"Mr. Ghost Style!"

Urashiki and Momoshiki shouted, and just when they were about to run over, Uchiha Xiao turned back. Uchiha

Xiao looked at the two of them, breathing heavily, and as he breathed, wisps of white smoke rose from his mouth. , eyes glowing with intense red light


The two of them didn't dare to move for a moment, cold sweat slipped from their foreheads, and they felt as if they were being stared at by an evil god.

Although this feeling only lasted for a moment, it still left them with lingering fear.


Mountains thousands of meters high in the distance collapsed, and the huge sound caused an avalanche, which roared like a wave.

Originally, Uchiha Xiao had no expression, but he seemed to have discovered something.

"!"When Uchiha Xiao opened his pupils, he saw groups of black tentacles mixed in the pure white snow.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge wave composed of countless tentacles launched an indiscriminate attack on Uchiha Xiao with the support of Avalanche.

Urashiki and Momoshiki looked shocked, and they wanted to jump up, but for some reason, when the huge wave came, At that time, it seemed that they could no longer mobilize the power in their bodies!

"Mr. Ghost Style....."

The shouts of the two were drowned by the huge waves, and Uchiha Xiao's figure was gradually covered by the black waves.

But the huge black wave has not yet ended, and this torrent is still advancing rumble.

This catastrophic scene lasted for half an hour before it stopped.

Among the black tentacles, a figure stood up slowly. The slender figure was completely black, with only a pair of pale eyes exposed.

The dark substance slowly receded from his body. Under the darkness were broken clothes, and the exposed white skin was covered with dense scars.

He looked at the mess around him and did not feel sad at all for Momo and Urashiki who might be dead. Instead, he showed a cheerful smile.

"Hahahahaha....It’s so fun!"Oni Shi laughed so hard that tears were about to fall. He had not experienced such a fun battle in a thousand years. The boring life for thousands of years had also made his character gloomy and stable. However, the appearance of Uchiha Xiao seemed to be A piece of dynamite blew up all his boring character, and his original desire to fight was re-inspired!

"Thank you, Uchiha Xiao, it would be great if you were from Otsutsuki`."Ghost Shiki muttered to himself.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened!

A tentacle not far away suddenly moved, as if something was about to burst out of the ground.

"Puff puff!"

Ghost Shi looked over, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.


Countless thick tree vines rose up suddenly, squeezing all the ghost-like black tentacles away.

A figure stood on a tree trunk and slowly rose.

Uchiha Xiao was not very comfortable, because he was surprised to find that the opponent's black tentacles It actually has the effect of chakra suppression. Uchiha Xiao originally wanted to use the Flying Thunder God to escape, but found that he couldn't use it. Uchiha Xiao's greed for the ghost style became even more serious. The black tentacles that integrated offense and defense were much better than Susanoo. It seems to be even more powerful.

And its speed has also gotten rid of Susanoo's bloat.

Uchiha Xiao smiled:"Don't you care about the life and death of your two companions?"

"Hahaha....I don’t know what you Earthlings think, but in Otsutsuki, those without strength are doomed to be eliminated!"Ghost Shi's words are plausible, and he doesn't have the gloomy image just now.

"Besides, if they don't die in my hands, they will die in your hands."Oni Shi chuckled.

Uchiha Xiao nodded:"So that's what you think, then I'm relieved."

After saying that, Uchiha Xiao had a thought in his mind, and the big trees behind him began to slowly recede, and a white figure fell to the ground.

Oni Shiki took a closer look, and there was no doubt that it was Momoshiki. How could Momoshiki at this time have any aristocratic qualities? Feng Feng, most of his clothes were blown off by the attack, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

However, what surprised Oni Shi most was that the red samsara eyes on Momoshi's palm turned into ordinary eyes!

Oni Shi looked at Uchi Bo Xiao sneered:"You are really good at finding opportunities."

Obviously, Uchiha Xiao took advantage of this big wave to kidnap Momoshi, and then used the Yuga Soul to take away all Momoshi's power and abilities.

"I cured his serious injury, and he had to thank me!"Uchiha Xiao said with a smile. He squeezed his hand. The majestic strength in his body made him feel that he could fight for another 300 rounds.

Ghost Shiki fired back:"You healed him because you were afraid of his death. Jin Shiki was also beaten by you. That's how you handle it. Have you sealed him? Uchiha

Xiao nodded without concealment:"So, in order to prevent you from leaking the news, I can't keep you here anymore.""


The moment he finished speaking, a fireball shot out of Uchiha Xiao's hand.

Oni Shi held up his chest, and the absorption ability of the Samsara Eye began to work:"It's useless to attack like this, as long as it's Chuck......"

However, before he could finish his words, the fireball hit Oni Shiki directly. Although it burned for a while, it quickly extinguished.

"`Natural fire seems to be of little use to you."Uchiha Xiao sneered, and in the black smoke, Onishi's smiling face slowly appeared.

Onishi did not answer Uchiha Xiao's words. He felt the power of Uchiha Xiao and asked:"What does it feel like to absorb Momoshiki? the power of. Uchiha

Xiao shook his head:"It's just average. It's far less shocking than the first move that made me feel at that time. I want to get that feeling again."....."

Uchiha Xiao stopped talking and stared at Onishi with his bright red eyes.

To be honest, Momoshiki doesn't add much to Uchiha Xiao. His ability"High Royal Family Spirit Master" conflicts with Uchiha Xiao's"Uga no Tamashii".

Although Uchiha Xiao's ability to absorb and rebound has increased significantly, generally speaking, Uchiha Xiao rarely uses these two abilities, so this ability is better than nothing for Uchiha Xiao.

On the contrary, what gained him the most was Momoshiki's energy. Maybe it was because of the nobility. Momoshiki's energy was very huge, and it was not much better than Ishiki.

Uchiha Xiao's inhalation directly allowed his body to recover from the strain caused by opening the eight doors.

Shen Shi looked at himself who was covered in scars, and smiled at Uchiha Xiao:"It seems that I can no longer accompany you."

Although he is a fighting maniac, it does not mean that he is really crazy.

Uchiha Xiao didn't stop him, because he knew that he couldn't stop this guy even if he wanted to. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guishi waved his hand, and a black space portal appeared behind him.

Before leaving, he turned to Uchiha Xiao and said,"See you later, Uchiha Xiao."

Uchiha Xiao nodded slightly, and today's battle also made his blood boil.

Since his rebirth, it seemed that only Metkai could give him this feeling, but Uchiha Xiao had a backup plan at that time. In the situation just now, Uchiha Xiao even felt a slight threat to his life.

Uchiha Xiao hadn't felt this way for a long time.

He stared at the place where Onishi just left:"Otsutsuki Onishi, the next time I meet you, it will be the time when you become the nourishment for my eyes!".

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