A large part of this popularity is based on the fans of Pi Food.

Because Pi Shi posted a video of her visit to the restaurant, Kuantan Xue went to check in, and met Pi Shi, who treated her to a meal. Finally, she posted it to the comment area, causing many excited fans of Pi Shi to flock to Kuantan Snow. on the account.

Most of the comments in the live broadcast room were discussing whether Pi Shi was here.

Guan Danxue is also curious about whether Wanfan can encounter skin food again.

Then I really found leather food.

Being quite far away from them, I couldn't take a picture. I could only take a picture of half of Pi Shi's head through the partition.

But fans recognized it immediately

"Wow, it seems that Pi Shi really likes this restaurant. I will check in and try it this weekend."

"Oh my god, I live in Dongshi, and I didn’t know we had such a hotel here!"

"Upstairs, all the leather goods have been checked in, but you local people don’t know?"

"This restaurant is very popular, even the scarf has been trending."

"As a local, I have eaten there, and I can tell you that it is really delicious, but it is difficult to get a seat. The restaurant only has one chef. The portions of the dishes are not large every day, and they are all made to order. There are basically no customers after one o'clock."


As the waiter began to serve the food, the barrage in the live broadcast room was even more frantic.

Every dish is extremely tempting.

"Ahhhh, no, this hotel seduce me every day. Recently, I have seen a lot of check-in videos, and now they even have live broadcasts."

"Woohoo, I’m really curious about the flavor of the Wensi tofu I just passed by. I’ll give you a reward, anchor. Order one and take a look."

"Hurry up and reveal the location. I want to go there and eat."

"It looks so greedy!"

"Anchor, don’t just eat it, tell us about it!"

After Guan Danxue and their dishes arrived, she and her best friend simply took a close-up of the live broadcast, then fixed their mobile phones and started eating directly. They were so fragrant that they couldn't help it.

They didn't care about their image, so they The gold and silver hooves are spread apart, held in the hand and chewed

"Ouch, delicious.!"

The skin of the elbow in the mouth is sticky and full of collagen. It is so elastic that it feels like it bounces when you chew it in your mouth. The sticky gelatin has also been stewed out. It is extremely delicious, and the skin is tender and the meat is tender.

"Well, I have never eaten elbow that is so soft and melts in your mouth. Who knows? Family members, look at the skin of this elbow. It is so tender that it breaks into pieces when you touch it with chopsticks. It melts in your mouth and is fat but not greasy!"

While Guan Danxue was eating, as if she felt the resentment of the netizens in the live broadcast room, she directly held her elbows close to the camera and started to describe it. It would be better not to describe it, and everyone was suddenly even more greedy.

"Why is it only half past six? Why hasn’t my takeaway come yet? I’m starving!"

"I shouldn't have gone to the food live streaming site before get off work and suffered so much!"

"This elbow is braised to perfection, but it looks rotten."

"What other dishes are there? The waiter who passed by just behind seemed to be serving braised pork with pickled vegetables."

"The host of braised pork with pickled vegetables also has some, but he hasn’t done it yet."


Netizens get off work early or late.

Those who had already got off work were so greedy that they went straight to eat, while those who had not got off work could only hold their stomachs and post barrages and scream.

One dish after another was served.

Guan Danxue and her companions ate happily, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded 10,000.

Netizens who were so greedy couldn’t stop shopping for gifts.

Guan Danxue was so focused on eating that she didn't even have time to worry about the live broadcast. When she remembered, she showed it to the camera and described it in a few words.

When I returned to the hotel in the evening, I noticed that my account had gained thousands of followers.

The gifts received, after deducting the share, turned out to be more than two thousand.

This live broadcast is really profitable!

They didn't do anything, just responded to the requests of netizens, had a meal, started a live broadcast, and earned more than 2,000 yuan.

This makes more money than working!

"We still have a day off tomorrow, so we can start a live broadcast of traveling in Dongshi, and we can still make a lot of money by then."(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guan Danxue's eyes were shining when he spoke. He is a fool if he doesn't make money.

So the next day, the two of them went to the special forces tour at six in the morning. I clicked on it and checked in at a breakfast restaurant recommended by locals in Dongshi. The live broadcast was also started.

It was just too early and there were not many viewers in the live broadcast room, but there were still people watching.

After breakfast, I went to the local scenic spots. It took a few hours.

At 10 o'clock, I started taking the netizens in the live broadcast room to the Hao Zai Lai Hotel, and explained the road conditions along the way.

"If you want to travel, whether by plane or high-speed rail, when you get out of the station, take a taxi and tell the chef that the road is healthy and then come to the hotel. You can locate it on the map."

"I asked the driver that there is only one healthy road in Dongshi, so you won’t go wrong. Don’t worry."

"The place is easy to find, just go directly to Jianjian Road and look for restaurants along the road."

The two got off the car while live broadcasting. When they arrived at the entrance of Hao Lai Lai, it was not open yet, but the door was already opened and they walked in.

At this time, netizens in the live broadcast room also saw that there were customers waiting in advance before 11 o'clock..

Guan Danxue and his companions also found a corner seat to sit down. They don’t have to worry about being caught in the live broadcast and affecting other customers’ meals. Live broadcasts can be filmed in the store, but they cannot disturb other diners. If they are caught If a customer reports it, they will be stopped.

Guan Danxue also whispered some rules in the store to her friends in the live broadcast room

".We are going to try the hidden menu in the store today. When we order, we ask the waiter and there is no hidden menu on the menu."

When Wan Siqi brought tea to Guan Danxue's table, she took the order by the way.

"If guests want to eat something, they can order in advance and start cooking after the kitchen opens."

"Hello, lady, I would like to ask what is the hidden menu?"

I don't know if it's the reason why there is no menu. Many people think that the hidden menu is like a secret. It's very mysterious.

When I ask, I always ask the waiter (Qian Zhaozhao) in a low voice, as if not to be heard by others.

Wan Siqi's mouth twitched when she saw them like this.

How come the ordering was like an underground trading joint?

"There are salted duck offal, pickled pepper chicken offal, lard bibimbap without lard residue, and egg custard."

"Among them, the pickled pepper chicken offal is very spicy, so if you can’t tolerate spicy food, you don’t mind ordering it."

Yes, there is an extra egg custard dish on the Yingzang menu today, which Jiang Yan got today. He signed in simple recipes for two days in a row, and Jiang Yan was helpless.

Sometimes luck is a very mysterious thing, and good times are good. bad times

"Then have a pickled pepper chicken offal, local chicken soup, pickled fish and nine-turn large intestine."


Wan Siqi memorized the dishes and went back to the front desk to place the order.

In the kitchen, Jiang Yan saw that there were more than a dozen tables of orders, and there was not even a single egg custard, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

As expected, it was too homely, and no one ordered it..

Người mua: TheDark

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