"Mei, Bronya"

"So are we getting stronger, or are we?......"

Kiana looked at Mei and Bronya curiously.

At this time, Mei Yi and Bronya were both.

I can't tell what is going on.

Bronya began to analyze from the timeline:"From the timeline of when this incident happened,"

"We don’t have enough time to improve our strength to the level of A Valkyrie"

"What's more, what we are facing is the A Valkyrie after legalization."

"Bronya really couldn't figure out what talents the three of us relied on to maintain a stalemate with Wendy for so long. Fu

Hua behind the three people seemed to have thought of something:"Maybe it has something to do with the Herrscher power in Kiana and Mei Yi.""

"Maybe under such circumstances"

"The Herrscher power in Kiana and Mei's bodies enhanced their strength to a certain extent."

Bronya thought for a while and then said:"It seems that this is the only possibility."

"Otherwise, with the strength of the three of us"

"Even dealing with A Valkyrie is a bit difficult."

For this point,

Kiana nodded in agreement.

After all, the three of them are Jizi's soldiers. They are usually trained by Jizi.

But they are all defeated by Jizi without exception.

And Fu Hua's current rating She is also an A-level Valkyrie.

The three of them combined are still no match.

Even though the rating of the Valkyrie is only one level different, the gap in strength is huge.

This is why there are so many A-level Valkyries. There are many.

As for S-class Valkyries, there are only two or three in each generation.

And the strongest S-class Valkyrie in each generation has a big gap with other S-class Valkyries.

The biggest gap among them is Now it's Hollander.

Kiana continued:"However, Wendy's situation is really pitiful."

"If possible, I hope not to fight her in the future."

Bronya:"The captain just said that Wendy was influenced by Bronya"

"It's just that there were some mistakes in the middle that led to Wendy's final transformation."

"So as long as the captain is willing to tell us what happened in the meantime"

"Just avoid this from happening."

Kiana's face immediately became excited:"That won't lead to Wendy's legalization."

Bronya nodded:"That's right."

"That's it in theory."

Mei Yi:"I believe the captain will tell us what happened in the next story. Fu Hua:"

But I still feel a little strange.""

"Why did Wendy become legalized?"

"What if the strength decreases instead of increasing?"

It's not just Fu Hua.

The three people present felt strange.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt strange.

But no one could give a convincing answer.

But at this time, compared to Wendy's matter.

Kiana’s collection of powers is the theme of this game’s plot.

So the audience will focus more on Kiana.

As for Wendy’s matter, wait until the game’s plot is over.

Ask the captain.

Basically every viewer thinks so.

In the game screen in the live broadcast room,

Kiana is slowly moving forward on the grassland.

It is as if she is recalling the battle between the three of them and Wendy.

While While thinking back, I walked towards the deepest part of the consciousness space.

I finally found a windmill suspended in the air on the grassland.

Just like the electronic display screen just now.

This is also the consciousness of Wendy, the Herrscher of Wind.

Kiana looked at it Windmill slowly said sadly:"This is the battlefield where the three of us faced the Herrscher for the first time......."

"......It is also a tragic stage."

The viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to follow the emotions in Kiana's words.

They recalled what Lynn just said.

About Wendy's story.

Yes, Wendy's subsequent story is like a tragedy.

Obviously She had a promising career as a Valkyrie.

However, she became a test subject due to her own selfish desires due to destiny.

She also became a container for longing for gems.

In the end, she died at the hands of Cocolia.

This is just a microcosm of countless tragedies in this world..

Now Kiana will embark on this path.

She chooses to become the Herrscher of the End.

She just wants to turn this imperfect story into what everyone expects.

She just wants to fight for all the good in the world.

Qi Yana stretched out her hand and slowly placed it on the windmill

"Wendy, what you didn’t have time to tell Bronya at that time~"

"she already knows"

"We all understand that you are a gentle but strong girl"

"All we do now!"

"It is precisely because everyone's happiness is far more important than the Herrscher's power."

The small windmill that represented Wendy Herrscher's consciousness turned into little stars and disappeared into this space of consciousness under Kiana's words.

Some of them entered Kiana's body.

The rest flew away into the distance.

A brand new white light door was condensed.

It guided Kiana to the next location of Herrscher consciousness.

Leading Kiana to the next stop.

Kiana walked towards the light door opened by Wendy.

Without any hesitation. I walked in.

Here is a brand new space.

The ground is covered with flowers.

In the middle of the flowers, a metal square is suspended there.

Although most of the audience do not know where this place is.

But That square was recognized by most of the audience.

【March 7: That was the cube used by Herrscher of the Sky when he dealt with Teacher Jizi.】

【Xing: Could it be said that this is......】

【Teresa: The place where Cecilia and Siren, the Herrscher of the Sky, fought!】

【Youlandel: That is, the place where Lady Cecilia died?】

【Honkai Impact: Yes, it’s right here......】

【Alicia: It seems that this is the space of consciousness where Herrscher of the Sky is.】

【Eden: So in the final analysis, the Herrscher of the Sky has always been Siren, not Kiana.】

【Otto: It has always been Siren. Kiana's transformation into law was also because Siren's consciousness controlled this body.】

【Walter: How come you have the nerve to come out and explain?】

【March 7: That’s right, you, the bad guy, did everything!】

【Silver Wolf: Is that cube the manifestation of Herrscher of the Sky’s consciousness?】

【Kiana: This is Cecilia’s mother’s......】

【Padofelis: Why is the consciousness of the Herrscher of the Sky a bit like the Void Manzo?】

【Su: There is still a slight difference. Void Manzo is a golden cube.】

【Alicia: Is this the process of collecting power?】

【Mei: Fortunately, the Herrscher of the Sky already recognized Kiana when she was playing The Herrscher of Domination.】

【Mebius: It really saves a lot of trouble. 】

In the audience.

The person who is most familiar with this scene.

None other than Theresa who had participated in the second Honkai War together.

Theresa looked at the square in the game screen that represented the consciousness of Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky.

The scene of the confrontation between the two came to mind.

The pressure that Siren put on her at that time.

Theresa still thinks about it as if it happened yesterday.

And it was clear that Teresa was already prepared to die together.

But Siren has the power of the Herrscher of Death in her body.

Under such extreme circumstances.

Xilin used her power to heal the wound and recovered.

But he was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Until you wake up again.

Already lying on the bed.

The second collapse is over.

Teresa also lost her best friend Cecilia.

So the second collapse has always been for Theresa.

It's like a nightmare.

The aftermath of that collapse.

There are simply too many.

Himeko looked at the battlefield that collapsed for the second time. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The image of Captain Ragnar also appeared in my mind again.

His eyes also became complicated.

Then Jizi said calmly:"The second collapse should be the biggest blow that Destiny has suffered so far."

Theresa shook her head:"It's not just Destiny."

"The whole world is like this"

"Almost no one emerged from that battle unscathed......"


Theresa realized that what she said was too absolute, so she changed her words and said,"Maybe it's just grandpa."

Jizi nodded, thinking it made sense.

Perhaps before, she would have thought that Otto lost many Valkyries in this war.

But as Lynne uncovered the truth of many stories bit by bit.

It seems that Otto's real thoughts are not like that.

Theresa took a deep breath:"I will definitely find out the truth from back then!"

Theresa still remembers it to this day.

When I woke up from bed.

Otto was vague about what happened next.

Otto keeps telling Theresa that she doesn't need to care about the truth.

Because there is only one truth.

That is, the Valkyrie of Destiny sacrificed herself. saved the world...

And those who are saved in the world.

Just need to know the truth.

That is, this world cannot exist without destiny.

Himeko:"We will find it together."

The two of them continued to look at the game screen.

Kiana came to this Herrscher consciousness space.

There was also a familiar look in his eyes.

In front of the computer.

Linn watched Kiana slowly approach Sirin's consciousness.

He also began to explain:"In fact, Siren, the Herrscher of the Sky, can also be regarded as Cecilia's daughter."

"At that time, Fu Hua stepped forward to fight Xilin, and struck the Taixu Sword God with all his strength, shattering the Honkai consciousness in Xilin's body."

"As a side effect of Yu Duchen, he lost all his memory."

"The Honkai Consciousness blocked the Taixu Sword God, and Xilin took Yu Duchen as her own without incident."

"Siren then used Yu Duchen to trap Cecilia and Siegfried."

"Had a sweet dream together......"

"Siren weaves a dream of a family of three for them, and plans to crush it into a nightmare, crushing Cecilia and Siegfried from the bottom of their hearts."

"But Cecilia had been training with Fu Hua during that period and was able to resist the illusion created by Yu Duchen"

"So in the illusion, Cecilia acts in accordance with what Siren needs, until Siren herself enters the illusion."

"Cecilia recognizes Sirin as her daughter and plans to influence Sirin......"

"Because Cecilia can feel the pain in Xilin's heart"

"Just when Cecilia's role as a mother was about to influence Sirin, changes in the outside world rekindled Sirin's hatred."

"This led to the failure of Cecilia's plan to influence Sirin."

".But the fantasy of living with Cecilia turned into a seed buried deep in Sirin's heart."

Lynn told what happened during the second collapse.

【Theresa: It turns out that when Cecilia and Siegfried were silent together, these are the things that happened】

【Honkai Himeko: In other words, Fu Hua also participated in the second Honkai War!】

【Alicia: Hua Yijian cut off the Honkai Consciousness, how powerful it is】

【Kiana: So the squad leader’s memory was completely lost at that time.】

【Fu Hua: In this way, I will roughly know where my memory started to break.】

【March 7: Am I the only one who cares more about the great Lady Cecilia?】

【Youlandel: It could have been solved in a gentle way at that time, but it’s a pity】

【Walter: Impossible. At that time, Siren was only briefly indulged in the fantasy life. Her heart was filled with disgust for human beings.】

【Dan Heng: Mr. Walter, are you?】

【Walter: Yes, Siren and I were fighting on the moon. I knew I was not her opponent, so I deliberately defeated her and hid my consciousness in the core of the Herrscher of Reason.】

【Walter: So I was also involved in the illusion at that time.】

【Walter: Mrs. Cecilia is indeed very gentle, and she really almost influenced Sirin, but in the end she still couldn't resist the hatred in Sirin's heart.】

【Theresa: This approach is really in line with Cecilia’s character】

【Otto: That’s it. No wonder something like that happened later.......】

【Padofyllis: Lady Cecilia is so gentle! (Crying) (Crying) (Crying)】

【Silver Wolf: But in the end, gentleness could not withstand the hatred in Xilin’s heart.】

【Hoshi: It’s really a pity. If it hadn’t been like that, maybe Siren could have become a Herrscher fighting for humanity.】

【March 7: It’s all Otto’s fault! 】

Lin En looked at the barrage, omitted a long section of the story in the middle and continued to explain:"Later, Sirin failed, and the Herrscher Core went berserk."

"Cecilia uses her holy blood to purify Honkai energy"

"Finally, when the Honkai fission bomb arrived, Cecilia used the Black Abyss White Flower to protect Siegfried"

"Use the little time you have left to hold Xilin's body in your arms"

((yes) left with Siren"

"Although Siren died, her consciousness still remained in the core of Herrscher of the Sky."

"Later, Otto put the core of Herrscher of the Sky into the experimental subject K423."

"Siren's consciousness was awakened and began to extend"

"Missing the warmth of Cecilia, wanting to be Cecilia, the kind side turned into the current Kiana"

"And the side that hates humans and wants revenge became the Herrscher of the Sky"

"Therefore, Celine can also be regarded as Cecilia’s daughter."

"And what we see now with Kiana can also be seen as an extension of Xi Linshan."

After finishing speaking,

Linn continued to look at Kiana on the game screen.

He was filled with emotions.

When he first played this game, as the mystery of Kiana's life experience was revealed.

There are really no words to describe that feeling.....

But anyway.

Lin En sighed softly:"Xilin, your last wish......"


In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Kiana walked up to the cube with a sigh of relief.

He eased his emotions and said slowly:"It's your thing, right?"

This is you.

It's the Siren inside her

"Although I can't convince you......"

"But then you let me go down the path of my choice"

"You only recognize the results, although I think that shouldn't be everything"


"The results are indeed of great significance......"

Kiana took a deep breath and looked at the cube in front of her firmly.

Then he slowly said:"ichliebedich (I love you)" in front of the computer.

Linn continued:"This sentence was said by Cecilia to Sirin in the illusion."

"She wanted to tell Siren that she was not alone"

"And Kiana is now using this method to tell Xilin......"......

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