When everyone heard that bacon was going to be distributed, they were even happier than getting a salary increase.

If you come back to work every day, if you don't become a foodie, that would be unforgivable.

Bacon is so expensive, and a few kilograms can cost hundreds of dollars. If the boss gives it to them, they won't be reluctant to eat it.

The whole kitchen was noisy. When the guests at several tables eating melon seeds outside heard the cheers, they became extremely curious and stretched their necks to look inside.

But the kitchen is an important place, and they are not good at it either.

But there are always one or two exceptions, such as Gao Huamao. Fortunately, before the renovation, when there were not enough staff, he would come to dinner and help carry the plates, and go to the kitchen to see what was going on.

"Why are you so happy? Brother Jiang gave you a salary increase?"

"No, the boss said he would give us year-end bonuses and bacon, especially fragrant bacon, in a few days. Of course we are happy."

When they saw that the person who came in was Gao Huamao, everyone did not hide it and took the initiative to tell Gao Huamao what happened. Not only was this man a member, but he also had a good relationship with the boss. It was nothing to talk about.


Gao Huamao leaned over, and Wan Siqi, who happened to be on shift, came over to eat, carrying a dish specially reserved for her. Gao Huamao leaned over at once. When he saw the fried bacon on the plate, it was red in color and fragrant, and he was immediately greedy.

"This bacon looks good. I'll order one later. Is this the kind of bacon Brother Jiang gave you?"


"Then I want it too!"

Gao Huamao turned around and ran into the kitchen. Jiang Yan was brushing peanut oil on the skin of the roasted suckling pig. When Gao Huamao walked into the kitchen, it was like walking into heaven. The tip of his nose was surrounded by various fragrances. It was completely different.

He Walked over and said with a smile:"Brother Jiang, I heard that you give out bacon to your employees, I want it too"

"You are not my employee, why should I give you a year-end bonus?"

"But we are half-brothers, what’s wrong if you give me some bacon to eat? I don't care, I want it. If you don't give it, I'll stay in the kitchen."

Jiang Yan was amused by Gao Huamao's rogue behavior.

"You're not short of money, why do you have to blackmail me for bacon? I'm probably holding something back in my heart. Tell me, what are you trying to do with me? Gao

Huamao didn't expect Jiang Yan to react so quickly. He immediately thought that he was not interested in drinking, and said seriously:"I did come with a mission today. You put out the menu last night, so I can come back in the middle of the night." Diners give out benefits so that they can all eat melon seeds"

"This was originally a benefit for our members. Now the big brothers and uncles feel that since you have given benefits to ordinary diners, you should also give us a benefit for our members. So Brother Jiang, you and I will be happy this week. Are there any benefits?"

Jiang Yan didn't expect that he would blow up all his creditors by putting out a menu overnight and asking for benefits. Okay, they are all creditors. Although they are not willing to repay the debts now, they are still creditors, and the creditors' requirements must always be met.

"I have no arrangements. You can tell me what benefits you want, as long as I am busy enough."

When Gao Huamao saw what was going on, his smiling eyes squeezed together. He took out his mobile phone and pointed at a sumptuous meal that he found somewhere.

He pointed at the picture and said to Jiang Yan,"It's not the end of the year anymore. Everyone has had a very good year, so if you want to have something good at the end of the year, let me have a taste and ask you if you can make an authentic Manchu-Han banquet or something."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yan's eyes widened.

"You guys really dare to order a banquet for Manchu and Han Dynasties. Are you sure I have time to do it?"

Looking at Gao Huamao's eager look, Jiang Yan was very suspicious. What everyone wanted to eat was because Gao Huamao wanted to eat. So he contacted his creditors and made a fuss about having a Manchu-Han banquet. Otherwise, why would everyone suddenly want to eat it? Eating such high-end banquet dishes does not mean celebrating the New Year

"Why don't you have time? Brother Jiang, didn't you hire an extra side dish and apprentice in the kitchen to give you a lot of rest time? Just satisfy our wishes. He murmured in a low voice:"I've been looking for you recently, and I've seen you lying on the recliner and scrolling through your phone several times. You must still have time.""

Gao Huamao thought he spoke softly, but at that moment in the kitchen, the range hood and the stove stopped, and it was quiet. Everyone heard him muttering in a low voice.

Jiang Yan twitched the corner of his mouth hard, this kid , you can't see him having any leisure time, right?

Gao Huamao didn't expect that the kitchen would cheat him, so he quickly made up for it:"Brother Jiang, think about it, we only have 32 creditors, and you just made 32 tables of Manchu and Han banquets. This has been the case since my younger brother After drinking your boiled cabbage, you can fulfill my long-held wish as my birthday wish."

The 32-table banquet was full of Han and Han people. How dare this guy say it?

Jiang Yan didn't want to do it, and rolled his eyes at Gao Huamao. The case was solved. It was this kid who was making trouble and brought all the creditors with him.

"It's your birthday, and I'm not Aladdin's magic lamp, so why should I fulfill your wishes?"

"But, you are a half-brother from a different mother."

"If you can, say it in front of your brother."

No matter what Gao Huamao said, Jiang Yan didn't let go, but this guy was determined to have a full banquet. He kept following Jiang Yan while Jiang Yan was cooking. He sat in front of Jiang Yan while Jiang Yan was taking a break. , Jiang Yan drank water, and he followed suit.

Anyway, the kitchen was big, and he was very familiar with it. He could hand over whatever Jiang Yan wanted, and sometimes he would help with food and plates. There was one more person beside Jiang Yan. Just like a handyman, he doesn't block the road at all.

This guy is also very good at getting things done. Not only does he help Jiang Yan, but he also helps everyone else in the kitchen. He completely puts himself into the role of a handyman.

The kitchen was originally Just busy, with one more person to do chores, the pressure will not be reduced at all. No one expected that Gao Huamao, a playboy, could do things so quickly and with such a wink, they all gave him a thumbs up.

Everyone was happy, but Jiang Yan was the most annoying, because when Gao Huamao wanted to accomplish something, he would become a complete annoyance.

When he helped, he didn't just help, he would ask Jiang Yan every few minutes :"Brother Jiang, have you thought about whether you want to have a Manchu-Han banquet?"

The words were quite long at first, but then they turned into four words, a banquet between Manchu and Han Dynasties!

Jiang Yan had been busy for most of the morning, and there was nothing else in his mind. All he said was a banquet between Manchu and Han Dynasties, and his head was buzzing.

Finally. With nothing to do, he said to Gao Huamao:"You have to wait until I am busy with the New Year's Day. Eating a Man-Han Banquet is not hot and sour potato shreds. If you want it now, I can make it right away!"".

Người mua: Za Warudo

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