"What's going on?"

"Could it be that he has slacked off and no longer wants to practice?"

"Or are you saying that you can’t see the progress and have given up?"

"No, it was obvious yesterday that he still looked like he was getting a shot of blood, and there was no sign of giving up. Could it be that he suddenly figured it out overnight?"

In an instant, many questions flashed through Mu Xingzhi's mind. Although they had only known each other for eight days, he had already figured out the character of this cheap apprentice.

Perhaps it was because he lived in a wealthy family and was rarely exposed to dark things. He is a relatively simple person with little thought, but once he decides on something, he will not give up easily and move forward indomitably. This can be seen from his three years of searching for immortals and masters.

Such a person cannot be short-term. I gave up after just eight days

"No, you have to ask."

Mu Xingzhi walked towards the vegetable field:"Disciple,"

"Good morning, master."

Xiao Yi shook off the dirt on his hands and saluted respectfully.

"Well, disciple, now you finally understand what Master said, walking, sitting and lying are all skills. When you first went up the mountain, your character was still a little impetuous. Have you found that your character is much calmer now?"

Mu Xingzhi took a look around for a week. The weeds in the vegetable field were all pulled out, and the vegetables grew more green. Before Xiao Yi came, he would pull out the weeds in the vegetable field whenever he felt like it. Otherwise, just let the weeds grow.

Xiao Yi looked back after hearing this, and suddenly realized that his character had really lost a lot of impetuousness. If he had let himself do the boring work of pulling weeds in the past, it would not take him a while to give up. Today I pulled out all the weeds without even realizing it.

"Thanks to Master’s teachings."

Xiao Yi said gratefully. It turned out that the master not only taught him martial arts, but also taught him the principles of life.

"To be honest, my teacher was a little uncomfortable not seeing you practicing martial arts when he woke up early in the morning."Mu Xingzhi made an innuendo.

Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice:"With the master's teachings, my disciple has understood the principle of combining work and rest, so he is ready to experience the results of his cultivation in detail so that he can proceed to the next step of cultivation."

Mu Xingzhi breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, a stubborn apprentice would not give up so easily. I really did not misjudge the person.

He showed a look of relief:"In fact, some situations in martial arts training are the same as studying. They need to be reviewed. After completing the review, you can face yourself better, which will be of great benefit to the next step of practice."

"Continue to maintain this mentality, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and there will be hope for martial saints and immortals."

Mu Xingzhi encouraged him a little and opened the door of the Taoist temple. As soon as he opened the door of the Taoist temple today, he heard rapid footsteps. He was confused. Someone came to offer incense so early in the morning? The footsteps were approaching, and Mu Xingzhi He quickly sat up straight and looked solemn.

Not many people come to Qingyang Temple to offer incense. One is long-term belief. There are not many such people, only a dozen. The longest one has been offering incense for more than 30 years.

This kind of people Although the money for incense is not much, it flows steadily and is often offered. It is not a lot, but it accumulates a lot.

Just these dozen people are enough to support Mu Xingzhi's daily life.

Just like the anchor in the previous life, the live broadcast room There are not many people, but as long as there are more than a dozen people who like the anchor, it is enough to support the anchor's live broadcast.

One kind of person is someone who rarely burns incense and comes to hug someone temporarily. There are very few people like this. They seek help from the gods. That's very generous.

However, there may not be one such person in a month. One person is worth more than half a month's income from incense.

Soon, a group of five people appeared in the field of vision, with panicked expressions and messy clothes. They looked like they were running for their lives.

Five people, one boy and one girl, seemed to be their parents. They were taking a girl about ten years old with them, and there were two big men beside them, who seemed to be bodyguards.

At first glance, they looked like they were not ordinary people.

"Huh? Not here to offer incense? It seemed like someone was chasing him from behind."

After entering the Taoist temple, the five people looked back and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that no one was coming to kill them. Two people sat down on the ground.

"Donors, what is this?"Mu Xingzhi shook off the Buddha dust and said calmly.

The man in the black robe cupped his hands and said:"This Taoist priest is polite. I am a businessman. I encountered a bandit on the road and ran away here in a panic. Please forgive me, Taoist priest. Hearing this, Mu

Xingzhi was calm and said in a deep voice:"Once you enter the Taoist temple, there is no need to worry.""

Although he didn't know Xiao Yi's specific family background, he knew that Xiao Yi did not go up the mountain alone. He was accompanied by ten guards. Each of those ten guards wore armor and swords.

Even Mu Xingzhi Anyone who is not familiar with military affairs can see that these ten guards are forbidden by law, and each of them is a warrior.

In ancient times, it did not matter if there were weapons at home, but hiding armor was tantamount to treason.

Xiao Yi, a sixteen-year-old boy, had ten upright and armored men. The guards are not something that ordinary wealthy families can explain.

Besides, Xiao Yi carries something worth tens of thousands of taels with him. He is afraid that he will be robbed before he can go far. How can he travel all over the world? Dongyang County.

However, although he brought ten guards with him, these ten guards never came to Qingyang Temple. They were all protected from a distance, rotating in pairs. There were five people around Qingyang Temple day and night. Just a mere The bandits were okay against ordinary people, but they were vulnerable to a group of armored tigers and wolves.

Seeing Mu Xingzhi being so calm, the five of them felt more at ease for some reason. The leading man thought about it and took out the A silver note was stuffed into the incense money box.

Mu Xingzhi glanced at it quietly, it seemed to be a hundred taels of silver note, and he suddenly became more pleased with these five people.

"What's going on with these bandits?"Mu Xingzhi asked.

The leading man comforted his daughter and said after hearing the words:"I heard that they reported their home, called Black Tiger Village, and they were entrenched in Elephant Er Mountain. I passed by the foot of the mountain for a month on business, and I had dealt with all parties before. There is no Black Tiger Village in Green Forest Heroes, maybe it only appeared in recent times. Mu

Xingzhi suddenly felt a chill in his heart:

"Elephant Ear Mountain is less than ten miles away from Qingyang Mountain, and they are all at the foot of the mountain. If Qingyang Temple is discovered one day, and Qingyang Temple is grabbed, wouldn’t it be like sitting on a wax candle?"

"We need to deal with these bandits in Black Tiger Village, otherwise after Xiao Yi leaves, I don’t know when my life will be in danger."

"It seems that we have to rely on Xiao Yi's power."

Mu Xingzhi pondered:

"You have to find a reason to let Xiao Yi's group of guards go to kill the bandits."

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