Everything changed so fast that Shirai Kuroko in the business hall couldn't react at all.

When the sirens of the garrison vehicles quickly arrived outside, the girl woke up in a spirit, and boldly looked at the bloody robbers on the ground.

The excessive blood loss and severe pain had already made him seem a little dying at this time, and even the moaning became weak.

"That's right...... That sister just now~ Sister ......!"

Suddenly thinking of the purple figure standing on the street outside, in the sun, Shirai Kuroko hurriedly ran out of the post office, only to find that there was no person around him who saved everyone in his memory.

"Shirai-san! Wow...... Wow, ah-!!hhh

Chu Chun Ornament Li rushed over and hugged Shirai Kuroko, tears flowed profusely, this funny and disgusting look made Shirai Kuroko's mood completely relaxed, obviously the two were the same age, but she patted Chu Chun Hideri's head like a twisted sister and said: "Okay, it's okay, Chu Chun, where is the person who saved us just now?"

"Huh, is that big sister? seems to be gone...... I'm sorry oh Shirai-san, I didn't notice when she left. "

"It's fine. "

Shirai Kuroko thought for a moment.

"After we officially start working in the Discipline Inspection Committee Branch, we can go and find out who the other party is. "

"That'...... That's a violation of discipline!" Hatsuharu retorted quietly, but he also longed to see Kage again.

That figure is like the real eldest lady that she longs forward to.

...... Dividing line ......

"No AIM diffusion field can be perceived, and the opponent is not using what can be called an ability. "

"The equipment sent out above that is said to be able to detect the magic of the opposite side is also not responding, is it broken?"

Takiju stared at the computer screen in front of him, unable to understand what Eige had just done.

"Could it be pure martial arts?" said Flanda as she prepared her bomb and offered her own opinion.

"Is that super ~~ scary, okay?" Juanqi, who was in charge of driving, turned around and complained, "Without using ability and magic, with a wave of your hand, you can tear up the blast door that can defend against rockets, is there really such a human existence in this world?"

"It must have been a broken magic detection device in the end, right?" Flanda also thought that her guess was very unreliable, and prepared the last bomb, she turned her head and asked Mai Ye Shen Li, "Mai Ye, what are you going to do next?" It seems that we haven't gathered any useful information so far. "

"Tsk, no matter, find a chance, I'll go and get in touch with the target. "

"Oh oh oh? Mai Ye wants to do it himself?"

As the trump card of the prop, Flanda firmly believes that Mai Ye is several times more powerful than the remaining three of them combined.

Although the other side seems to be strong, if Mai Ye is ready to go on his own, the mission will definitely be ...... No problem, right?


Although I was very uneasy when I thought that the task reward was actually tens of millions of American knives, it didn't matter, as long as Mai Ye did it, everything would be fine-

"But before that, Flanda, you go and test it. "


As if suddenly pressed the pause button, Flanda froze in place, turning her head a little to look at their leader.

"Anyway, you have prepared so many bombs, you don't have to use them in vain. Mai Ye Shen Li glanced at the bottom of Flanda's skirt.

There is a mine hidden in the crotch of his pants or something, and Mai Ye Shenli still can't figure out how this guy managed to hide so many bombs in his skirt.

Isn't she incapacitated!?

"Mai Ye, the other party seems to be going in the direction of the second school district. "

Takiju looked at the surveillance video displayed on the computer screen and reported the direction of the shadow.

Although it is only on foot, and at a slow pace, the seventh school district is adjacent to the second school district, and even that does not take much time to get to the destination.

Second School District?

Mai Ye Shen Li sneered: "Sure enough, there is a problem." "

It's a school district with a very strong heavy industry color in the school park.,A large number of research institutes、Experimental fields and so on are gathered here.,It's the area with the most secrets in the entire school park.。

"Prepare, there's only one road from District 7 to District 2, there's a no-man's land at the entrance, let's go there first – Flanda. "

"I ...... I see~!"

Flanda nodded helplessly.

She can indeed pull all kinds of bombs out of her skirt, but in order to really use her combat power, she needs to plant more bombs in the battle site in advance.

So she is the most troublesome of the entire props.

...... Dividing line ......

"I don't like it here. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although it was still a little far away, Haruka looked at the soundproof wall that towered in front of him and surrounded the entire second school district, and the shadow frowned.

Because there are too many experimental fields and factories in the second school district, the roaring noise makes it unsuitable for human habitation for a long time, and even the diffuse noise will affect the surrounding school districts.

That's why Lyceum City has built a huge soundproof wall around the entire second school district, and the place also has equipment that emits inverse phase sound waves to completely cancel out the noise.

It works so well that even if it's just a wall, people outside can't hear the noise inside.

— but Shadow was able to ignore these distractions and clearly perceive the situation in the second school district.

No way, quite a few institutes are here, especially where we're going this time.

I could feel something hidden beneath the Second School District—it exuded something that was out of this world, out of place with everything around it.

"Understood. "

Shadow nodded.

"But before that, those people who were following us seemed to show up, huh?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent explosion suddenly occurred where the shadow was standing.

Flames and smoke engulfed Shadow's body, and more small missiles with tail flames whizzed in all directions.

Boom Boom ——!

The continuous explosions completely destroyed the road leading to the second school district, and also relieved Flanda who was hiding in the shadows. []

"What, it turned out so easily?"

"Anyway, if you kill the target like this, can you still get all the mission bonuses?"

"Takiju, does the target have any health reactions?"

...... No.

The sound in the headset put Frenda at ease when she was hiding behind a tree.

And yet—

...... Also, I didn't notice any health reactions from the target from the beginning, so I couldn't judge the opponent's status from that.

“............ Huh!?"

The girl's exclamation sounded, and at the same time, there was a thunder light earth that rushed towards her.

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