"Hey, hey. "

"Look at my transformation!"

Alice smirked.

A special surge of energy.

Her size skyrocketed in an instant!

Alice with a snake tail.

Turn into a terrifying white python!

The white scales sparkle.

It looks sturdy.


Alice roared.

Crawl towards your goal.

Don't look at her huge size at this time.

The action is also extremely fast.

Rose is a Warlord.

Her own rank is not low.

Up to level 80!

Plus a gold suit.

There is also the blessing of Qin Mo's territorial characteristics.

Her combat power has exploded!

It's not weaker than the heroes.

Acquisition of great strength.

It also made her glad that she had made the decision in the first place!

Such amazing strength.

It's so addictive!

"First shot. "

"It's not too embarrassing. "

The wings behind Ruth spread.

Slender jade hands.

Two swords emerge.

One hand mercy.

First-hand trial.


The level of Human Ruth has also been raised to around level 60.

A strong attribute.

You can open the mountain, you can break the river!


The power she wields now.

Very pure power of Light.

Even if it's all your might.

The Bright Dragon God will not have the slightest induction.


She wielded the power of the divine Ruth.

Ruth shook her wings in a hurry.

Rush to the battlefield.

The squad that followed her followed.

Strangled all the flesh monsters along the way!

The characteristics of this group of monsters.

They figured it out, too.

One shot.

It is annihilation!

Since you are greedy and devour everything.

It can also produce evolution.

I will destroy you once and for all!

Leave no trace.

And how do you devour it?

Above the city walls.

Qin Mo leisurely tasted the sweet milk.

Jin Zhi was brought over by Kirin Megumi.

No way.

Childe's tastes have been raised.

Usual drinks and liquor.

He doesn't like to drink anymore.

Milk provided by the ancient druids.

It has become Qin Mo's exclusive drink.

"Weak River!"

Shui Yue raised the staff of weak water in his hand in the air.

The weak water projection was summoned.

A rushing river emerges in mid-air.

The momentum was far away.

Under the control of Shui Yue.

Weak rivers fall into mortal dust.

Washed up on the earth!

The flesh monster groaned.

Not even a trace of it remained in the mortal dust.

Even if they are crazy to devour weak water.

But it is destined to be useless.

Weak water.

Even if it's just a projection.

It's not something they can devour!


The towers didn't stop outputting either.

Let it have as many enemies as it has.

I can't cross that death line at all!

Heavy Swordsman.

Puppet giants.

Saturation Cover Blow!

And the tough soldiers.

These flesh monsters.

It's just that they came up to die!

Soon. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A greedy maniae like a hill.

I also came closer.


A finger of the Staff of Water Joy.

A river of weak water that tortures monsters among flesh monsters.

Swept towards the hill-like mini-boss.

A mighty river of weak water.

Entangle the mini-boss in it.

Constantly washing.

Roshan-like body.

It is constantly washed away by weak rivers.

Layer by layer scraped off.

The hideous face of greed.

There was a look of horror.

It struggled to escape. []

But he stood still.

Open your mouth to devour the weak water.

But after two sips, I didn't dare to speak.

The weak water it drinks continues to flush through its body.

There is no intention of assimilation.

Any monster.

The inside is generally much more fragile than the outside.

It's drinking a little more.

I'm afraid that I'm going to be broken through from the inside and brush to death!

"Hey, hey. "

Shui Yue smiled triumphantly.

With the blessing of super high spiritual attributes.

The width of the river, the content of the current, the velocity of the river.

And the damage.

It's also improved a lot.

Although there is quite a difference in rank.

But Shui Yue is not weak at all this kind of little boss!


Several of the Red Flame Army formed a military formation.


There were also a few hoplite swordsmen.

They are the strongest shields.

Got in the way.

Dream weavers, water fairies, Ganges hatchers.

Attack behind them.

Wisps of dreamy ribbons whipped constantly.

One hit.

will directly blow up the opponent.

A little bit of dreamy light sprinkled.

The flesh and blood monster with a greedy face fell into a psychedelic state.

Killed the friendly soldiers.

The other side.

Lilith in spider form goes on a rampage.

The eight limbs are extremely sharp.

It's a breeze.

and tear the monsters along the way to pieces.

The nearby "little spiders" are like tanks.

(of Nuo Zhao) on a rampage.

Tear apart countless monsters.

He was killed again by the soldiers who followed him.

It can be said that not even the fragments have flowed down!

The Red Flame Army controls the flames.

Not even a single trace of blood remained.


Lilith collided directly with the hill-like boss.

The greedy rulers are indeed not small.

The size is like a hill.

But Lilith isn't weak either.

Huge and flexible.

Jumped on the boss's body and kept tearing.

Flesh and blood blur.

Pieces of flesh were torn off.

and was followed by the "little spider".

Give the violent crushing.

The flames beat.

Incinerate the debris.

It's very targeted!


are all moving towards the plan.

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