Yi Shi was lying in the pothole, panting like an ox. Although the injuries on his body were recovering, they were too serious and recovery would take a lot of time.

At this time, Uchiha Xiao appeared next to Ishiki.

Uchiha Xiao looked down at Ishiki, his figure blocked the sun, and his expression was unclear due to the backlight. Only the blood-red Rinne Sharingan was clearly visible.

Yi Shi was shocked and horrified. He had never imagined that he would be afraid of an alien on this worthless planet.

However, this is the fact. Yi Shi panicked, his desire to survive shattered all his arrogance and ruthlessness, and his voice turned into a plea for mercy:

"Lord Ming Wang, your Excellency, whatever you want, I can get it for you!"

However, Uchiha Xiao remained unmoved, as if he had not heard Ishiki's words. His blood-red eyes continued to stare directly at Ishiki. When

Ishiki saw that Uchiha Xiao did not kill him immediately, he immediately thought that Uchiha Xiao was indeed going to kill him. ask him for something

"Does Lord Mingwang want the method of immortality? I have lived for thousands of years, and the law of immortality is bestowed upon you."Isshiki showed an almost flattering smile, the Ten-Tails recovered some of his injuries, and he immediately knelt down next to Uchiha Xiao

"Is this the so-called celestial race, the Otsutsuki clan? Unexpectedly, he has no spine and blood, and is as inferior as an animal. It is really disappointing."Uchiha Xiao's emotion is the truth.

As the saying goes, people cannot be arrogant, let alone arrogant.

Whether it is Kaguya or Ishiki, these two Otsutsuki seem to be beasts with their backbones broken. When they encounter a strong enemy Just begging for mercy.

In terms of bloodiness, there are too many people in the ninja world who surpass them.

Except for the first generation, every shadow of Konoha Village has died in battle with them. In comparison, Ishiki is as lowly as a beast who instinctively seeks to survive.

Regarding Uchiha Xiao's extremely harsh words, Ishiki is not angry and has no refutation.

In fact, the character of the Otsutsuki clan is like this, fearing power but not being ethical, facing the weak Drawing out the butcher knife and begging for mercy in the face of the strong, of course, this is also inseparable from the purpose of their clan.

Everyone in the Otsutsuki clan has only one purpose, which is to plant more trees, eat more fruits, and then ascend.

When oneself changes When strength becomes the only goal, then they value their lives more than anything outside of them.

In order to save their lives, they can give up everything, including family, companions, and even dignity.

Uchiha Xiao slowly leaned down and said:"You There is indeed something I need on my body."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, when he was lucky to have another life, the flame of revenge in his heart also burned.

Wait! Uchiha Xiao! Wait until I bring reinforcements! You and your country must die.!

Yi Shi's acting skills are very good. No matter how much he curses in his heart, he still looks like a loser on the surface.

Uchiha Xiao felt that his eyes were becoming more and more excited. Uchiha Xiao covered his eyes with his hands and said softly:

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon..."

Looking at this weird scene, Yi Shi, who has seen a lot of things, felt a little bit hairy.

"I wonder what Lord Mingwang wants?"

Uchiha Xiao soothed his eyes, confirming the suspicion in his heart.

After hearing Ishiki's question, Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but look into Ishiki's eyes, with a look of greed on his face.

"you...You bitch dare?!"Feeling Uchiha Xiao's greed for his eyes, Ishiki shouted subconsciously.

Eyes are the most important thing for the Otsutsuki clan besides life, so it's no wonder that Ishiki is so nervous.

"call!"A ball of six rays of fairy fire appeared in Uchiha Xiao's hand. Uchiha Xiao held up the flame and hit Ishiki mercilessly. The injury that had just recovered a little on Ishiki became worse again, and the chakra in his body was further suppressed..

Now he doesn’t even have the chakra to open the space.

He finally knows, finally knows why he always thought that his eyes were not strong enough.

Look at the eyes of the Otsutsuki clan.

One-style eyes have the ability to magnify and put down The effects of any item, or even ninjutsu, can be hit or escaped, and are very powerful.

(acde) Ura's eyes can look back infinitely, thus making himself invincible.

Kaguya's eyes are the center of the sky, a weapon for escaping, and they can control terrain and nature to attack, and their power is also good.

As for Uchiha Xiao, he only absorbs other people's ninjutsu and then bounces it back twice as much. It looks very powerful, but it is a bit useless.

Because most of the enemies they will face in the future are Otsutsuki, and the Otsutsuki clan can absorb ninjutsu by relying on"wedge", then it will be useless even if Uchiha Xiao rebounds the ninjutsu a hundred times, the enemy can still absorb it..

But now, Uchiha Xiao finally knows the true ability of his eyes. Absorbing chakra and rebounding it twice is just an incidental ability of these eyes. The real ability of these eyes is to directly absorb other people's pupil power and pupil skills!

Uchiha Xiao slowly moved his face closer, and the pattern of the Rinne Sharingan began to slowly change, turning into a vortex.

"No, no, please......"Yi Shi was about to collapse. It took him thousands of years to get his eyes to where they are today.

Will the achievements of thousands of years be regarded as wasted? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, this was not something that Ishiki could not stop because of his unwillingness. Uchiha Xiao directly pinched Ishiki's neck and stopped him from speaking.

"Yujia's Royal Soul-Seal!"

The two vortexes in Uchiha Xiao's eyes began to spin.

The next second, a bloody stream of light emerged from Ishiki's eyes and poured into Uchiha Xiao's eyes.

"ah!!!"Ishiki let out a desperate roar, and the shrill voice resounded throughout this uninhabited land.

At the same time, Ishiki was desperate and couldn't believe why such a powerful eye power appeared in this person with a very impure Otsutsuki bloodline!

Compared with Ishiki's despair, Uchiha Xiao showed an excited smile.

If you want to ask him how he feels now, there is only one word, it's so cool!

He feels a steady stream of power flowing to him Eyes, and then the power moistens the entire body from the eyes.

Feeling good, Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but increase the intensity of his hands.


Yishi's breath suddenly suffocated. He waved his hands and slapped Uchiha Xiao's veined arms. The whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Ho, ho......"He made a whooshing sound in one move, his whole body was sore and weak, and the power in his eyes was completely drained by Uchiha Xiao's violent force.

"Well..."With one move, his legs tensed up, and then his hands hanging high suddenly dropped down, and his whole body became lifeless.

Before Ipshiki died, he felt a deep sense of humiliation, because he seemed to be the only Otsutsuki tribesman who was strangled to death.

With such regret, I passed away forever.

Uchiha Xiao released his hands, stood up, and looked up at the sky. Bright red light swirled in his eyes, which was the last trace of his power.

Uchiha Xiao suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then his voice almost roared:"Otsutsuki One Style, I accept your ability!".

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