesh.

It's easy to punch a blood hole (CIFG)!

Even punched out a cavity!

In the other direction.

Ruth is like a dancing elf.

The sword of judgment in her hands.

Dancing softly.

Peel off each other's pieces of meat.

Then the light flickered.

Purify it straight away!

Be the embodiment of emotion.

Nature is within the purification of pure Light.

Mengyun held a long whip.

Keep pumping at several bosses.

A long whip woven by the power of dreams.

Each hit can blow up part of the boss's body.

And that's not all.

They are under attack.

Also caught up in the unreal.


It's in a state of being beaten passively!

See nothing unexpected in everything.

Yan Ling'er clenched the god-killing spear in her hand.

The body is half-squatting.

Then it turned into a flame and rushed out.

Monsters along the way.

Naturally, there was no surprise.

There is nothing left of the ashes that have been destroyed!

Yan Ling'er is the strength of one person.

directly confronted the big boss of this wave.

Lord of Greed!

The godkiller spear was in her hands.

Flexibility. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yan Ling'er showed her superb gun skills.

The godkiller spear was in her hands.

Like a long nimble snake.

"Ling'er's skills are getting more and more exquisite. "

Kirin Hui praised.

Qin Mo nodded.

He was pressed back by a pair of small hands.

Qin Mo squinted.

Enjoy the soft headrest.

on the shoulders.

A pair of small hands gently massaged.

It's Megumi Kirin.

But by the way.

But it's a childlike giant golden branch.

It's like leaning on a water polo. []

The comfort was nice.

Jin Zhi blushed.


Kirin Megumi is behind him.

His hands were wrapped around the golden branches.

Massage Qin Mo's shoulders.

Feel the front and back pinch.

Jin Zhixiao's face flushed.

The little white and tender hands are twisted together.

But the upper body did not dare to move.

So as not to make Qin Mo feel uncomfortable.

"Take it easy. "

Kirin Megumi said softly.

Jin Zhi bowed slightly.

Relax your tense body as much as possible.

Outside the territory.

The first boss begins to die.

It's like dominoes.


The second.

The third boss dies one after another.

More than a dozen bosses.

All were killed without exception!

And the number of densely packed flesh monsters.

It is also visible to the naked eye.

"Sister Ling'er, I'm here to help you!"

Shui Yue pinched her staff.

Fly towards Yan Ling'er.

The boss she's going to deal with.

At this time, it was like a puddle of mud.

The Red Flame Army, which swept away the flesh monsters, stepped forward.

A fire was lit.

Burn it down.

Don't let other monsters have a chance to devour it.

Ruth's sword of judgment pointed.

Intense release of holy light.

Wipe out the remains of the boss after it dies.

Not even a drop of blood remained!

Lilith will switch humanoids.

One glance at the flesh rotted by venom.

I left without looking back.

The Red Flame Army set a fire.

Guards on all sides.

Don't let other monsters have a chance to devour it.

Alice also smoothly squeezed the other party into meat sauce.

"Faerie fairy, help me rinse it off!"

She maintained the body of a snake.

He glanced at the bloody body with a look of disgust.

That's all left over from the boss.

Lift your head.

She spoke to the water fairy.

"Okay, okay!"

The water fairy happily agreed.

Come forward.

Gather the water element.

Rinse Alice's body.

"Whew. "

"It's still comfortable when it's clean!"

Alice switches to a humanoid snake form.

A comfortable face.

"Thank you. "

She thanked the water fairy.

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