"How old is your information?"Mu Xingzhi asked

"It's been about ten days. Mu

Xingzhi immediately reminded:"Disciple, I'm afraid the emperor has already taken action against the Xiao family. You'd better go home quickly and deal with this matter." Xiao Yi also reacted:"

Yes, yes, thank you Master for reminding me." It’s just that the disciple’s strength will definitely be exposed if he goes here……"

"No problem."Mu Xingzhi waved his hand:

"You didn’t cultivate this martial arts just to be a coward. Just do whatever you want, don’t worry about being a teacher."

"Go ahead.

Xiao Yi bowed his hands and said,"Thank you so much, Master!""

"Master, I will come back to serve Master after I finish taking care of my housework."

Having said that, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and disappeared from the same place, as if he had shrunk to an inch. In the blink of an eye, he was already more than a hundred meters away. In the blink of an eye, he had disappeared from everyone's sight.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Bai Yutang and Xu Ying's eyes widened at the same time, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

Is this a fucking god!

Shrunk to an inch?

Ridiculously fast!

Xu Ying swallowed and looked back at Mu Xingzhi.

Could it be that this real person Is he an immortal master?

We used to mock Xiao Yi as a fool who was addicted to fairy tales, but it turned out that the fool was me.

But he found a real immortal master and successfully became his disciple.

For a moment, Xu Ying doubted his life.

Bai Yutang's heart is burning.

His light kung fu is a martial arts masterpiece, but he can't even compare to Xiao Yi's. If his light kung fu can be even 10% of Xiao Yi's, it will no longer be a martial arts masterpiece, but a martial arts myth.

"Come on, let's have a casual chat"

"Sir, what do you want to talk about? I absolutely know everything."

Xu Ying was sweating coldly, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, trembling with fear.

The apprentice is almost a land god, so wouldn't the master be even more terrifying? This young man looks young, but he is probably an old monster who has rejuvenated himself. He is several hundred years old. Chitose's kind of existence

"Tell me about the Dog Emperor and your King"


It turns out that the current emperor, Emperor Chongyang, is obsessed with cultivating immortals and practicing Taoism. He dreams of immortality. He makes pills all day long and does not go to court for forty years.

Under this situation, the country's power is declining day by day, and there is a great political and economic crisis. Since twenty years ago, uprisings have been continuous.

Ten years ago, 200,000 rebel soldiers surrounded the capital, and the leader was known as the Vajra King.

Hundreds of officials are afraid, and the country is in turmoil.

As a result, King Vajra died suddenly half a month later, and the imperial army took the opportunity to defeat the rebel army and relieve the country from danger.

Of course, it is rumored that Vajra King did not die suddenly, but was assassinated by a joint assassination by Ouchi masters.

However, even so, Emperor Chongyang still did not restrain himself, and the world was almost in chaos. He also wanted to collect the birthday card, and all county tax revenue had been collected by Chongyang for a hundred years.

Afterwards, the uprisings became more frequent, and kings emerged one after another. However, the imperial army suppressed them everywhere, and they never became as successful as King Vajra.

However, frequent uprisings also exhausted the imperial army, and the national power declined significantly.

Five years ago, King Cangtian founded Cangtian Tao. Later, he used talisman water to treat patients and developed hundreds of thousands of followers.

Three months ago, King Huang Tian launched an uprising with the idea that"the sky is dead, Huang Tian should stand, and the age of Jiazi will be good for the world" and called on 360,000 tribesmen to rise up on the same day.

In just three months, he has occupied three counties, defeated the imperial government and suppressed the army several times, and has the potential to sweep the world.

"king of heaven……"

Mu Xingzhi sneered:"Don't you think the title of Heavenly King is cliché?"

"Yes, yes, you are a mere heavenly king, you will definitely look down on me, at least you need a heavenly emperor to be worthy of you."

Xu Ying smiled flatteringly, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind:

"Your Excellency is wise, divine, and mighty, with wonderful appearance and majestic appearance, supreme Dharma body, enlightening all heavens, practicing the way of heaven, spreading virtues in heaven, creating all things, helping all living beings, ruling all spirits, and measuring no one, so you should be the emperor of all heavens."

"Little Xu Ying is willing to worship you as the Emperor of Heaven!"

Xu Ying knelt down, extremely pious, like a fanatical believer, and shouted:"The Emperor of Heaven rules the heavens, leads all saints, and dominates the universe. Xu Ying pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

The other eight people looked at each other and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed. They kowtowed to the ground with no politeness at all, making a thumping sound.

"I'll wait to see the Emperor of Heaven! The Emperor of Heaven is wise and powerful and rules the universe!"

Bai Yutang hesitated slightly.

Should I kneel together?

Mu Xingzhi:"…………???"

What the hell?

Will I become the emperor who rules the universe?

I'm not that shameless

"Kneel down again and I will let you see the King of Hell."Mu Xingzhi said coldly.

Xu Ying and others quickly stopped kowtowing and got up, wiping a handful of blood from their foreheads.

It can be seen that every kowtow just now was very real, and they hit their heads firmly on the ground.

"Cangtian Dao uses talisman water to save people. He took out the talisman and showed it to me."Mu Xingzhi ordered.

Xu Ying laughed dryly:"Your Excellency, the talisman is fake and has no effect."

"Just take it if you want, no matter what nonsense you say!"

Mu Xingzhi was worried about how to use his magic power. He couldn't make up the talismans. He just wanted to learn from the talismans in this world and change them casually for Bai Ling to understand.

Although I don't know if it will be useful, try it. It's never wrong to try.

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