Uchiha Xiao was very smart, and he had guessed a lot about Ishiki's ideas, so he decided to stand there and wait for Ishiki's arrival.

From the battle just now, Uchiha Xiao also made some small conclusions. If you look at chakra alone, Ishiki is not even as good as Kaguya and Uchiha Xiao.

But if you add in the weird technique and combat experience of the first style, his strength can even catch up with Uchiha Xiao.

However, Uchiha Xiao was not discouraged by this, because he did not use his full strength just now, and his Rinne Sharingan ability had not been used against Ichiki.

Only then did Uchiha Xiao notice the strange movement in his eyes.

Uchiha Xiao covered his eyes. He didn't know why, but he felt itchy during the battle just now.

Not an uncomfortable itch, but an exciting itch!

As if his eyes were alive, an inexplicable greed arose in Uchiha Xiao's heart.

Uchiha Xiao knew that his eyes still seemed to have no end!

Uchiha Xiao's inner desire to become stronger began to swell. If he didn't know that the Otsutsuki clan would invade in the future, then he might be willing to stop there.

But after this battle, Uchiha Xiao knew that his current strength was far from enough!

Covering his eyes, Uchiha Xiao's eyes were filled with cold light.

Soon, the vortex appeared, and a figure of Yi Shi walked out of it.

Yi Shi walked out of the space, exuding a strange and crazy aura.

"Hey, have you gone to borrow some power? It seems like your strength isn’t that great either. Uchiha Xiao sneered.

Ishiki's voice was very low:"Really? Then let me show you how the power I borrowed works?"!"

The power borrowed by Ishiki is exactly the power of the other ten-tails in the universe.

The majestic chakra directly healed the injuries on Ishiki, and at the same time, his strength rose to a level again.

After saying that, Ishiki stretched out his arm, and the palm of his hand condensed with a a shining ball of light

"Tailed Beast Jade - Exciting!"


The light ball flew out with a whoosh, turning into a ray of light and pointing directly at Uchiha Xiao.

Ordinary people's eyeballs could not even capture the speed of the light ball, but in Uchiha Xiao's eyes, the light ball was not only clearly visible, but also the speed It wasn't fast either.

Uchiha Xiao jumped forward and dodged the ball of light.


The tailed beast jade exploded behind Uchiha Xiao. In an instant, a mushroom cloud rose up, and the strong wind blew Uchiha Xiao's clothes flying up and down.

And Uchiha Xiao also discovered that Ishiki's figure was missing.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes quickly glanced around, but he didn't find Ishikki.

"it's here!"As the sound burst out, a figure of Ishiki suddenly appeared next to Uchiha Xiao, and his fist wrapped with strong chakra blasted towards Uchiha Xiao.


Uchiha Xiao's figure flew high, and then landed steadily. He understood the attack method just now. In the first move, he first used Shaoning Vigana to shrink himself. While shrinking, there was not much chakra left, so Uchiha Bo Xiao didn't notice.

After he got close to Uchiha Xiao, he quickly launched a move and gave Uchiha Xiao a fatal attack.

Uchiha Xiao twisted his neck:"It's a good way, but I also have my own way!"As he said that, Uchiha Xiao took out a strange thing.

Yishi's eyes were a little confused and wary. Although he didn't feel any chakra from that thing, this was what Uchiha Xiao took out. It must be something weird. method.

Because Uchiha Xiao's Eight Gate Dungeon, each style has a bit of ptsd.

Uchiha Xiao didn't say anything, just took the thing and threw it directly on the ground.


Hmph! Childish! How can a mere smoke block my eyes?"......What?!

Just when Yi Shi was feeling disdainful, he was surprised to find that his white eyes seemed to be ineffective and he could not see through the smoke.

At this time, Uchiha Xiao's voice appeared:

"A new tool from the Scientific Research Department of Mingren Village contains a substance that blocks transparency and is specifically designed to suppress your Byakugan."

I don't know what means were used. Uchiha Xiao's voice came from all directions, making people wonder where Uchiha Xiao was. Yi Shi was horrified. It was specially developed for him. What does this mean? It means that Uchiha Xiao may have known it for a long time. Ishiki was dormant in the ninja world.

He didn't know where Uchiha Xiao's information came from. After all, he was sure that even Kaguya didn't find out that he was still alive.

Ishiki didn't speak, but closed his eyes, trying to find out from all directions You can hear where the breakthrough is in the voice. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, Uchiha Xiao's voice appeared again

"Have you heard of the silent killing technique? Heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, which one do you want to lose?

Yi Shi shouted coldly:"Stop pretending to be a ghost!""As he said that, Ishiki continued to use Shaoning Vigana to shrink all the surrounding fog. Soon, the figure of Uchiha Xiao came into view.

Disdain appeared at the corner of Ishiki's mouth:"Didn't you already know this? This is useless! My name is Vigana!"

Yishi stared closely at the speeding red sword, and calmly stretched out his hand, trying to shrink the sword.

However, the next second, he was surprised to find that Shaoming Vigana didn't work!

"How, how could it be?!!"

The long sword stopped in front of Ishiki, with a look of astonishment on Ishiki's face.

The long sword emitted a burst of white smoke, and then the white smoke exploded. The red long sword actually"turned" into Uchiha Xiao!

"Haven’t you aliens learned the art of transformation among the three body arts?"Uchiha Xiao's faint mocking voice penetrated into Ichiki's ears.

And the Uchiha Xiao who just threw out the sword was just the wooden clone of Uchiha Xiao. At this moment, the body of"Uchiha Xiao" slowly It turned into a wooden sculpture.

The wooden sculpture had a smile on its face, as if it was ruthlessly mocking Yi Shi.

"you!"Yi Shi's expression changed endlessly. He was obviously very angry.

"boom!"Uchiha Xiao Bibi, hit Ishiki's chin with a Shoryu Kick, and Ishiki's whole body flew into the air.

Uchiha Xiao then shook his legs and flew towards Ishiki.

Ishiki moved with difficulty. With his fingers, he summoned some black sticks to attack Uchiha Xiao. However, Uchiha Xiao's physical skills were not outstanding. He dodged these sparse black sticks in a few times. Soon,

Uchiha Xiao's figure came into the air. In front of Ishiki.

However, Uchiha Xiao did not choose to express the lotus flower, because for people like Ishiki, the power of the expression lotus flower is not impressive. Only more powerful attacks are effective!

Uchiha Xiao Showing a ferocious smile, he clenched his fists, and chakra gathered in them along with the airflow.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Uchiha Xiao's mouth, he suddenly felt bad. He wanted to summon a space to escape, but Uchiha Xiao would not give him this Chance

"ha!"Uchiha Xiao punched out his clenched fists, hitting Ichishi's chest directly.

"Yagogami air attack!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! boom!!!"

Although it was two punches, the power of the punches was like thousands of punches. All the punches seemed to be condensed into these two punches, and then poured out at this moment. A dense and powerful attack came from the chest Come on, in an instant, Ishiki heard the sound of bones breaking all over his body.

"Puff wow play!"

Yi Shi felt unprecedented pain, and bright red blood spurted out from his mouth. Then, his whole body fell straight to the ground like a cannonball.


The fall directly created a large hole, and a ferocious spider web shape was cracked around it.

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