Destiny Headquarters.

Youlandel looked at the back of Kiana who stepped into the light door. do not know why.

A feeling of gratified pride arose in my heart.

It's like Kiana is a very important person.

Hollander looked at Rita:"Rita, it's like watching Kiana grow step by step."

"This feeling is really strange."

Rita looked at Hollander.

She didn't feel this way.

"Maybe it’s because Master Youlandel likes Kiana very much."

"After all, I can also be in Kiana's body"

"I saw some shadows of Lord Youlandel."

Youlandel was stunned for a moment.

She felt an inexplicable familiarity with Kiana.

Maybe it was because of what Rita said.

Youlandel continued to watch the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Neither of them paid attention. Arrived.

Otto's smile behind him.

And Otto's eyes at this time, besides looking at Kiana in the game screen, he also looked at Hollander with concern.

The corner of Otto's mouth raised slightly:"It seems , my most successful experimentIt’s time to K423"

"Originally, she was just meant to be a Herrscher who fights for humanity like Walter Joyce."

"Use this to decipher the Herrscher's secrets"

"I didn't expect that she would be able to grow to this point in the future"

"It's really amazing"

"in addition......"

Otto was thinking in his mind while looking at the barrage of the game.

"Teresa, the Herrscher of the Future will be your subordinate......"


"According to you, more accurately it should be your students"

"With these three strongest Herrschers by your side, your position as the Archbishop of Destiny"

"Even more, no one can shake it"

"Destiny will also be in your hands and become more brilliant."

Otto looked at Hollander, with a light shining deep in his eyes.

"The blood of the Kaslana family and the blood of the Shaniyat family"

"It's really powerful beyond my expectation."

"It was indeed right to bring the two of them together in the first place."

"Experimental subject K423, let me see how you finally become the Herrscher of the End......."

Otto's hands held his chin.

Nothing for years.

It makes him so interested.

This is the first time for Otto in more than 500 years.

I feel so excited.

However, Landale and Rita did not notice anything strange about Otto.

Compared to Otto's inner activities at this time.

They are also more curious.

What kind of Herrscher consciousness will Kiana encounter next?

What kind of dialogue will happen?

As Kiana steps into the light door in the game screen.

Lin En, who was in front of the computer, was also stunned. in the game screen.

Kiana bid farewell to Herrscher of Corrosion and entered a new space.

After being covered by a burst of white light, it disappeared.

The new Herrscher consciousness space appeared in the live broadcast room. displayed in front of the audience.

It is a plain full of flowers.

And this plain.

Lynn recognized it immediately.

This plot is also from the previous story.

Lynn didn't play it.

Windy the Herrscher.

S-class Valkyrie Seed.

However, due to the imbalance in his heart, he was controlled by the Desire Gem and became the Fourth Herrscher, the Herrscher of Wind.

However, they were restrained by the three members of the Yusan family.

Then he was subdued by Cocolia who arrived.

Because of this, Wendy got the title of Disgraced Herrist.

Because when Kiana and the other two restrained the Herrscher of Wind, the strength of the three of them was only a B-level Valkyrie.

Later, he was taken away by Cocolia in a sneak attack.

It can be called the shame of the Herrscher in Honkai Impact 3!

And this grassland is where the Yusan family and Wendy fought before.

After being taken away by Cocolia.

Wendy had the Desire Gem removed from her body and died as a result.

Thinking of this, Linn sighed softly.

If Wendy hadn't been because of Cocolia's intervention.

Maybe you can also become a member of the protagonist group.

After all, in the end, under the influence of Bronya.

Wendy has quit being the Herrscher.

It was Cocolia who controlled Bronya, causing Bronya to take action against Wendy.

Let Wendy never trust anyone again.

Only then will he completely go berserk and become the Herrscher of Wind.

Linn began to explain:"The place where Kiana is now is the place where the three-person team fought against the Fourth Herrscher, Wind Herrcher Wendy."

"Wendy, the original Destiny A Valkyrie, the seed of the fourth S-class Valkyrie"

"Originally, as a Valkyrie, her future was limitless, but due to her adaptability to the Honkai Impact of the Desire Stone,"

"Destiny transplanted the desire gem into her body"

"And the desire for gems is the core of the Fourth Herrscher, the Herrscher of Wind."

"However, the desire for gems still caused a rejection reaction with Wendy, causing this promising Valkyrie to have her legs disabled and become a useless person."

"Used for the special characteristics of the desire gem, which makes it impossible to remove the desire gem from Wendy's body."

"Therefore, under such circumstances, Wendy became the container of desire for gems."

"No more Valkyrie!"

"Under such a gap in her heart, Wendy turned into the Rhyscher of the Wind because of the resentment in her heart."

【Xi'er: It's too much. How could it be like this?】

【March 7: Destiny has gone too far. He actually uses people as containers for the Herrscher's core!】

【Mebius: The core of the Fourth Herrscher was probably also taken from Siren, the Herrscher of the Sky. Otto, you have done a lot of research on destiny.】

【Padofelis: That’s too much. Can’t it be made directly into the God Key?】

【Velvet: According to Otto’s ability to create fusion warriors, he should also be able to create the God Key.】

【Otto: The Key of God already exists in the world, there is no need for the same one, and my original intention is to cultivate Herrschers who can fight for mankind.】

【Alicia: Is that just for this purpose?】

【Theresa: Grandpa, you really went too far!】

【Otto: There is no way around it. Everything I do is not only for destiny, but also for all human civilization.】

【Qianjie: The tone of your words is really unpleasant. It reminds me of another group of people from Fire Chaser.】

【Padofelis: Exactly the same】

【Kafka: As far as the collapse of the world is concerned, we cannot judge whether what Otto did was right or wrong.】

【Walter: This guy can always find a high-sounding reason for what he does.】

【Youlandel: It turns out that this is the reason why the strongest A-level Valkyrie suddenly became inactive!】

【Bronya: For the sake of experiment, she was actually used as a container......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Otto is such a person. He has done a lot of bad things. Just get used to it.】

【Kiana: This is too much!】

【Honkai Impact: No wonder Cecilia-sama wanted to open a new Valkyrie training academy back then】

【Hoshido Himeko: Is this the current St. Freya Academy?】

【Rita: Yes, the teaching philosophy of St. Freya Academy is completely different from the training philosophy of Destiny.】

【Otto: I'm not just for destiny】

【Silver Wolf: It is undeniable that judging from various previous phenomena, it was indeed during Otto's tenure that Tianming's strength developed rapidly and he gained the strength to fight against Honkai.】

【Su: But even so, if you do something wrong, you do something wrong.】

【Sakura: Doing good deeds does not equal the merits and demerits of doing bad deeds】

【Mei: How dare you to directly implant the Herrscher's core into the human body. If it weren't for Alicia's first move, I'm afraid you would have directly cultivated a terrifying Herrscher. 】

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa clenched her fists and gritted her teeth:"Grandpa, you guy!"

Jizi:"No wonder there has been no news from the Oceania branch about Wendy and her report after her mission."

"What happened."

The A-level Valkyrie who is also Destiny.

Himeko knows Wendy's name.

Not long after entering Destiny, she successfully became a B-level Valkyrie, and then became an A-level Valkyrie in a short period of time.

Also Identified by the Destiny Headquarters as the fourth S-class Valkyrie seed.

She is said to be the most talented Valkyrie after Youlandel.

I didn’t expect that it would turn out like this in the end.......

Theresa took a deep breath, then calmed down and said:"Just to study the desire gem."

"How could he sacrifice Wendy like this?"

"Grandpa did this too much."

"If we could save Wendy......"

Himeko understands Theresa’s mood

"We are members of the Far East branch, and each branch of Tianming is an independent existence."

"Only under the jurisdiction of Tianming Headquarters"

"This kind of thing is not within our jurisdiction."

Theresa also looked helpless.

If you don't know about this, forget it. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now I know that it is impossible to let Theresa sit back and do nothing..

Because Wendy was a child that

Theresa had met before.

If she had known that it would become like this, she should have brought Wendy directly to St. Freya Academy.

Jizi continued:"But you don't have to do it first. Worry about Teresa, now that we know this future"

"Of course there are ways to stop it.

Theresa nodded:"Let's first listen to what the captain will say next.""

"Since it was Kiana and the other three who went to defeat Wendy in the end,"

"That proves that the final development of this matter has something to do with our Far East Branch......."

"etc! Theresa realized something was wrong and looked at Jizi:"Kiana and the three of them, without becoming Herrschers,"

"How to fight Wendy."

Himeko also reacted.

The time is wrong!

Judging from the plot played by Lin before and some future information revealed.

After Kiana became the Herrscher of the Sky, St. Freya Academy began Going against destiny.

The Yusan family even fell apart.Come. ?

There was no reunion until later.

In other words, the battle between Kiana and Wendy.

It was before Kiana became the Herrscher of the Sky.

When the three of them were still B-class Valkyrie.

But Wendy was an A-level Valkyrie before she became a Herrscher.

So what do Kiana and the three of them rely on to fight?

Ji Zi said with some uncertainty:"Would it be possible in this battle?""

"Sirin in Kiana's body, and the consciousness of the Herrscher of Thunder in Mei's body"

"Will you help too?"

Theresa thought for a moment.

It seems that this is the only possibility.

Otherwise, with the current strength of the three of them as B-level Valkyries, how can they possibly fight Wendy.

You must know that Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, , before she became the Herrscher, she was just an ordinary little girl.

After becoming the Herrscher of the Sky, her fighting power was so powerful that it was incredible. Not to mention Wendy, who was originally the A Valkyrie. Isn’t that more

? Strong. Theresa:"I hope that no accidents will happen to Kiana and the three of them in the future." Although what she saw at this moment was the more distant future. Theresa was still worried that the three of them would be injured. And Lynn continued to tell Wendy's story in the live broadcast room

"Wendy, who turned into the Herrscher of Wind, came to this plain"

"Kiana and the three of them have become good friends with Wendy through their previous experiences, and they also sympathize with Wendy's experience."

"So I planned to persuade Wendy, but the persuasion failed due to an accident."

"Wendy and the Yusan family go to war"

"As a result of this battle, the two sides restrained each other for a long time, until the anti-entropic Cocolia appeared."

"Using the latest anti-entropy robot at the time, he sneak-attacked Wendy and took her away."

"Before Wendy was taken away, her relationship with Bronya was the last"

"After being taken away, the Stone of Desire was taken out by Cocolia......"

Linn roughly finished these stories.

But most of the audience in front of the light curtain.

I was stunned when I heard the last paragraph.

Sorting out the timeline.

It's not just Theresa and Himeko who do it.

Others only need a little thought to figure it out.

In other words, the three of Kiana relied on the 333 strength of the B-level Valkyrie.

Contained Wendy, who was originally the A Valkyrie and then transformed into the Herrscher of Wind?

If another person had said this.

The audience will think that the other party is bragging.

But the person who said this was Lin En.

It's the captain!

【March 7: Captain, are you kidding me? ?】

【Xing: Obviously his life experience in the first half was very pitiful, why did there be such a reversal in the second half?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Although I really don’t want to admit this kind of thing, it is indeed true. Wendy, Herrscher of Wind, was restrained by three B-level Valkyrie at that time.】

【Walter: Well, the Anti-Entropy mission report did mention this later.】

【Thousand Tribulations: Will the Herrscher of Wind be that weak in the next civilization era?】

【Kosmo: I almost died at the hands of Wind Herrscher】

【Mebius: From our perspective, the first six Herrschers can indeed be solved with human power, but this is too much.......】

【Alicia: Could it be because your body hasn’t moved for too long?】

【Teresa: But then again, Yulhwa was also an A Valkyrie before.】

【Honkai Impact: Could it be that Kiana and the three of them have experienced rapid growth in strength in the following days?】

【Fu Hua: This kind of thing is unlikely】

【Bronya: Bronya also thinks it’s impossible. After all, the idiot Kiana is here.】

【Kiana: Bronya! I'm right by your side!】

【Seele: Could it be that Wendy doesn’t want to fight?】

【Padofelis: No, if you don’t want to fight, you should suppress Kiana and the others with absolute strength, and then make them lose the ability to fight.】

【Hua: That’s right, so we should be fighting seriously.】

【Silver Wolf: If you fight seriously, you can't beat three B-class Valkyries?】

【Landale: Are the reports uploaded by the Oceania branch over the years true? 】

Destiny Headquarters.

Hollander looked at Otto.

I thought about asking about Wendy before.

Now she wants to know whether the experimental reports about Wendy uploaded by the Oceania branch over the years are true or false.

Otto spread his hands:"Don't look at me like this"

"I have seen Wendy's strength before, she is also the best among the A-level Valkyries."

"So I don’t understand either......"

Rita touched her chin curiously:"Theoretically, with the strength of an A-level Valkyrie, it is not a problem to challenge three B-level Valkyries."

"But why did Wendy become weaker after becoming a legal person?"

Rita couldn't understand either.

This is completely unreasonable.

You know, even ordinary people can break out into extremely high-level battles after being corroded by Honkai energy and become a dead soldier. What's more, She became the Herrscher's A-level Valkyrie. Himeko gained so much strength in the A-level Valkyrie and after putting on the Red Knight Eclipse. Being able to overpower Kiana, the Herrscher of the Sky! Wendy is a bit It's against common sense


Rita thought for a while and then said:"I don't understand."

Be confident!......

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