Pre-civilization era.

Yingjie and Mei looked at the cocoon of the end.

They all watched with wide eyes.

This has always been the case.

To human civilization on earth.

The final cocoon that brings all disasters.

No one knows how many human civilizations have been reset at its hands.

It was also the one who created those Herrschers who were powerful enough to destroy all humans.

In this conference room.

No one thought of it.

One day it will be like this.

See the cocoon of the end.

The driving force behind the end of human civilization.

Padofelis swallowed, perhaps because of the Honkaiju factor in her body.

So when Padofelis saw the Cocoon of Finality.

There is always an inexplicable sense of pressure.

Alicia murmured:"Is it the one that created me?"

Padofelis:"Sister Alicia, is this the first time you have seen the Cocoon of the End?"

Alicia nodded. Head:"I'm just like everyone else......"

"It was also the first time I saw the Cocoon of Finality."

Eden:"I really didn't expect that the cocoon of the end would be like this."

"Are the energy blocks in the middle its eyes?

Velvet:"I think it doesn't have any senses that can be called eyes.""

"It's not so much his eyes, but rather a form of Honkai energy displayed on his body."

Mebius:"Those who can create this guy"

"How far has civilization reached? Mei:"

However, since it has been confirmed that it is real,"

"Then we will have more room for maneuver in the coming time."

Gratio:"I can feel the distinctive color on the cocoon of the end."

Kosmo:"But I feel that this cocoon of the end is more like a ball."

"I have the same question as March 7th."

On the barrage.

March 7th's barrage slowly floated by.

Hua also said in the same way:"Yes, why is its name called the Cocoon of the End?"

Aponia:"Perhaps, this has something to do with its duty on earth."

Is it related to responsibilities?

Everyone looked at Apoonia curiously.

Apparently Apoonia already understood the meaning of this cocoon.

Apoonia looked at the Cocoon of Endings in the game screen.

Then he explained:"It exists on the earth. The purpose is to hatch similar civilizations"

"It is a cocoon that gives birth to the same butterfly"

"I think that's why it's called the Cocoon of the End."

Mei:" give birth to......incubation......"

Mei sneered.

Then he looked at the ceiling of the conference room.

With his deep gaze, he seemed to be able to see the sky outside.

And those shining stars in the sky.

It is an existence among the stars.

707 brought disaster to the development of civilization in this world.

So in Mei's eyes.

Those shining stars in the sky.

All are enemies.

Mebius also sneered at this time:"How do I feel about the name Final Cocoon?"

"It's a bit ironic."

Vilwei:"Yes, the civilization it wants to nurture and incubate"

"obviously not us"

"But as members of civilization, we have the right and choice to live on our own. Su:"

Yes, the development of human civilization does not require others to plan a route for us.""

Everyone looked at the cocoon of the end in the picture.

Their eyes were complicated.

The three doctors were even thinking about the path that Kiana had just embarked on.

Since the cocoon of the end is now confirmed to be a real entity.

Then things will become much simpler.

Mebius looked at the cocoon of the end in the game screen in the live broadcast room. He smiled lightly and said nothing.

No one knew what Mebius was thinking at this moment....

On the Star Dome Train.

The question on March 7 was posted on the barrage.

Didn't get an answer from anyone else.

Most of the audience at this time.

They were all immersed in the shock of seeing the cocoon of the end.

Even Walter is the same.

Although I have seen the cocoon of the end drawn by Mei and Bronya before.

But actually seeing it is another story.

In addition, the realism of the live broadcast room is also full.

So Walter of the Trance Cocoon seemed to be standing in front of the Final Cocoon.

March 7 looked at Xing:"Uncle Yang's reaction seems a bit exaggerated."

Dan Heng said:"Maybe it's because he used to be the Lawyer of Reason."

Xing:"To put it bluntly, this is Yang Uncle's former boss."

March 7 nodded as it made sense.

Then he asked the question to his partner:"So why is this guy obviously a ball?""

"But you want to call him Cocoon?

Xing answered directly:"The cocoon itself is a sphere.""

"You can think of it as a round cocoon"

"Did you understand it all at once?"

Yuyue Qi's mouth formed an O-shape in surprise.

He looked like he suddenly realized something.

His eyes revealed a feeling that it was like this.

Dan Heng looked at Xing.

There was surprise in his eyes.

So this is all it takes? ?

It can be seen that Dan Heng was also entangled with this problem for a moment just now.

March 7 praised:"Xing, you are so smart! Jizi smiled and looked at Walter without saying anything else:"Mr. Walter (baei), do you have any special thoughts in mind?""

Walter shook his head:"No."

"I was just shocked when I saw the Cocoon of Finality for the first time."

"The power of the Cocoon of Ending is the Herrscher of Ending"

"I've seen it before." After all, Walter is the only two people in the live broadcast room who have experienced all the stories in the early stages of Honkai Impact 3. He has seen Kiana's power after becoming the Herrscher of the End. So after seeing the Herrscher of the End, The cocoon will be shocking at first sight. But this feeling disappears after a while. And the other one is the Herrscher of Consciousness. The Herrscher of Consciousness looks at the Cocoon of the End. He seems not surprised. appearance

"While I was blocking the consciousness of those Herrschers"

"On the road to becoming the Herrscher of the End, Kiana didn’t expect that so many things would happen."

"Then I saw the Cocoon of Finality and that should be the end of it."

The Herrscher of Consciousness looked at the cocoon of the end in the game screen. She still had an unruly look on her face. She showed no other emotions towards the cocoon of the end who created her. After all, the Law of Consciousness He is not an ordinary lawyer either.

"The next step should be to return to the earth"

"Have you met Ai-chan and the others?" The Herrscher of Consciousness basically knows what happened next. Now, even those who didn't understand the process before know it.

"Now I finally don’t have to ask Mei and Bronya"

"There is no need to ask Kiana."

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked to the sky.

He folded his arms in front of his chest.


"Even if you don't tell me, I know it now"

"When I have time to go to the moon"

"I don’t need to ask you anymore."

In the game screen, the three of them stood in front of the End.

Kiana nodded to the two people beside her.

After receiving responses from Bronya and Mei, she took steps toward the Cocoon of End. Past.

At this time, the cocoon of the end also slowly rotated. The prismatic energy block in the middle looked at Kiana walking towards her like an eyeball.

At this time, from the middle A beam of energy was emitted from the position.

The energy condensed into a human shape in front of Kiana.

As Kiana approached, the human shape also walked towards Kiana.

Kiana seemed to feel something.

The two of them were in It stopped after a certain distance.

Then the figure made a very ethereal voice.

It seemed to be communicating with Kiana.

But no one could understand what he was saying.

【Silver Wolf: Is this the consciousness of the cocoon of the end? Or some kind of manifestation?】

【Kiana: But what is it saying?】

【Mei: Will the Cocoon of Ending still test Kiana at the end?】

【March 7: Why are there so many tests?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: There is such a thing. I never heard them mention it at that time. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Otto: It’s really interesting, the final cocoon’s own consciousness】

【Xier: The three of them are not in danger, right?】

【Li Sushang: Don’t worry, the three of them are so powerful.】

【Youlandel: Be careful, Kiana】

【Rita: Ms. Kiana doesn’t seem to feel any danger】

【Theresa: This figure also stopped and seemed to want to say something to Kiana.】

【Mebius: A language I have never heard before. Is this the language of the Final Cocoon?】

【Bronya: Even the re-installed bunny can’t analyze it】

【Kafka: This kind of language has never been heard even in our universe.】

【Star: Could it just be the cocoon of the end calling?】

【Dan Heng: You shouldn’t do something so strange, right?】

【March 7: Look, it seems that Kiana understands. 】

In the game screen.

After that ethereal sound came out.

Kiana smiled slightly and said:"I am Kiana Kaslana"

"An ordinary Valkyrie."

Through Kiana's answer, the audience roughly understood that the Cocoon of the End was greeting Kiana.

And Lin En also began to explain in the live broadcast room

:"The Cocoon of the End is very special. exist"

"You'll find out later"

"This light and shadow can be said to be the consciousness of the cocoon of the end, or it can be said to be Kiana herself."

"Because now Kiana can be both the Herrscher of the End and the Cocoon of the End."

"The Cocoon of Finality is more like an accessory to the Herrscher of Finality. As long as you become the Herrscher of Finality, you can completely control the Cocoon of Finality."

In the game screen at this time.

Kiana continued to talk about her identity:

"I am also K423, an experimental subject created by Otto"

"I can also be counted as Siren, an extension of her"

"Of course, compared to those"

"I am Siegfried's daughter, Theresa's niece, and Himeko's student......."

"Friends of Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua and others"

"as well as......"

"Kevin’s descendants!"

After listening to Kiana's answer, the figure in front of him made a sound again.

But the strange thing is that this time it is no longer a strange language.

It is not that only Kiana can understand it.

Instead, it speaks in an ethereal voice. Then Kiana asked again:"Why are you here?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room all thought that maybe the captain had adjusted something.

Since they could understand, the viewers didn't have so many questions.

Instead, they continued to watch intently the relationship between Kiana and the Cocoon of the End. One question and one answer.

It was like looking at some kind of philosophical question.

Kiana smiled and asked the cocoon of the end:"Are you asking the reason?"

"Or wish?"

Kiana thought about it and began to talk about the many things she had experienced along the way.

In the process of experiencing these things,

Kiana's thoughts slowly changed.

Her wishes also changed because of what she had experienced. Changes happened.

It’s different every time.

When I was in Senba Academy, I wanted to find the missing Siegfried.

After entering Saint Freya, I wanted to become the strongest S-class Valkyrie.

I became the Herrscher of the Sky. Finally, she hoped to turn back time and return to the happy life before.

She recalled all the stories she had experienced before.

Kiana took a deep breath and looked at the humanoid light and shadow in front of her.

Her eyes were firm and profound and she said:"Now, my wish......"

"I want this imperfect story to be closer to perfection."

Kiana then told the figure in front of her.

In the future, she wants to make the power of finality an energy source that humans can use.

The cocoon of finality in front of her slowly rotates.

And as it rotates, the figure asks again one question

"Why are you doing this?"

Kiana's answer is also very simple.

For everyone in the world.

Even if she wasn't standing here today, someone else would be standing here.

He will also give the same answer as himself.

Show the same will.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

After hearing Kiana's answer.

They all smiled involuntarily.

Because they all think so too.

After Kiana finished answering.

The light and shadow asked the last question non-stop.

A question that none of the viewers in the live broadcast room thought about.

Light and Shadow made a voice:"Are you willing to fight for all the good things in the world?"

Kiana was stunned.

Meiyi and Bronya behind them were stunned.

They are not in a daze because of the problem.

But the sound of light and shadow at this time.

It's Kiana's own voice!

【March 7: Did I hear you correctly? It was Kiana’s own voice just now.】

【Xing: So that’s what the captain meant just now!】

【Mei: It’s not a test of the Cocoon of Finality. Kiana has become the Herrscher of Finality, so the Cocoon of Finality won’t test her!】

【Mebius: Kiana is testing herself, this is her own intention】

【Kiana: Why should I test myself?】

【Bronya: To be more precise, it’s your thoughts on your actions after gaining the power of the end.】

【Fu Hua: This kind of thinking has affected the cocoon of the end, so the cocoon of the end will ask you in this way.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: To put it more simply, you don’t know how to use your power. This is all your subconscious behavior.】

【Xi'er: So Kiana is asking and answering questions for herself】

【Youlandel: Let me just say, how could the Cocoon of the End ask such a question?】

【Theresa: It’s indeed very similar to the questions Kiana would ask.】

【Honkai Impact: Kiana found the answer to this question a long time ago】

【Silver Wolf: What an interesting power】

【Kafka: It seems that Kiana still needs to adapt to this power. ]

And Kiana in front of the Cocoon of Finality.

I understood something right away.

Putting a hand on her chest:"No need to say this!"

The figure heard her answer.

Taking a step forward, the light on his body began to dissipate.

A Kiana in school uniform stood in front of Kiana, the Herrscher of the End.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Then Kiana's school uniform began to turn into points of light, all of which merged into Kiana's body.

Kiana looked at the cocoon of the end:"Sure enough, you are just a mirror"


"you are me......"

Bronya and Meiyi walked up behind them, standing one on the left and one on the right behind Kiana.

Both men also drew their weapons.

Kiana:"Facing the truest self......"

"Is this the qualification to take over the end?"

"It seems that we are finally on the same starting line as Kevin."

"Even though his methods bordered on stealing, Cocoon still recognized him"

"Also looking forward to seeing the winner among us"

"In this case, it would be difficult for us not to win a little more beauty!"......

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