Dongyang County.

Langyahou Mansion.

At this time, hundreds of soldiers were fully armed, and everyone looked as if they were ready to die.

The county town has been sealed off, and soldiers and horses sent by the court will rush in at any time to take away people.

In the hall, Xiao Qingshan and Mrs. Xiao were very worried. There were more than a dozen worshippers among them, with different expressions.

"Who would have thought that someone the Xiao family had not contacted for twenty years would actually implicate the Xiao family."Xiao Qingshan sighed.

Mrs. Xiao's face turned pale and she said tremblingly:"Husband, is there no room for redemption? Xiao

Qingshan smiled bitterly:"That dog emperor has been waiting for so many years and finally found an excuse to deal with the Xiao family. Even if I kneel in front of him and kowtow a thousand times or ten thousand times, he will not relent.""

"Even if the Dog Emperor is soft-hearted, the forces that covet my Xiao family will push him to implicate the Xiao family. Maybe I shouldn't make the Xiao family's business so big and become a piece of fat that everyone covets.

Mrs. Xiao sighed softly:"I hope Yi'er can come back as soon as possible.""

Before the city was closed, news came out from Xiao Qingshan that he ordered people to go to Qingyang Mountain to find his son. For now, only his son can save the Xiao family. It's just a journey from here to Qingyang Mountain, even if it takes day and night, one trip and one trip It will take three days at least, and I have already left for one day.

Can a hundred soldiers in the mansion resist for two days?

Xiao Qingshan looked at the worshipers in the mansion:"Everyone, my Xiao family is facing such a situation, there is no reason to ask you to accompany me, Xiao Qingshan Damn it, the Jin Yiwei has not sealed off the Hou Mansion. Except for us and my wife, who are not allowed to leave, anyone else who wants to leave can feel free to leave."

After a moment of silence, a top-notch expert stood up, clasped his fists and said shamefully:"Master Hou, you have been very kind to me, Yu Dongran, over the years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I don't want to die yet."

A top-notch expert knelt down and kowtowed three times:"Master Hou, I'm sorry for you, but I don't want to die. Xiao Qingshan looked calm:"

Who else?""

"Mr. Hou, I'm sorry, I have an old man above me and a young man below me."

"Mr. Hou, we Jinyiwei people can't stop us at all. I'm sorry."

"Lord Marquis, going against the imperial court is like using a mantis as a chariot. I don’t want to end up with everyone being executed."

Xiao Qingshan glanced at everyone and asked again:"Is there anyone else?"

Some of the rest of the people had firm expressions, some struggled, but in the end no one came out.

Xiao Qingshan laughed:"Of the eighteen worshipers, thirteen of them were willing to stay, which proves that I am still a good person."

He took out a stack of banknotes from his arms and distributed them one by one to the five people leaving, each with one thousand taels:

"The five people who left all had their own difficulties. I understand that resisting the imperial court is a serious crime of confiscating the family and annihilating the family. The five of you have protected me and risked your lives for me in the past. It’s a good time to get together today. These one thousand taels are my travel expenses for you. If I can survive, we can have a few drinks together."

"Lord Marquis, take your leave."

The five people took their own travel expenses and left one after another. Meng Buwei sneered, and the five people leaving loudly could hear:"What a wolf-hearted dog barks!"

Xiao Qingshan shook his head and raised his hands to the remaining offerings:"Everyone, please, I have already ordered people to move the reinforcements. It will take two days at most. If the reinforcements arrive, everything will be worry-free."


The rumble of horse hooves resounded in Langyahou Mansion, and the ground shook. Thousands of brocade-clad guards emerged from various towns, gathered in an orderly manner, and surrounded Langyahou Mansion.

Commander Yuan Wantong of the Jinyi Guards drove his horse to the closed door, waved his whip in his hand, and said loudly:"Master Xiaohou, my old friend is here to visit, why don't you come out and see me."

In the mansion, a soldier hurriedly ran into the hall and faced Xiao Qingshan. Report:"Master Marquis, the commander of the Jinyi Guards has led a large number of troops outside the mansion, and called you by name to meet."

Xiao Qingshan didn't even open his eyes, and said calmly:"The Dog Emperor is going to kill my Xiao family. What kind of bullshit imperial edict are you accepting? Ignore him and attack if you want!"

After waiting for half an hour, the two doors were still closed, with no intention of opening them.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of a member of the Jinyi Guards Qianhu, and he drove his horse to Yuan Wantong:"Commander, this Xiao Qingshan is really shameless. He has left us here for so long. Let's just attack!"

Yuan Wantong said calmly! :"This time is different from before. In the past, just like the Jin Yiwei arresting ministers, they can just break in. There will usually be no resistance. Even if there is resistance, it will not cause any trouble."

"The Xiao family is different, but there are a hundred fully armed guards, whose combat effectiveness is no less than that of our elite. With the terrain of the Marquis Mansion, how many lives are you prepared to use to fill up the attack?"

"two hundred? three hundred? Or five hundred? Or are you taking the lead?"

"It would be best if he could use his hands confidently to avoid hurting the lives of his brothers. Qianhu raised his hands and said:"

Commander, I would like to issue a military order and select a hundred masters of the Jinyi Guards to fight in and take the lead.""

Yuan Wantong shook his head:"The Xiao family has left five worshipers and there are still thirteen more worshipers. Most of them are super-first-class masters, and there are two top masters. In terms of masters, our side does not have an advantage."

"I thought that the Xiao family would be devastated if they refused to attack, but I didn't expect that after waiting for so long, only five worshipers left. How many tricks did Xiao Qingshan have, and there were still thirteen worshipers who were willing to resist the court with him.

Qianhu frowned and said,"Commander, how long do I have to wait?" Yuan

Wantong pondered for a moment and said loudly:"Wait for half an hour. If there is no movement after half an hour, attack by force!""

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