"Jizi, what do you think when you see this scene?"

"Those three children have all become stronger than us."

"He also shouldered the responsibility of saving the world."

Although Theresa asked like this,

Jizi could hear it.

The pride in Theresa's tone at this time.

Her feelings were fully expressed.

As the principal of the school,

St. Freya There were several such students in the academy.

Who could not be proud?

Himeko had the same idea in her heart.

But at this time, Himeko said jokingly:"Theresa, before you asked me to count our Saint Freya How many herrschers are there in the academy?"

"How many powers of the Herrscher have been gathered?"

"No need to count now. Theresa was stunned.

Then she said with a smile:"Yes, if Kiana becomes the Herrscher of the End,"

"You really don’t need to count."

"All the power of the Herrscher has now arrived at our St. Freya Academy."

"How about we change the name in the future?......"

Theresa spread her hands.

Looks like a mess.

Himeko:"Change it to Herrscher Academy?"

Theresa:"That would be too direct, but I still like the name St. Freya very much."

Himeko:"Yes, I like it too"

"So since I came here, I slowly regarded St. Freya Academy as my home. Theresa looked at Ji Zi:"How can you have such an idea?"......"

"very nice……"

"Seeing the appearance of the three of them in the future, I realized how right Cecilia was when she told me that she wanted to establish St. Freya Academy."

"What if Cecilia had not left and she had become the principal of the school?"

"I believe……"

Theresa didn't wait for anything to say.

Jizi interrupted Theresa:"Principal, you have done a very good job too."

"It's because of you that I stay at St. Freya Academy.

Theresa:"Thank you for your recognition of me.""


Himeko:"Not just me, I believe even others"

"I also recognize you from the bottom of my heart."

"Not only because of her status as Otto’s granddaughter, but also because of her years in St. Freya"

"I believe that even many people in the Far East Branch"

"They are all attracted to you too.

Theresa:"You have such a high opinion of me.""

"This is really the first time I know.

Ji Zi shrugged:"There is no way.""

"It’s because there was an idiot principal, who led a group of idiot teachers, and finally brought out a group of idiot students."

"By the way, didn't you want to change your name just now?

Himeko smiled and said,"How about changing the name to Idiot Academy." Theresa looked at Ji Zi with disgust:"Hey, this name is so unpleasant.""

"I don't want to change it to such an ugly name."

"Let's continue calling it St. Freya Academy."

The two looked at each other.

Then they both laughed involuntarily.

Hahaha laughter filled the entire conference room.

If there are other teachers or female warriors passing by the door of the conference room at this time, they can hear it in the conference room. There were happy voices from the two people.

Those who didn't know thought that these two people had won some big prize.

At this time, in the game screen in the live broadcast room, those meteors representing different Herrscher powers were rushing towards Kiana. Qiyana. Yana did not dodge.

Instead, there was a smile on her face.

Because among these powers, in addition to the powers she had conquered just now,

Kiana also felt two very familiar auras:

Mei Yi and Bronya.

Supported by the power of all the Herrschers, Kiana flew up.

The entire Land of Origin also quickly retreated.

Those lights and shadows turned into something like a time tunnel.

Kiana was followed by the Herrschers Power leaps through it.

It seems to be leading to another mysterious place

【Alicia: Everyone, let us witness it together……】

【Alicia: The Birth of the Herrscher of the End……】

Alicia's barrage was sent out.

The entire barrage fell silent.

They all gathered together to witness this moment.

Afraid of missing any details.

Pre-civilization era.

Alicia stood up from her seat.

Look towards the live broadcast room.

The other heroes also stood up behind Alicia.

His eyes were all looking at the live broadcast room.

Let’s witness this historic scene together.

Alicia stood up because she was also a Herrscher.

Seeing the next era of civilization.

The power of the Herrscher became the last resort to protect mankind.

So stood up.

I send my most sincere recognition to Kiana.

The other heroes stood up.

It's because Kiana has been recognized by them.

Kiana is just like them.

They are all on the road against Honkai.

They are seniors.

And Kiana is the junior.

It cannot be denied.

Kiana has gone better and further on this road than them.

Although this road is also paved in pre-civilization eras.

But this cannot negate the efforts of the next civilization era.

Kevin said calmly:"It's about to begin~"

Padofelis:"Are we finally going to witness the birth of the Herrscher of the End?"

"So excited."

Su:"I hope it can also provide a new way of fighting against the collapse of our civilization era."

Sakura:"They are really excellent.

Hua:"Yes, it's better than what we have to do.""

Aponya:"The thread of fate has gained a new direction in them."

Eden:"The hymn of mankind and the hymn of civilization will be played on them again."

In the game screen in the live broadcast room, two rays of light leaped to Kiana's side.

Then they exploded and turned into Bronya and Mei Yi.

Kiana looked at the two people happily:"Mei Yi!"


The two nodded to Kiana.

Then they put their hands on Kiana's back.

Mei Yi asked gently:"Are you ready?"


Bronya:"The next step is indeed the end!""

Then it wasn't just Bronya and Mei's hands. 6

More and more palms were attached to Kiana's back.

Those were the enemies and friends Kiana had experienced over the years.

There were also experiences Every story.

At this moment, it became Kiana’s power!

It became Kiana’s greatest help on her way forward!

It became the final power.

It began to pour into Kiana’s body continuously.

With the influx of these powers, various memories flowed rapidly in Kiana's mind. In the Quantum Sea, Bronya became the Herrscher of Reason without hesitation, just to save Xi'er. At

Changkong City School, Mei Yue transformed into Thunder The Herrscher.

To protect his favorite Kiana.

In the sea of ​​flowers, Alicia, the Herrscher of the Origin, looked back and smiled.

She entrusted all her hopes to the next civilization era.

Starting from her, the Herrscher appeared. A new possibility has emerged.

He will no longer be a puppet controlled by Honkai.

Instead, he will become a human being with flesh and blood.

The use of Herrscher's power is all within one's own thoughts.

In dominating the theater, he will gain the rewards of the power of his partners. Yan draws his sword.

Cuts off the confusion and shackles.

The last one...

It's now......

It is because of these stories I have experienced over the years.

These people I met.

Kiana at this moment.

Only then can one embark on the path to becoming the Herrscher of the End.

Kiana figured this out.

Slowly open your eyes.

Behind Kiana.

All powers come together.

It became a huge pink goddess statue.

What this goddess looks like. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The audience has seen Mei Yi when she became the Herrscher of the Origin.

【Padofelis: That...that's...Sister Ellie?】

【Sakura: It seems like it’s really Alicia.】

【March 7: It’s really Alicia!】

【Star: This is one of the manifestations of the power of the Origin】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: What a fuss, because she is the original Herrscher of the Origin, and the Origin is the beginning to the end, so she appears here at this moment.】

【Alicia: In fact, it is the embodiment of the power of the origin. My power will lead Kiana and the others to the location of the Cocoon of Finality.】

【Mei: Do you want to trouble Alicia one last time?】

【Alicia: No, Mei, this is your power. It’s just my image. This means that Mei has always had me in her heart.】

【Mebius: Oops, why do you always talk so seductively?】

【Eden: Ellie has always been like this, hasn’t she?】

【Youlandel: I can really feel a very powerful force】

【Rita: Yeah, is this the combined power of all Herrschers?】

【Li Sushang: It feels so powerful】

【Silver Wolf: This scene is really epic.……】


Lin En looked at this scene in the game screen

"It's finally time to start feathering.

Then Linn said to the live broadcast room:"Everyone, are you ready?""

"What you will see next is the brand new Kiana"

"Kiana of Herrscher of the End"

"Don't blink, because this moment will be beautiful……"

At Lynn's reminder.

The audience watched more carefully. in the game screen.

Kiana looked back at the goddess statue.

He nodded firmly.

The goddess statue seemed to have received Kiana's firm determination.

He also nodded slightly to Kiana.

Hold it up with your palms.

Hold the three people in the palm towards the exit of the space-time tunnel.

Then a force sent Kiana and the three of them up.

Kiana quickly flew towards the entrance of the cave.

The small white light spots grew larger and larger.

Kiana and the three of them gradually became smaller.

The light spots eventually filled the entire game screen.

Wait until the light disappears.

Kiana fell from the sky and landed steadily on the ground... to be more precise, this was not the ground.

But a whole starry sky.

Kiana landed on the water decorated with countless stars... different from the ripples on the water in the Origin... there were no ripples here.

But very solid.

It's like using the starry sky as a floor.

And Kiana's appearance has also undergone tremendous changes.

It also looked like the Herrscher of Xinyan before.

Completely two different things.

The clothes on his body have completely changed.

All in white.

The color of the decoration is the same complex color as the starry sky.

The skirt behind her looks like it is woven from the Milky Way in the universe.

Incomparably colorful... when blowing in the wind.

Just like the flow of the Milky Way... none of the technologies in the world can do this.

The Valkyrie Armor can't do that either.

Not only that.

Behind Kiana is a pair of starlight wings... sparkling, reflecting the beauty of the stars. The originally white hair tail has also turned into the color of the bright stars.

Kiana slowly looked back...

At this time, Mei and Bronya also walked up.

The two of them stood beside Kiana, one on the left and one on the right.

Nod to Kiana

【March 7: Is this the Herrscher of the End? Isn’t it too beautiful?】

【Alicia: How about compared to me?】

【Padofelis: Two different beauties】

【Xing: It’s really unexpected that such a big change can happen.】

【Kiana: I didn’t expect that I would be like this after becoming the Herrscher of the End.】

【Bronya: Using the starry sky as a fabric to decorate your body, is the power of the Herrscher of the End so powerful?】

【Xier: Sister Bronya is not bad either, she is also very handsome!】

【Silver Wolf: And your Herrscher of Truth is clearly decorated with light and shadow.】

【Li Sushang: This is so pretty, right?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I've seen it twice】

【Youlandel: Is this what the Herrscher of the End looks like?】

【Alicia: It’s not over yetThe Herrscher of the End, because there is still a considerable part of the power of the End in Kevin.】

【Eden: That means the real battle should come next.……】

【Su: The birth process of Herrscher of the End was really full of surprises……】

【Teresa: It looks very powerful, if this power is used to destroy human civilization】

【Honkai Impact: I think no one can stop it】

【Otto: This is the Herrscher of the End……】

…… no doubt.

What Kiana looks like after becoming the Herrscher of the End.

It shocked many viewers in the live broadcast room.

Like this.

It's really amazing.

Coupled with the identity of the Herrscher of the End.

Kiana at this moment is synonymous with strength.

St. Freya Academy Valkyrie Dormitory.

Kiana looked at her Herrscher of the End.

Very beautiful and beautiful.

Almost impeccable.

Everywhere on the body is just right.

Mei Yi also said in amazement:"Kiana, you look great when you become the Herrscher of the End."

Bronya:"That's right, I almost didn't recognize this idiot Kiana."

Kiana :"Bronya, your appearance (Denuo's) is not bad."

Fu Hua:"The three of you will be very good in the future."

Kiana looked at Fu Hua:"The squad leader's artificial collapse She looks beautiful too!"

Fu Hua smiled slightly:"It seems that in the future, we will all fight with all our strength."

Kiana:"Yes, we are also getting stronger."

Bronya At this time he said:"Kiana, after becoming the Herrscher of the End,"

"You should have fulfilled your wish to become the strongest Valkyrie."

Kiana:"I think so, right?"

"But what I'm more curious about now is what the cocoon of the end looks like."

Mei Yi:"We should see you soon."

"When the captain mentioned that plan before, he also said that it was to go in front of the Cocoon of Finality."

"I think the place we will set foot on in the future should be the location of the Cocoon of Finality.

Bronya:"It should be right. I believe the captain will not lie to us.""

Kiana looked towards the live broadcast room:"Come on, my future self"

"Take us to see the Cocoon of Finality!"

At this time, in the game screen in the live broadcast room.

After the three people gestured, they looked up together.

The game screen also narrowed and raised along the perspective of the three people.

A huge sphere appeared between the three people and all the viewers in the live broadcast room. In front of you.

It was a huge sphere.

One-half of the sphere seemed to grow out of the starry sky. It was very strange.

There was also prismatic purple energy in the center of the sphere. It is exactly the same as the purple light on Kiana's body.

It emits a soft lavender light.

There is a circle of meteorites around the huge sphere that completely wraps this area.

When the audience saw this thing. I was a little stunned.

Is this the Cocoon of Finality?

It seems to be a little different from what I believed.

March 7th, a professional commentator on the audience, even tortured the soul of Cocoon of Finality on the barrage.

【March 7: So why is it called the Cocoon of Ending and not the Ball of Ending?】


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