【In 1971, a coup occurred in Uganda. Army Commander Idi Amin took advantage of President Obote's overseas visit to seize power in Uganda and began a brutal dictatorship.】

【Obote was classified as a criminal by Amin and was not allowed to return to the country. Finally, in desperation, Tanzanian President Nyerere accepted him.】

【Subsequently, Obote led his cronies to establish a government-in-exile in Tanzania and called for the overthrow of the Amin dictatorship internationally.】

【Amin is one of the three major tyrants in Africa. He acted recklessly in Uganda, which caused the economy of Uganda to plummet throughout the 1970s.】

【Because Amin indulges in extravagance and abuses the people in this world-class poor country, various forces in the country have been pushed to the brink of rebellion.】

"Amin, this one is even more heavyweight, the number one devil in Africa, the man-eating devil."

"Reply - Cannibalism? real or fake? Are there still such people in modern society?"

"Reply - Really, after this guy killed his lover's boyfriend, he cooked the man's body and ate it alive."

"Reply - Damn, you're a pervert"

"Amin was simply a tyrant among tyrants. He killed hundreds of thousands of Uganda people and threw their bodies into the river, blocking the flow of the river."

"Amin once sent a telegram to the queen of the country where the sun never sets, asking the queen to give him her old underwear as a gift. It was so weird."

"Amin once ordered the arrest of all people with the surname Obote across the country. His logic was that anyone with the surname Obote was a supporter of former President Obote. He would rather kill by mistake than let go, so he killed more than 10,000 people with the surname Obote. people of obote"

"Among all tyrants, Amin is a very explosive existence."


The ancient people of all dynasties were stunned when they looked at the giant screen in the sky.

This man named A Ming is simply too cruel.

All these behaviors are simply outrageous!

For a time, many ancient people angrily denounced Amin as an unscrupulous tyrant.

But at the same time.

The ancients were also curious in their hearts, what does this have to do with Tanzanaria?

Is it possible that the Tanzanian National Defense Force, which was trained by the instructors of the Dragon Kingdom, fought its first battle with Amin's Uganda?

This guess of the ancients was quickly confirmed


【Because Tanzanian President Nyerere took in former Ugandan President Obote, Amin had a grudge against Tanzanian President Nyerere.】

【In October 1978, Amin addressed the nation. He claimed that Uganda had been shrouded in a conspiracy. Obote wanted to subvert the regime and kill himself, and the man behind the scenes was Tanzanian President Nyerere.】

【Subsequently, Amin formally declared war on Tanzania】

【In the early morning of October 30, 1978, he sent tens of thousands of troops directly into Tanzania.】

【After Africa emerged from the colonial era, this was the first time that an African country launched a"national war" with the goal of overthrowing an enemy government."】

【Therefore, this war also attracted widespread attention from the international community at that time.】

【At the beginning of the war, because Tanzania was unprepared for the war and the government had no war plan, Kagera Province in northwestern Tanzania and bordering Uganda fell within a week.】

【Amin was so happy that Karage Province was obtained without any effort, and he publicly made an insulting speech to Tanzanian President Nyerere.】

【But what he didn't know was that the Tanzanian Defense Forces were already preparing to counterattack】

【What he didn't even know was that the Tanzanian National Defense Force, which had been trained by Dragon Kingdom instructors, could be said to be unparalleled in the African continent at that time.】

【Moreover, the instructors of the Dragon Kingdom also formulated tactics suitable for the Tanzanian Defense Forces: first, planes dropped bombs, then artillery washed the ground, and finally tanks and infantry attacked.】

【With just three simple axes, the Uganda army was quickly defeated.】

【In less than a month, the Tanzanian Defense Forces drove all the Uganda troops out of the Tanzanian border and began a counterattack】

【In January 1979, the Tanzanian Defense Forces officially entered Uganda and launched a counterattack. They were unstoppable and reached Kampala, the country's capital.】

"For the African army, infantry-tank coordination is not easy. The Tanzanian National Defense Force is one of the very few African armies whose infantry-tank coordination will not kill its own people."

"Reply - That's it. If they could learn the true synergy between tanks and infantry, they would have unified Africa long ago."

"Tanzanian National Defense Force: Although I am a loser, I have a good mentor."

"The silver trained by a group of kings is enough to defeat bronze."

"The Five Permanent Leaders all led African armies, and it was our Dragon Kingdom that taught the Tanzanian National Defense Force a little bit and became the ace army on the African continent at that time."

"Reply - Big Brother's instructor finally decided to join it himself, saying that he really couldn't teach it."

"Reply - Speaking of which, Uganda’s army was also trained with the help of Big Brother, but it’s still far behind."

"Being able to die at the hands of an African disciple who is the strongest light infantryman in the world is the highest honor for Uganda soldiers."


The ancient people of all dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky and were extremely shocked.

The situation on the battlefield changes too quickly.

In such a short period of time, the Tanzanian Defense Forces were almost able to counterattack their opponent's capital. It was simply outrageous.

It can only show that the combat effectiveness of the two armies is too far apart.

"The instructors in Longguo are really amazing."

Many ancient people sighed in their hearts.

They knew very well that the Tanzanian Defense Force, which was originally a group of stragglers, became so capable of fighting. It was all the credit of the instructors of the Dragon Kingdom. The plane of Emperor Taizong of the

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at the giant screen high in the sky He shook his head and said:

"Far worse than the Dragon Kingdom army"

"What your Majesty said is absolutely true. The Tanzanian Defense Force is far from being comparable to the Dragon Kingdom Army. However, it was enough to defeat their enemies."

Li Jing opened his mouth to reply.

Li Shimin opened his mouth and said:

"The pharmacist is right"

"However, my expectations for this Tanzanian Defense Force were a bit too high. I thought that even if they were not as good as the Dragon Kingdom army, they could at least be 30% better."

"But looking at it now, I am afraid that it is not even 10% of the level of the Dragon Kingdom's army. Li

Jing replied:

"Your Majesty, there is no army like the Dragon Kingdom Army in history. If it can reach 30% of their level, it must be a strong army, and it cannot be built in a short period of training."

"To be able to make the Tanzanian National Defense Force become like this, the training methods of the Dragon Kingdom instructors are already very good."

The other famous generals of the Tang Dynasty nodded in agreement with this statement.

They have seen what the original Tanzanian Defense Force looked like before.

To describe it as a mob is an exaggeration.

But now it can at least be said that it is It's an army, and it's pretty organized between advance and retreat.

"Medicine Master, I think we, the Tang Dynasty, can also learn some of the military training methods of the Dragon Kingdom army. I leave this matter to you."

Li Shimin said to Li Jing

"Obey the decree."

Li Jing replied


【In the face of repeated defeats, Amin hurriedly turned to Lybia's Ka Dazuo for help.】

【Ka Dazuo agreed to Amin's request and sent an elite army equipped with all Big Brother weapons to support】

【In March 1979, just as the Tanzanian Defense Forces were about to reach Kampala, the capital of Uganda, they met with the Libyan and Ugandan coalition forces in Lukaya, a city in central Uganda.】

【Under the planning of the Dragon Kingdom's military advisers, the Tanzanian army lured the enemy deep into the country and encircled the Libyan and Uganda coalition forces in a roundabout way in the vast swamp area in the northern part of the Lucaya region.】

【After a great battle, the Libyan and Uganda coalition forces were defeated, and they lost almost all their heavy weapons.】

【The Tanzanian army took advantage of the situation to advance and soon occupied most of the territory, including the capital of Uganda.】

【With the fall of most of Uganda's airports, the Libyan army that was finally trapped in Uganda surrendered to the Tanzanian army.】

【Amin fled in panic and went into exile overseas】

【The Ukraine-Tanzania war was also the first time in modern times that one country overthrew the regime of another country by force on the African continent.】

【Tanzanian troops will remain in Uganda after the war ends until democratic elections are organized in Uganda and national procedures return to normal.】

"Is this going to destroy the other party's country?"

Many ancient people in the past dynasties were filled with emotion.

When they first saw that group of Tanzanian troops, who would have thought that such an army could have such combat effectiveness?

This is the result of the destruction of the country.

It can only be said that the Dragon Kingdom The instructors are so awesome that the Tanzanian army has been completely transformed.


【After this battle, Tanzania became famous in one fell swoop, and no country in Africa dared to provoke Tanzania anymore.】

【At the same time, it also made the Tanzanian army's master, the Longguo Army, famous. Many African countries came to Longguo's military academy to study.】

【So much so that people jokingly say that the wars fought in African countries are the result of military academies in the Dragon Kingdom.They are at each other's throats because their commanders all came back from military academies in the Dragon Kingdom.】

【For example, the subsequent war between North and South Sudan was also called the civil war between the two military academies of Long Kingdom because the commanders of both sides came from Long National Defense University and International Zhuang Army Command College respectively.】

【According to online legend, at that time, the two schools even sent instructors to mediate.】

"The graduates of the International Army Command College won the battle and beat up the graduates of the National Defense University on the battlefield."

"Reply - There is no way. The National Defense University is about strategy and the Command College is about tactics. There is no need for strategy in Africa."

"Reply - It's okay. Although the graduates of the National Defense University lost the battle, the National Defense University merged the command college. (happy)"

"Reply - If you can't beat me head-on, just cut off the backup, right?"

"Reply - Tactically lost, strategically won. (laugh)"



Ancient people of all dynasties were numb.

Can it still be like this?

This situation is really a bit bizarre.

They are all disciples trained by the Dragon Kingdom. Wouldn't that be a civil war within the same sect? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The plane of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin thought about it for a while and said to Li Jing:

"Pharmacist, I find the military academy of the Later Dragon Kingdom, which specializes in training generals, quite interesting. We in the Tang Dynasty can also set up one."

"In this way, our Tang Dynasty will not be short of people to lead troops in the future."

"Running a military academy? What to do about this?"

Li Jing was a little confused.

He didn't know what the military academy of the Dragon Kingdom would look like in later generations.

How could he act as a reference?

Li Shimin replied:

"I think it should be similar to the Imperial College"

"It's just that the Imperial Academy teaches the knowledge of saints, while the military academy teaches the knowledge of the art of war and trains generals."

"I understand."

Li Jing replied.

After saying this, he understood


【In just a dozen years, our country has trained six presidents, eight defense ministers, and countless senior generals for the African region.】

【Nowadays, in the African Military Region, whether one can speak fluent Chinese has become one of the important conditions for identifying whether one is a senior military general.】

【In the African Military Region, the most frequently shouted slogans are: stand at attention, take a break, look forward, one, two, three, four. 】

The high-altitude giant screen video played a clip of a military exercise in the African country Rwanda.

I saw these Lu Wangda soldiers first marching in order and shouting loudly in fluent Chinese:

".look forward"

"one two three four!"


Lu Wanda's soldiers began to conduct various drills

"This feels right, good practice"

"This phalanx, this pace, tastes like a rabbit"

"Not to mention, this formation is a bit interesting, it has actually evolved to the point where it can use tactical formations."

"Rabbit spirit"

"This sentence of"killing" is a bit confusing."

"Place it in the African region to properly reduce dimensionality and attack"


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties watched these African soldiers speaking fluent Chinese and walking with them.The formation of the Chinese army is similar, which feels weird.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di opened his mouth and said:

"This is stronger than the army just now"

"Indeed, there is a bit of the Dragon Kingdom army."

Zhu Zhanji replied.


Zhu Zhanji sighed again:

"The military academy of Dragon Kingdom is still very powerful."

What African soldiers are like has been fully demonstrated in the previous video. It is really not something that ordinary people can do to train the African army to look like this.

At this time, this video on the high-altitude giant screen was played by the Rwanda army. The song session ends.

A new video appears

【How terrifying is the combat effectiveness of an aircraft carrier formation? Disintegrate all your armed forces beyond sight! 】

This video title instantly attracted the attention of many ancient people throughout the ages.

They know a little bit about the aircraft carrier.

In the previous video of the Dragon Kingdom Industrial Survey, they learned that a rope on the aircraft carrier called the aircraft carrier blocking rope was worth thousands of gold.

At that time, I was very curious about what exactly an aircraft carrier is?

【As we all know, the full name of aircraft carrier is aircraft carrier. It is a large surface combat ship that uses carrier-based aircraft as its main combat equipment and provides a base for maritime activities.】

【I believe all netizens know how important an aircraft carrier is. It is definitely a real weapon of a great power!】

【Relying on aircraft carriers, a country can exert military pressure and conduct operations on other countries far away from its territory and without relying on local airports.】

【Aircraft carriers have great attack power, good maneuverability, seaworthiness, seakeeping, and strong protective capabilities. They usually form an aircraft carrier battle group with escort ships such as cruisers, destroyers, frigates, submarines, and supply ships to perform combat missions.】

【This aircraft carrier battle group is referred to as the aircraft carrier formation.】

【Regarding the combat effectiveness of aircraft carrier formations, a saying once circulated on the Internet: Of the 233 countries and regions in the world today, there are no more than 20 countries and regions that can withstand the attack of two aircraft carrier formations. There are no countries and regions that dare to directly turn against two aircraft carrier formations. No more than 10 regions】

【And we all know that nearly 7% of the world is ocean】

【In other words, surface combat ships like aircraft carriers have a very large range of activities and can reach almost any region in the world to carry out military operations to achieve political goals. To put it bluntly, they can hit whoever they want.】


Hearing this, many ancient people from all dynasties took a breath.

In other words, two aircraft carrier formations can destroy any country in the world except 20 countries, and the whole world There are so many countries.

It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier formation is terrifying.

Moreover, the range of activities of this aircraft carrier formation can cover almost any area in the world.

This is even more terrifying!

The powerful combat effectiveness coupled with the huge coverage area is simply terrifying..The

Chengzu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Zhanji said in shock:

"This is an artifact to destroy the country!"

Zhu Di nodded.

It is true.

Such a weapon is indeed an unparalleled artifact to destroy the country.


【So, why can the aircraft carrier formation have such a powerful combat effectiveness?】

【Today, the UP host will take you to learn more about it】

【To discuss the combat effectiveness of an aircraft carrier formation, we must first take a look at what an aircraft carrier formation usually has. pregnant】

【Below, we will use the Ford-class aircraft carrier formation of the Chinese Navy as an example to explain in detail. 】

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties looked at the high-altitude giant screen more intently. They eagerly wanted to know, what is an aircraft carrier formation? Why does it have such terrifying combat power?.

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