
Kuroko Shirai, who was still an elementary school student, was kicked to the ground by a tall man.

Even if the business hall of the post office was dimly lit by the lowering of the security gates, Kuroko Shirai, who fell to the ground, could see the hideous and ugly expression on the face of the man who kicked him over.

However, the girl, who is a spatial ability, did not dare to act rashly, because the other party was holding Hatsuharu ornamental hostage at this time, and was holding a dagger against her slender neck.

(Damn, I don't have a way to move myself in space right now...... )

Kuroko Shirai, who has not yet grown into a Leve1 4 ability and is unable to transfer space to herself, thinks about countermeasures.

Suddenly, at the counter in the business hall, a secret door opened on the side of the customer, and a round self-defense robot like a garbage can was activated and drilled out.

Seeing the robot, a flash of displeasure flashed across the robber's face.

Golden opportunity!

Taking advantage of the moment when the robot moved towards the robber to attract his attention, Shirai Kuroko quickly ran towards the other party from the other side.

And yet—

The man seemed to have done something, and it seemed to be a marble popping motion.

"Be careful!"

Guma Miwei, disguised as an ordinary customer, screamed and pounced, crushing Shirai Kuroko under him.

The abrupt explosion of the 380 defense robot caused the impact to send Gufa Meiwei flying, and several pieces of the explosion scattered scattered directly into her back.

"Gufa senior!!"

Kuroko Shirai, who was not injured because she was protected, was full of anxiety, although she had been trained as a discipline officer for a whole year, but she had always carried out small tasks such as patrolling, and had never faced real outlaws directly.

"Kuroko...... Before getting to know your enemies thoroughly...... Don't act on your own......"

After saying this sentence with difficulty, Gufa Meiwei fainted due to blood loss and pain.

Shirai Kuroko felt remorse in his heart, if he hadn't acted rashly, thinking that the robber was only the person with the gun at the beginning, and he would have knocked him down on his own, he would not have given the other party's hidden accomplices a chance to hijack Hatsuharu.

(It's all my fault...... )

Gritting her teeth, the little girl looked at the man who was holding Hatsuharu Tsuri towards her step by step.


was kicked to the ground again, and his calf was stepped on by him even harder, and Shirai Kuroko let out a whining and mournful sound.


"Stinky little ghost, don't you think that if you drag on like this, I won't be able to leave when the guard comes, right?"

He sneered, and popped a marble at the gate next to him.

The marble did not land in the form of a parabola, but eerily moved slowly and at a uniform speed in a straight line.

The bulletproof glass was shattered, and a large hole was made in the sturdy burglar gate, before the marbles fell to the ground.

"Absolutely constant velocity, my ability. The object I fired will not stop moving unless it is damaged or I actively disable. "

Like all stupid villains, the man explained to Kuroko Shirai rather proudly.

Shirai Kuroko was desperate, thinking that the security door had been closed, as long as he waited for the arrival of the garrison, this criminal would not be able to escape, but he didn't expect him to be a capable person!

(at least...... )

(At least save Hatsuharu!)

Little by little, Shirai Kuroko, who was lying on the ground, reached out to hold Hatsuharu's ankle under the robber's strange gaze.

The girl disappeared.

Inexplicably appeared on the street, Chu Chun as Li was stunned for a while, looking left and right, and after realizing that she was rescued by her good friend with space transfer, she immediately panicked and began to ask for help from passers-by around her.

"Help, help, come, come, come, robbers......"

The girl's panicked voice was filled with tears, and tears quickly hung on her childish face.

However, most of the people passing by (CICI) just stopped and watched, and no one stepped forward to help the schoolboy who was crying for help.

Inside the van –

Mai Ye, it turns out that the target seems to have noticed the robber incident, and there is a plan to intervene, what are we going to do?

Listening to Flanda's voice from the headset, Mai Ye Shenli looked through the car window at the shadow who walked out of the café and was slowly walking across the road to the opposite side, and chuckled meaninglessly: "Obviously a criminal who sneaked into the park city, and he is quite righteous?"

"Takiju, how's it going?"

Takiju on the side took off his head-mounted earmuffs and shook his head, "I didn't find the AIM diffusion force field on the target, so I'm not a superpower." "

"That's the person on the other side?" As a person who is active in the shadows, Mai Ye Shen Li is naturally very aware of the existence of the magic side of this world standing on the opposite side of the scientific side, "Let's take a look at the situation first, and then you can't do it in this kind of place." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In the early spring, he was crying, and suddenly smelled a scent of incense.

The shadow who walked against the light looked down at the girl, and the sun was shining a layer of golden light around her, and in a trance, the early spring ornament who raised his head seemed to see the gods.

"What's wrong?"

Shadow asked in a low voice, trying to make her voice sound softer, but the habit she had cultivated for a long time still made her unconsciously exude a wisp of divine power when facing outsiders.

"Sister...... Sister, there are robbers in it...... Robbers ......"

As if seeing a life-saving straw, Hatsuharu Ornament grabbed Ei's sleeve with his small hand and pointed to the gate behind him.

At this time, several more marbles broke open the gate in a straight line at absolute velocity, and soon made a large hole in the closed gate that was large enough for an adult male to escape.

Shadow swept a glance inward through the hole, signaling Hatsuharu to let go, his fingertips fluttering in the void in front of him.

There is no need to use divine power, just with his own martial arts, he waves his hand and releases a sword wind that is enough to cut through the hardest metal in the world.

Boom ——!

The gate was cut open in an instant, and the surrounding passers-by, the members of the dark props in the van, and the people in the post office hall all watched the scattered security gates in silence and horror.

Lowering his eyes at the marbles scattered on the ground, one of them suddenly burst out of lightning and took off from the ground out of thin air, piercing the robber's shoulder in an instant faster than the speed of the bullet.


It wasn't until his shoulders were broken and the flesh and bones were scattered that the robbers' faces were twisted, and he rolled to the ground in horror, clutching his shoulders and wailing bitterly.

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