With such good cooking skills, it is also a talent for a restaurant to be closed down.

No wonder I have started my own business so many times. I will pay for whatever I do.

"You boy is such a fucking talent!"

Jiang Yan:...

Why is this a personal attack?

But think about it carefully, it's not him, it's the original person.

That’s okay!

"So that’s what you’re saying? From now on, if you come over to eat, the bill will be waived. The money you owe will be deducted from it. I will get you a membership card. The balance in it will be the money I owe you. Do you think this is okay?"

"At that time, the money earned by the hotel will also be divided among you and used to pay off debts."

The original person owes tens of millions of dollars in total, not counting various online loans and credit cards. He now only has 3,000 yuan left, and he can't pay the hotel rent next month. The only hope is the system, rely on Use your excellent cooking skills to run a restaurant and pay off debts

"Okay, let’s do it."

Cai Xingguo and others looked at each other and agreed.

Everyone ate the pickled fish just now, and the taste was unparalleled. Knowing that Jiang Yan had no money to repay the debt, he accepted this method well.

Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief and gave it to them in one breath I have applied for eight membership cards.

The highest amount is 2 million, and the lowest amount is 6,000.

"I'll treat you to today's pickled fish. Just give me your membership card."

As the boss, Cai Xingguo has the largest balance in his card. Seeing that the debt issue has been properly resolved, he said that he would like to ask for this meal.

"Brother, how can I treat you to a treat? Let me do it."

Wang Jun immediately stepped forward to stop Cai Xingguo's hand and handed over his membership card.

He also had a large balance on his membership card, 660,000!

He lent all of his family's savings to Jiang Yan for investment. Unexpectedly, all of them were withdrawn. The water is gone.

Now I see hope of recovering the debt, and I am very happy.

"I'll come, I'll come, don't fight."

Jiang Yan's mouth twitched as he watched the creditors fighting each other to pay the bill.

He quoted the price of the meal based on the price of the ingredients exchanged from the system.

"760 in total."

When the creditors who were paying heard the price, they looked around and almost thought they were in a high-end hotel.

A pot of pickled fish, although the portion is large, is 760 too much?

"You kid wouldn't sell it so expensive on purpose just to pay off the debt, would you? Wang

Jun shouted in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

Seeing the surprised and disbelieving looks on the others' faces, Jiang Yan guessed that they thought so too.

Jiang Yan was also helpless.

The black fish in the system mall costs 46 yuan per pound. , five black fish, weighing ten kilograms, cost 460.

Nine grown men eat, but ten kilograms of fish is enough to eat?

There are also pickled vegetables and other ingredients, plus my own crafting fee.

How about charging 760? All are member discounts!

"Dear brothers, you can definitely tell the quality of the ingredients with your mouth. Wild live snakeheaded fish, 46 pounds per pound, is so tender that it will disintegrate in your mouth. The sauerkraut is also the authentic Laotan sauerkraut. The taste is authentic and very sour. Even Sichuan peppercorns are the most delicious local specialty ingredients. At this price, I really won’t cheat you!"

Jiang Yan said as he took out the receipt for the ingredients purchased from the system mall. The prices were clearly stated on it, and even the place of production was marked.

Fortunately, there were invoices for the things he bought in the system mall, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain why he was right!

Now the creditors also don't know. After talking, he looked at Jiang Yan with difficulty.

I finally understood why this man went bankrupt at a loss for what he did.

Who opened a small restaurant with high-end ingredients?

I’m afraid the ingredients in a five-star hotel are not so particular.!

The cost price is so high and the selling price is also expensive. No ordinary person can afford it. No wonder there is no business!

"Xiao Jiang, why don't you hire a store manager to run the restaurant, and you will be responsible for cooking, and the restaurant business will definitely get better."

Cai Xingguo is a businessman.

When he saw Jiang Yan's business method, he really couldn't stand it.

No wonder all the plans he heard before were very good and he felt that he could make money. In addition, with the connections left by Jiang's father, Jiang Yan could He borrowed so much money to start a business, but in the end nothing was accomplished and all the money was wasted.

It turned out that he was just an idealist and a man of words!

He really wouldn't have discovered it until this time.

"No money......"

Jiang Yan couldn't hold it back, so he said he had no money.

Everyone present fell silent

"How about I lend you some? If you hire someone to run the restaurant well, there will definitely be no shortage of customers with your skills, and you can make your money back in less than a month!"

Wang Jun is very confident in Jiang Yan's craftsmanship at this time. Such good cooking skills cannot be buried because he can't manage it!

If the restaurant closes down, it doesn't matter if he can't eat delicious food. Jiang Yan owes him There is no way to repay the money.

That’s not okay!

"Yes, yes, the rent is due next month. I will renew it for you. It will act as a membership card. You can run the hotel well."

The young man who borrowed 6,000 yuan reminisced about the taste of pickled fish and thought about the 6,000 yuan he borrowed. According to the price of the meal, he could only eat a few meals before paying off the money he owed, and immediately followed.

Jiang Yan:......

He finally understood why these people were defrauded of so much money by the original person.

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