That night, people in Dongshi had another early sleep as usual.

In order to get up before 7:30 in the morning, foodies dare not stay up late to grab a reservation number for coming back.

Staying up late means not being able to get an account, and not being able to get an account means not being able to eat delicious meals for a week. You can only watch others eat and watch others show off online. How painful that must be.

It can be said that Jiang Yan single-handedly straightened out those young people in Dong City who stayed up late playing games and had bad living habits.

In a certain community, a busy man was woken up by his alarm clock. When he looked at his watch, it was already half past nine. He turned off his computer without thinking and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After packing up and getting ready for bed, in order to prevent being woken up, he also specially reminded his family

"Mom and Dad, I’m getting ready to go to bed. If you have anything to do, we’ll talk to you tomorrow morning. Don’t go to the bedroom and wake me up."

"Well, your parents will never call you."

The child's parents saw their son put down the computer at half past nine and went to sleep., I was so excited that I just wanted to shout a few times.

Their children are introverted and not sociable. They like to stay up late and play games. They also have to go to work during the day and stay up all night. At such a young age, they seem to have no energy all day long and no vitality at all.

When children are older, they don't listen to what adults say. If they talk too much, they will dislike food. If they talk too much, they will look disapproving.

He was just playing games and didn't do anything illegal or criminal, so why were his parents nagging him all day long?

There is nothing the parents can do. Who would have thought that since Hao Lai Lai changed the appointment system, their children's bad living habits would actually change.

In the first two weeks, I only went to bed early on Monday night. Later I found that I always went to bed early on Monday night and it was too late to oversleep. So I just went to bed early every day to adapt to this habit of going to bed early.

No, this has been a week in a row. The children have gone to bed after eight o'clock in the evening or in the hotel. They are visibly energetic and walk with wind every day.

The child's parents saw this and were so happy that they couldn't wait to go to a hotel and spend thousands of dollars on him to celebrate, while taking care of Boss Jiang's business.

Although Boss Jiang has no shortage of customers like them.

In the bedroom, Nie Shanshan was taking off her makeup and getting ready to go to bed. The phone rang. It was a friend who had returned from other provinces and wanted to invite her to a disco. Nie Shanshan refused without thinking.

"What’s so fun about disco? I’m going to sleep. Ah, I’m so sleepy..~!"

"What, you're going to bed at only nine o'clock? Are you kidding me? Can you sleep so early?"Xiang Meiqian was shocked.

"Why can't I sleep? I sleep at this time every day. I sleep well. I feel refreshed during the day every day. It's good to go to bed early."

"Then there is no need to go so early. For young people in our new era, it is already amazing to go to bed at twelve o'clock. Come on, don't sleep, get up and have fun!"

Nie Shanshan didn't want to say anything and kept complaining that she was sleepy. In order to get a reservation, she had already gotten rid of her bad habits. Now she starts to feel sleepy as soon as nine-thirty. She goes to bed at ten o'clock and her head touches the pillow. I slept soundly.

I got up at six o'clock in the morning and did aerobics for an hour. Not only did I feel refreshed, but my skin also improved.

Xiang Meiqian was unhappy:"It's rare for me to go home, but you can't bear to leave." Go out with me and you're still not my best friend."

Nie Shanshan said helplessly:"You are my good friend, so there is no conflict with me going to bed early. Be good, I will take half a day off tomorrow afternoon, and that half day will be yours. I will keep it and play with you as much as you want. If you are really bored, ask Ask other friends, but I wonder."

She hung up the phone very quickly. Before Xiang Meiqian could speak again, the phone was hung up. She was confused.

"Could it be that I offended Shanshan without knowing it, so she didn’t want to stay with me any longer after I came home?"

In order to find out the situation, Xiang Meiqian called other friends' numbers.

"What? You said go to the disco, no, I have changed my ways, and I won’t go drinking."

"I'm not making excuses, I really want to sleep. I have no conscience. I'm so sleepy that I can't even open my eyes. I haven't hung up the phone yet. Doesn't this represent my love for you?"

"No disco dancing, no partying, no clubbing, in short, apart from asking me to sleep together, there is nothing else"

"Shanshan, why don't you ask someone else? My husband has already urged me to go to bed. If I don't sleep with the light on, he will be angry."

I asked seven or eight friends in a row. Everyone was like this. No one wanted to go out. When I asked why, they were sleeping. The only one who was willing to go out also said that when the time comes, let her go play games. They are sleeping on the sofa next to them. It can be regarded as accompanying her.

Xiang Meiqian is almost depressed. Are you kidding me? One person said that it is okay to sleep, but everyone wants to sleep. He is clearly deceiving her. How can any young person ask her to transfer her work to another place? Are they no longer good friends?

Xiang Meiqian almost cried. Finally, she called Nie Shanshan’s phone number

"`~Shanshan, are you not even ready to be my good friend, that’s why you lied to me, even the excuses are so perfunctory, woo woo."

Xiang Meiqian is an independent woman who is vigorous and resolute in the company. Now she burst into tears, which frightened Nie Shanshan. She quickly asked her what was going on?

Xiang Meiqian asked all her friends to come out. , everyone talked about the things that were being said to her. After that, they asked Nie Shanshan again.

"Just tell me how I offended all of you and let me understand."

(Wang's) Nie Shanshan had fallen asleep just now, but now she was still confused. Her mind was spinning for a long time before she figured out what was going on? Then, she burst out laughing, almost unable to stop laughing. Seeing that Xiang Meiqian was getting anxious again, she managed to stop laughing.

"We really didn’t lie to you. It’s popular to go to bed early in Dongshi now. The main reason is that if you don’t go to bed early, you won’t be able to wake up on Tuesday morning, so you won’t be able to get the reservation number for Hao Zai Lai Hotel. By the way, you just came back. You don’t know about Hao Zai Lai? , come, let me give you some popular science."

Nie Shanshan praised Hao Zai Lai's meal, and then said that the process of Hao Zai Lai's meal focuses on grabbing the number. In short, it is very difficult and very difficult to get it.

Xiang Meiqian listens After that, he just opened his mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Xiami! In order to make a living, everyone even quit going to bars and singing karaoke!

It sounds more like a fake...

Người mua: Za Warudo

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