Uchiha Xiao sensed his surroundings, and sure enough, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki was gone.

Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but frown. After all, Ura Shiki's Noble Phantasm Plow was a variable, and he didn't want to have this feeling of being stuck behind his back.

The surrounding black tentacles disappeared the moment the ghost left.

"Ghost, ghost style.....Xiao......"

Momoshiki let out a low cry of despair. He looked at Uchiha Xiao with endless hatred in his eyes.

Uchiha Xiao walked up to Momoshiki, and his condescending look made Momoshi feel very unhappy.

Uchiha Xiao didn't have time to taunt Momoshi, a black ball condensed in his palm

"Earth explodes and stars explode!"

Similar to the golden seal last month, Momoshiki was also sealed by Uchiha Xiao.

All the gravel gathered on Momoshiki, and just when the last gravel was about to block it, Momoshiki's weak voice issued from the stone ball

"You will regret this.......He won't let you go......."


Uchiha Xiao ignored it. He had encountered such threats countless times in his life, and this one was not missing.

And even if Uchiha Xiaozhen regrets it, his power will not be returned.

So instead of worrying about it, it is better to prepare well and suck Urashiki. With the ability to look back in time, Uchiha Xiao's ability can be improved to the next level.

Touching the stone ball, Uchiha Xiao used Flying Thunder God to reach a base.

This was a 300-meter base built by Uchiha Xiao in the past to fight guerrilla warfare against the people of the five major countries, but it was of no use. Now Uchiha Xiao uses this to store debris.

The stone ball rose into the sky and floated in mid-air.

There were already two stone balls floating here. Uchiha Xiao looked at them for a while and then used the Flying Thunder God to return to the Ming Ninja Village.

In the palace of Mingren Village, Uchiha Xiao lay comfortably on the sofa.

Although the battle just now was hearty, he was also very tired. As soon as he lay down, he really wanted to take a nap.

"elder brother!"

A silver bell-like voice sounded. If it had been anyone else, Uchiha Xiao would have driven them out long ago, but this was his sister's voice. Uchiha Xiao's face instantly turned into a smile.

"Reina, what's wrong?"

Uchiha Xiao looked at Rena who was jumping over, and his mood was instantly healed.

"Brother, look!"

I saw Chakra condensing on Reina's hand, and then she waved it out violently


There was an air explosion, and a large amount of air flow blew away the bangs on Reina's forehead.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes lit up. This girl seemed to have practiced the strong fist technique of the Senju clan.

"Rena-chan is so awesome!"

The rigid fist method is the corresponding fist to the soft fist method. The strong fist method of the Senju clan is the most famous. When combined with the unique chakra amount of the Senju clan, it can explode with strength far beyond the current level.

(ahaj) And Uchiha Reina, as a member of the Uchiha clan, can learn this boxing technique, and her talent is pretty good.

Reina's thinking was not weak, and according to the rules of the ninja world, she could be considered a jounin.

Rena-chan is now fourteen years old. At the age of fourteen, she already has the strength of a jounin and is already talented. If she is placed in any ninja village, she will be the backbone of the village in the future.

However, such talent was not enough in front of Uchiha Xiao. At that age, Uchiha Xiao already had a shadow-level strength.

Sure enough, Reina showed a look of dissatisfaction on her face:"Brother, you fooled me again. You were much stronger than me back then~"

Uchiha Xiao patted Reina on the head:"Why are you so strong? The current ninja world is so Peace doesn't require Rena's strength."

Just when Reina wanted to say something, Uchiha Xiao continued:"Isn't there anything Reina-chan wants to do? Besides practicing?"

This really made Reina want to say something. stunned.

After all, Reina lived in the late Warring States Period, a period of war and chaos. When every child was born, the idea he was instilled in him was to increase his strength and revitalize his family!

So almost every child's wish is to continue to become stronger and kill more enemies!

Although having an older brother like Uchiha Xiao prevented Reina from becoming a killing machine, her inner dreams and what she wanted to do really confused Rena.

"It's okay, you can think about it slowly, you are still young now, and you still have a lot of time to squander!"Uchiha Xiao said with a smile.

At this time, a clear voice came from the side

"You say it as if you are very old now, Xiao."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Turning around, I saw Tsunade and Kaguya standing at the door. The words just now were obviously spoken by Tsunade.

The eyes of the three people met, and soon , Uchiha Xiao understood what the two of them were thinking.

"Reina, you should go out and walk around first to see what hobbies you might have worth cultivating."Uchiha Xiao patted Reina on the head.

Reina didn't feel anything was wrong after hearing this. Now all she could think about was"hobby, hobby".

So she walked out of the room in a daze.


Tsunade closed the door directly, and two blushes flew on her cheeks.

Although Kaguya was very reserved, Kaguya's thoughts were also obvious from her erratic eyes.

Uchiha Xiao shook his head , in this case, there is no other way.

Then, Uchiha Xiao suddenly became playful

"Why don't we do something different today?"

Tsunade and Kaguya looked confused, and saw Uchiha Xiao forming seals with his hands.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Under the shy expressions of Kaguya and Tsunade, a dozen Uchiha Xiao appeared in the room.

Rena was walking on the main road of Ming Ninja Village. She was wandering around. Soon, she found a place that made her Something of interest.

She kicked her feet, and her good control of chakra allowed her to quickly reach the tallest building in Akenomin Village.

She walked into the building and followed the flow of office workers into the elevator. , and then she pressed a random floor as if by chance.

Soon, the door opened, and a big sign appeared in front of Rena's eyes.

""Archaeology Department"

Reina rubbed her chin, a trace of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

What does archeology mean?......

Reina walked into the door of the Archeology Department with doubts.

"Hello uncle, may I ask what we do here?"

"This is archeology, specializing in the study of ancient things."An uncle stood at the door and looked through the documents in his hands.

People around him were also moving around, looking at the documents, looking very busy.

Originally, the Archeology Department was a very leisurely work department, but Uchiha Xiaotong tolerated it. After entering the world, this department suddenly became busy.

Moreover, Uchiha Xiao also issued an order that the direction of archeology should go to the deep sea.

Originally, Director Maeizumi of the Archeology Department had great objections. We are archeology and not studying marine life. How to go to the deep sea?!

However, after Minister Izumi saw the money approved by Uchiha Xiao, the minister silently signed up for a swimming training class for himself......

The uncle in front of Rena is the director of the Archeology Department.

Minister Maizumi looked embarrassed when he saw the cute girl in front of him, so he thought it would be better to call the girl's parents over.

"Whose child are you from? Where are your parents?"Minister Maizumi asked helplessly.

Reina said directly:"I am Uchiha Rena, and my brother is Uchiha Xiao. Should I ask him to come over?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding air suddenly became quiet. Feeling the quiet air around her, Reina also felt a little embarrassed.

Isn't it a good idea to go through the back door like this?.....Rena thought angrily


At this moment, the porcelain in the hands of an archaeologist fell to the ground.

Everyone seemed to wake up instantly

"ah!! Porcelain from the late Warring States Period!".

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