Changshui Village is dozens of kilometers away from Dongshi, but the roads now are very well built. It is a flat river, and there is a section of road in the middle that is on the expressway. Therefore, after driving for an hour, we arrived at Sanjiu's house.

Because there is a wedding tomorrow, the place is very lively today. Even though it is already past ten o'clock, there are still many people sitting in the yard, chatting together, eating melon seeds, helping to pack wedding candies, and children are going crazy in the yard. Run, it’s so exciting.

There was a group of people surrounding his third uncle, who were discussing preparations for tomorrow's wedding. Seeing Jiang Yan coming, he let out a long breath.

"Xiaoyan, if you don't come again, your third uncle and I will be worried."

After all, there are thirty-two tables of dishes to be made tomorrow, and many meat dishes need to be marinated and prepared the night before. The wedding banquet in the countryside starts at 10:30, and because it cannot be finished at one time, it has to be divided into two batches.

The first The first wave is relatively leisurely. Those who have time sit down and have a meal first. After they finish eating, there will be a second wave. Those who work and have things to do happen to come, and they catch up with the second wave.

Because the first wave of banquets started too early, some dishes had to be prepared at night the day before, otherwise there would be no time in the morning.

"Sorry uncle, the hotel was too busy and I couldn't get away for a while, so I came late."

"Sorry, you young people are all busy. Third uncle, I know. If it weren’t for you this time, I wouldn’t know where to find a suitable chef. The kitchen is over here. If you need anything, just tell me. I will arrange for someone to go over and help you first. You can deal with the things that need to be dealt with first. We, uncle and nephew, will talk later."

Guo Hui took Jiang Yan to the direction of the kitchen. The rural banquet was held in the yard at the entrance of his house. At this time, a simple greenhouse had been set up next to the yard specifically for the kitchen.

Although the weather has been bad these two days , It was cold, but not as good as Sanjiutian, where he was not afraid of the meat spoiling. After buying so much meat, in order to ensure that it tasted fresh and delicious, Guo Hui put all the meat in his own freezer and went to the village to borrow some. There are a large freezer, all placed next to the kitchen.

Two old aunts who came to help were very agile. Jiang Yan asked her to find the beef and chicken feet first. These two dishes were to be made into two plates, one with five-spice braised beef. , a five-spice braised chicken feet.

There is also duck meat. The third uncle ordered a salted duck on the cold plate. He said that the bride’s family likes to eat this stuff. It takes four hours to marinate this salted duck. It needs to be marinated in advance.

Jiang Yan picked through a pile of seasonings and selected the right seasoning. He also picked up a few stick bones and a chicken.

Originally, these seasonings and meat were far from enough to make marinade. Yes, but in order to save time, Jiang Yan brought the old stewed soup from the restaurant that he usually cooked for the guests. Now he only needs to use the stick bones and chicken to make the fresh soup, and then mix it with the old stewed soup. Mixing them together, the aroma came out.

He put a large stainless steel pot on the fire, put all the rinsed chicken bones and chicken into the soup pot, and found two pieces of gauze to wrap the washed spices. Strictly, he threw it into the big soup pot.

Then he started to fry the salt.

Whether the salted duck is delicious or not depends on a mouthful of salt. If the salt is not fried fragrant enough, the salted duck will be too spicy. It's bland, and there's no other flavor except saltiness.

The proportion of spices required to make salted duck is also very high. Unlike braised vegetables, sometimes you're not sure, and it doesn't matter if you add a little more or a little less.

Many people's taste It’s not that sensitive and you can’t taste the subtle differences, but the salted duck is different. There are only a few spices, mainly salty, and other ingredients are used to remove the fishy smell and increase the fragrance. It’s not professional enough. The chef couldn't make this dish well.

He put the salt and spices into the pot and stir-fried quickly. Because the salt transfers heat too quickly, he had to stir-fry over low heat throughout the process, otherwise the spices would be burnt. After frying, let the salt cool, rub it all over the duck, and make a full body SPA for more than 30 tables of ducks. It also took a long time to clean up. At this time, the marinade soup that the old aunt was helping to watch was also boiled. It's almost done, because the sugar juice has been stir-fried in advance, the color of the soup is very red and bright, and it looks good, but the taste is a little light.

Seeing this, the old aunt asked:"The taste seems a little light, is it because there are not enough ingredients?" Already?"

Basically every household in the countryside makes braised vegetables. During the Chinese New Year, all kinds of braised food are on the table. Therefore, although the old aunt is not a restaurant owner, she can still see the problem with this braised soup at a glance.

Jiang Yan smiled and said nothing.

After putting the duck away, he bent down and picked up the small stainless steel bucket containing the marinade that he had brought. The layer of solidified old marinade on top was crystal clear, like It was like jelly.

He took a spoon and poured all the old stewed soup into the big pot. The boiling water quickly merged with the soup in the pot, and the aroma gradually became richer.

As the soup The juice kept boiling, and soon the aroma of the marinade floated out, and for a while the aroma spread everywhere. The aroma of the marinade soup was already relatively strong and overbearing, and the wind was blowing at the moment, blowing the aroma of the soup away. It's everywhere, and people chatting in the yard can't help but turn their heads and look over

"What is this thing, why does it smell so good?"

"It seems to be marinated soup. It is said that tomorrow's dish will have braised beef. I must be making marinated soup at the moment."

"Wow, this fragrance is so fragrant, my mouth is watering just by smelling it."

Everyone was idle and no longer chatting together. They all gathered around the kitchen and stared at Jiang Yan cooking soup. At first, he thought the cook was an old chef, but when he took a closer look, he turned out to be a man no more than two years old. The teenage boys were all shocked.

"Who is this young man? His cooking skills are so good. He can actually make such fragrant marinated soup."

"He seems to be Guo Hui's nephew. It is said that he owns a restaurant in Dongshi."

"So, he is the chef hired by Lao Guo to replace Old Man Chai? Just this mouthful of braised soup makes me look forward to tomorrow’s banquet."

Jiang Yan hasn't been back to Shangshui Village for a long time. People in the village didn't know him and asked about him one after another.

Jiang Yan was busy and had no time to understand. He just nodded slightly as a greeting and then put away the beef that the old aunt had packed. Put it into the braised beef soup. After the beef is completely soaked in the soup, quickly add lemongrass, which is a spice specially used for braised beef. The braised soup becomes more fragrant as it simmers, and the smell continues to spread out to the surroundings. I live near Guo Hui's house. The neighbors were all attracted by this overbearing fragrance.

Rural people love to join in the fun. Even the villagers who have fallen asleep can't help but get up, get dressed and rush to the place where the fragrance is emitted.

Người mua: Za Warudo

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