In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refreshed again

【How powerful is the"African Great Disciple" who is a direct descendant of the Dragon Kingdom Army? Fight all over Africa with an invincible hand! 】

The title flashed and the main film started

【In the impression of many people, African brothers have a mysterious shooting posture when fighting.】

【Some don't take aim, just raise their guns and shoot randomly. Some raise their rifles high above their heads and shoot. If the enemy is not a 2-meter-long man, he may never be hit.】

【It is said that a warlord civil war once broke out in an African country, with hundreds of people fighting on both sides. Although they were equipped with fully automatic weapons and even used RPG rocket launchers, they consumed a lot of ammunition. However, after a day of fierce fighting, there were no casualties on either side.】

"When you meet an opponent in chess, you will meet a good talent. It is indeed an excellent matching mechanism in the African region."

"African Brothers: Who said you need to aim when shooting? The main focus is on randomness! (dog head)"

"A peaceful and friendly war, haha. (dog head)"

"If you know how to use these weapons, that's good enough, so don't ask for more. (dog head)"


Along with the narration and barrage, a mixed video of some African soldiers fighting and shooting was played on a high-altitude giant screen.

Watching these videos, ancient people of all dynasties became numb.

The marksmanship of these African soldiers is simply unsightly.

The shooting videos they had seen from the high-altitude giant screen were all shots fired by Dragon Kingdom army soldiers.

When the African soldiers on the giant screen in front of them were shooting, let alone one out of ten bullets, it was simply impossible to hit one out of a hundred bullets.

It's not a matter of aiming accurately, it's a matter of not aiming at all!

This was an eye-opener for the ancient people of all dynasties. They did not expect that there would be such an army in later generations.

No, these people are not an army at all, they are completely stragglers.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di shook his head and said:

"Although these people use better firearms, in terms of marksmanship, they are far inferior to the soldiers of my Daming Shenji Battalion."

Although the firearms of the Daming Shenji Battalion are lagging behind, at least the soldiers have been trained in their shooting and aiming abilities.

As for the African soldiers in the giant screen, Zhu Di looked at them as stragglers who have not been trained.

When they use firearms to shoot, they are completely random. There is no structure and no training.

Zhu Zhanji on the side also sighed:

"It seems that not all the armies of later generations are stronger than my 13 Ming Dynasty."

The armies he had seen before, whether they were the Dragon Kingdom army or the opponents of the Dragon Kingdom army, were all elite.

Even if those advanced weapons were put aside, with the same weapons, Zhu Zhanji also felt that the Ming Dynasty's Shenji Battalion was no match.

But with these African troops on the giant screen in front of him, Zhu Zhanji felt that under the same weapon conditions, the Ming Dynasty's Shenji Battalion definitely had a chance to win!


【Although some African warlords do fight like child's play, there are still some African armies that are very capable of fighting.】

【The most combat-effective among them is naturally the Tanzanian army known as the African Dragon Army.】

【This army learned from the army of the Dragon Kingdom. At that time, when the whole world either learned from the army of the Eagle Kingdom or the army of the Brotherhood, only this Tanzanian army took the lead in learning the tactics of the Dragon Kingdom army.】

【The Tanzanian army, which was originally no different from other African armies, almost swept across Africa after being trained by Dragon Kingdom army instructors.】

【Not only did they defeat the tyrant Amin of Uganda, but even the Kadzo of Libya had to give in three points, and they also won the glorious title of"East African Dragon Army"】

【This makes people curious, why did Longguo help Tanzanaria back then? And what did Tangolia learn from the Dragon Kingdom army, and why did its strength increase so quickly? ]

These words instantly aroused the curiosity of ancient people throughout the ages.

They already knew how strong the Dragon Kingdom's army was, and now they just knew how bad the African army was.

So, how did the Dragon Kingdom army train such an army to become stronger?

Among these ancients, those generals who led armies in various dynasties and generations were particularly interested.

They have long been covetous of the Dragon Kingdom's military training method.

If they can learn the military training methods of the Dragon Kingdom army from the following video content, it will undoubtedly be a huge surprise for them.


【It all started in the 1960s】

【Historically, Tanzania has faced colonial rule by Western countries for a long time. It was not until 1963 that Tanzania officially declared its independence, and the United Republic of Tanzania was established the next year.】

【At that time, Tanzania was in dire straits, the country's economy was very weak, and people's lives were also very difficult.】

【But President Nyerere at the time quickly found a breakthrough, which was to use the country's rich mineral resources to develop the economy.】

【Although Tanzania is very poor, it is rich in mineral resources. Its proven reserves of gold, diamonds, natural gas, and various gemstones are among the highest in Africa.】

【More importantly, Tanzania faces the Indian Ocean to the east, which facilitates the export of minerals overseas. It can be said that relying solely on mineral resources is enough for Tanzania to develop.】

"Gold, gems?"

Many ancient people in the past dynasties were instantly refreshed.

As the saying goes, wealth and silk move people's hearts.

Upon hearing that there are many gold and gemstones in Tanzanaria, many ancient people in the past dynasties have become very interested in this place.

Especially those who originally planned to The big businessmen who went to the Americas to look for gold have even begun to ask their servants to bring maps of the world.

They think that if possible, they can stop by this country on the way to the Americas.

Not only are they tempted They are big businessmen.

Even many emperors are considering whether to let the fleet sent out to search for America make another trip to Tanzanian.

After all, who would have too little gold and gems?

And according to the giant People behind the scenes said that it would be more convenient since Tanzanaria is close to the sea and can be reached by fleets.


【But the problem is that Tanzania has no mining technology, no railway ports and other facilities, and no money to hire workers. It has a lot of resources but cannot use them at all.】

【Faced with such suffering, Nyerere once tried to request support from the United Nations, hoping to get European and American countries to help him or give him some loans, but he never thought of it, but was rejected.】

【Just when he was at a loss, Nyerere suddenly thought of the Dragon Kingdom】

【At that time, the Dragon Kingdom had just been established and was facing a diplomatic blockade by Western countries. In order to break this situation, our country established deep friendship with countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and supported the development and national liberation movements of many African countries.】

【Therefore, the image of the Dragon Kingdom as a peace-loving and responsible power has begun to take root in the hearts of the people and is quite prestigious in the hearts of African brothers, so Nyerere decided to try his luck in the Dragon Kingdom.】

【After meeting our senior officials in Long Guo, Nyerere cautiously made a request, hoping that Long Guo could help them build a Tanzania-Zambia railway.】

【Initially, Nyerere did not have high hopes because he knew that the country's own economy was also in very difficult conditions at that time, so he was just trying his luck.】

【Unexpectedly, our senior officials firmly expressed their willingness to help, which made Nyerere full of gratitude to our country.】

"To build this railway, we paid a high price and sent tens of thousands of people there."

"During the construction of the railway, more than seventy of our experts died due to fatigue."

"We also advanced the money for road construction. Tanzania and Zambia would have no money at all."


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Zhi looked at the numerous barrage in the sky and said in confusion:

"Why does the Dragon Kingdom work so hard to help this country?"

"This is just a small country, and it is in far away Africa, far away from the Dragon Kingdom."

Li Zhi stretched out his hand and pointed at the world map placed in front of him and Li Shimin.

Li Shimin calmly replied:

"When the Dragon Kingdom does this, it should consider its own interests."

"Their leader and teacher once said: We must defeat a few enemies and many friends."

"Helping this small country can, on the one hand, win over this small country, and on the other hand, it can help win over other African countries in the future."

"Just like when a small country in the Western Region asks us for help from the Tang Dynasty, if it is good for the Tang Dynasty, I will also help."

"Do you still remember the words of the people of future generations?"

"Any decision a country makes is based on national interests."

"This makes sense, you should keep it in mind"

"When you become the Lord of the Tang Dynasty in the future, any decision you make must put the interests of the Tang Dynasty first."

Li Shimin took the opportunity to teach Li Zhi something

"Yes, my father, my sons and I will remember my father’s teachings."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Zhi replied respectfully


【It is precisely because of this aid that Longguo has opened up new areas of diplomacy, established friendly exchanges with more African countries, and laid an important foundation for Longguo's enterprises to go abroad in the future.】

【Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom achieved success in many subsequent international affairs precisely because of the support of the third world countries in Latin America and Africa. The most representative one was the restoration of its legal seat in the United Nations. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty

"Just as father expected."

Li Zhi admired Li Shimin even more.

【Let’s talk about the Dragon Kingdom and Tanzania】

【During his many visits to the Dragon Kingdom, Nyerere saw the well-trained troops of the Dragon Kingdom.】

【He had long heard about the heroic performance of the Dragon Kingdom army in the Battle of the Founding of the Republic, and during many visits, he was deeply shocked by the strict discipline and tenacious fighting of the Dragon Kingdom army.】

【Thinking back to the group of stragglers in his country, Nyerere couldn't help but feel very ashamed. At the same time, he also came up with the idea of ​​asking the Dragon Kingdom to help him train his army.】

【In line with the fraternal principle of"if you have something to say, we will help you until the end", our country readily agreed to Nyerere's request and quickly selected an outstanding officer from the Jijizhuang Army Academy in Hebei Province to train in the army.】

【However, when they saw the real Tanzanian Defense Forces, they realized that this task was simply impossible.】

【They have never been on the battlefield and have never touched a gun. They cannot understand the commands and are disobedient to discipline. The military uniforms are loose and loose, and the people standing in line are staggering.】

【When it comes to marksmanship, let alone being able to penetrate a target with a hundred steps and ten rings, whether you can find the bolt and trigger is a problem.】[]

【If you don’t have good hardware skills, you can still learn slowly. What’s even more troublesome is that these people don’t know what"obeying orders and executing orders" means."】

【When the instructor's assembly whistle blows, the one-day tour group coming towards you is from Tanzania. They are disheveled, shouting and drinking, and just stop in the team lazily. There is no discipline at all. 】

Looking at the video content on the high-altitude giant screen.

Many generals throughout the dynasties shook their heads.

This Tanzanian National Defense Force is not an army at all. It is worse than bandits. It has no sense of military discipline and does not look like a soldier at all.

It is too difficult to train such an army into elite soldiers.

I really don’t know how these instructors from the Dragon Kingdom trained these people into elite troops that swept across Africa?

Many generals throughout the dynasties became even more curious.

They stared closely at the giant screen high in the sky


【If you want to improve the combat effectiveness of an army, you must first improve their discipline and obedience.】

【So our instructors immediately formulated a training plan and started formal training】

【Under the orders of their president, some Tanzanian soldiers have great trust in our instructors and will try their best to complete the training as required by the instructors.】

【However, most of them are perfunctory and have very improper attitudes. They can't even walk the most basic goose steps.Qi, there are even a few thorns that cannot be controlled at all. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin asked the famous generals of the Tang Dynasty curiously:

"Dear lords, if it were you, how would you train this army?"

"That's not easy. Anyone who disobeys orders will be killed. Who dares to disobey orders?"

Cheng Zhijie immediately replied.

Li Jing shook his head and said:

"General Cheng, this is not possible. This army is not the army of the Dragon Kingdom. The instructors of the Dragon Kingdom are outsiders and cannot kill people casually."

"If you can't kill, then you will be punished severely! Military discipline must be established."

Cheng Zhijie replied

"Lao Cheng is right, when it comes to military training, military discipline is the most important thing!"

000"That’s right, if you don’t obey, you will beat me until you obey me.""

"We can't be too harsh. After all, we are the army of another country. If we are too harsh and cause a mutiny, we will be in trouble."


The other famous generals of the Tang Dynasty spoke one after another.

While they were expressing their opinions, the video on the giant screen continued

【Faced with such a group of Tanzanian Defense Forces, our instructors did not give up, but started working from two aspects】

【On the one hand, they continue to provide ideological education to these Tanzanian soldiers, and constantly tell them about the responsibilities they bear as a soldier and the touching deeds of the Long Kingdom soldiers.】

【On the other hand, they set an example and infected these soldiers with their actions】

【They led the Tanzanian soldiers to run long-distance training, get up for morning exercises, etc.】

【Whatever training they asked the Tanzanian soldiers to do, they would do it together and with greater intensity】

【Moreover, in addition to the most basic physical training and internal affairs doctrine, they are also taught how to use the terrain to win a battle, how to win by surprise, how to make dangerous moves, what is infantry-tank coordination, and what is roundabout interweaving. 】

In the high-altitude giant screen video, content about Dragon Kingdom instructors training Tanzanian soldiers in detail began to appear.

The generals of the past dynasties watched the giant screen intently, feeling very novel and shocked by the training content.

Compared with the training content of the ancient army, the training plan formulated by the instructors of the Dragon Kingdom based on the training content of the Dragon Kingdom army is undoubtedly much richer.

Soon, some of the famous generals saw some tricks in it.

The purpose of these trainings is very specific. For example, folding quilts and going forward are to cultivate obedience and discipline. For example, various running, jumping and climbing have different training focuses.

So they started to think about learning these training methods.


【Gradually, the Tanzanian soldiers were deeply impressed by the Dragon Kingdom instructors. They began to follow the Dragon Kingdom instructors as an example and devoted themselves to various arduous trainings.】

【In this way, after a period of training, the Tanzanian Defense Forces have taken on a completely new look in terms of discipline and obedience.】

【They have even become the only army in Africa that can use infantry and tanks to coordinate tactics.】

【Of course, judging from their military conditions and literacy at the time, if they could drive a tank and not crush their own people to death, they would be considered model soldiers.】

【to improveIn addition to improving the level of army soldiers, weapons and equipment are also very important for team strength.】

【Therefore, our country also provided some weapons to the Tanzanian Defense Forces】

【In this way, with the training and help of our country, the combat effectiveness of the entire Tanzanian Defense Force has risen to several levels.】

【Against this background, they soon ushered in their first actual battle after training. 】

Hearing this, the ancients of all dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky with more concentration.

The strength of the army must ultimately be reflected on the real battlefield.

They are very eager to see what kind of combat effectiveness the Tanzanian National Defense Force, an original ragtag group, can exert after being trained by Dragon Kingdom instructors?.

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