"No, it tasted so delicious, and it even snatched the last piece of pork stuffed with sand from me. Hiss, I was so greedy, I wanted to eat it again."

Zhao Laosi's brain was stunned for a while, with all kinds of delicious pictures flashing in his mind. He turned around suddenly, picked up the rapeseed pole at the door and rushed into the house. After a while, the sound of Zhao Ming's ghost crying and wolf howling came from Zhao Laosi's house. , and then Zhao Ming rushed out of the house crawling.

"Grandpa, calm down. I really didn’t mean not to tell you."

"I can't calm down, you brat, you secretly ate a big meal behind my back, and you didn't tell me, let's see if I don't slap you today."

Zhao Laosi caught up with a rapeseed pole.

Zhao Ming let out an ouch, turned around and ran away.

"Grandpa, it’s really not my fault. Not only did I remind you, but I also asked you to go with the gift. It was you who refused."

"So it's my fault?"

"My fault, my fault, but I really didn’t mean not to call you. Who made the food so delicious? I forgot about it as soon as I sat there."

"Oops, even if others show off to me, you still dare to show off to me, look at 04!"

"No, grandpa, I was wrong……"

The grandfather and grandson chased and beat them until they reached the ridge of the field. The whole village heard the sound of their argument. For a while, the sound of laughter could be heard everywhere, adding more laughter to the village.

Not long after, Zhao Ming appeared at Guo Hui's house.

The Guo family was also having dinner. Although Jiang Yanren left, he left behind a pot of extremely delicious braised soup. The Guo family was so precious that they were too busy to finish lunch.

Later in the evening, Lao Guo's wife specially used this braised soup to stew some pig head meat, pig ears and the like. Although the heat was not as good as Jiang Yan's control and the texture was a bit worse, the taste was there.

The family ate various kinds of braised food, and mixed the hot braised soup with hand-rolled noodles to eat. The food was also delicious.

Seeing Zhao Ming coming, Guo Yongliang, who was relatively familiar with him, invited him to have dinner with him.

Zhao Ming waved his hand. He had just eaten. Although the meat was very fragrant, he couldn't eat it today. He came with a mission.

Although it was a bit hard to say, after struggling for a moment, Zhao Ming turned around and asked Guo Hui

"Uncle Guo, can you please let my grandpa have a taste of the seats that will be made up for tomorrow?"As soon as he finished speaking, his face turned red and he felt so ashamed.

It was not something his grandfather suggested, but something he thought of himself.

Being chased by his grandfather, he thought a lot along the way. Such delicious food should really be given to grandpa. At his age, what else can grandpa pursue, that is, a bite to eat? He must satisfy grandpa's request, so he took the initiative to come over and ask. In the countryside, everywhere After the ceremony, the family is usually brought with them. It is common for two or three people from the family to come. The host will not be unhappy because there are too many people coming to accompany the ceremony. Instead, he feels that there are many people and it is lively.

But this is a supplementary seat. Normally, no one in the family would go after the ceremony, so Zhao Ming was so embarrassed and felt uncomfortable all over. Zhao

Laosi chased the child away, and the Guo family heard it. Guo Hui waved his hand and smiled. He said:"This is nothing. Even if you don't tell me, I will go and invite your grandpa tomorrow. My son, don't be embarrassed. It's a trivial matter for everyone in the same village."

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Zhao Ming's embarrassment was reduced, and he said excitedly:"Thank you, Uncle Guo. I will go back and tell my grandpa the good news.""

After that, he turned around and left.

Guo Hui looked at the back of him as he left, thought for a while, and told his son:"When preparing ingredients tomorrow, it's better to prepare more, so as not to get stuck. I think there will definitely be a lot of food tomorrow. people."

Guo Yongliang nodded and took note of it.

At night, Guo Yongliang couldn't help but laugh when he thought of what happened at the wedding banquet during the day. In a moment of excitement, he simply posted the incident about Gao Huamao and the others coming to the wedding banquet on the Internet, and also There was a special long-term picture, and the title was quite direct.

Surprise! A table of ten people had a wedding banquet, and each person paid 600 yuan. The groom and the bride’s entire family didn’t know each other.

Then, he invited his father to be the chef. , it turned out that the whole village was going to have a wedding banquet, and some people spent money to come here to eat.

This news was quite interesting, and as soon as the video was posted, all the netizens who saw it clicked in to watch it.

As they watched, a fan of Hao Lai Lai discovered it. If he took a closer look, wasn't the chef their idol Chef Jiang? As soon as this fan found out about the news, he skillfully contacted the websites that love to post Hao Lai Lai information. It’s a big V.

This time, more and more people discovered the video. Not long after, a group of fans who came to the hotel again came in. They watched the video over and over again, and finally let out a prairie dog’s scream. Call

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae I am a relative of Boss Jiang, I can invite him to a banquet"

"Is this the point? The point is that I don’t know and I’m not happy"

"My God, isn’t this my hometown? I actually don’t know why I’m always one step behind. Everyone else knows the news and can still go and get a meal. Why did I only get it at this time? I fainted in the toilet crying."

"The wedding banquet made by Boss Jiang is so rich and delicious. You can eat it with just a gift. This is much simpler than making a reservation. I really want to go."

"I don’t believe that with Boss Jiang’s status in the culinary world, he still has to cook a banquet. 220 So, where is the village and where is the groom’s family? Let me go and find out."

"Upstairs, the abacus is popping up on the face. Who knows that there will be seats to be filled tomorrow."

Everyone in the countryside knows that wedding banquets are held in large courtyards for three days, and there will be a banquet on the third day. Therefore, people started asking immediately.

Guo Yongliang's accompanying picture was taken by his cousin It was taken from the video and was a bit blurry, but I couldn’t stand the fans, especially Gao Huamao’s conspicuous bag. Many old fans of Hao Zai Lai knew him as a creditor. At this time, everyone was looking at the picture for a while, and then he The identity of Bara came out, and when I thought about it again, whoever could have dinner with Gao Huamao must be a member. For a moment, netizens were so sour that they almost turned into lemon juice.

"I used to fantasize about a black card when I read Ba Zong’s articles. Now, I don’t want a black card, I just want Haozailai’s membership card."

At this time, a different kind of message suddenly popped out.

"I live in Sheung Shui Village, next door to the groom’s house. I just made a phone call. My parents won’t have dinner until tomorrow. Brothers, I’m going home first. It’s my turn to become a foodie."

Netizens are angry, beasts, we can only envy and hate you, you can actually eat it, and you still have to show off to us, human beings do things!"

Người mua: Za Warudo

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