Night Owl is a very determined person. Otherwise, he would not have made up his mind to kill all his relatives just to redirect Gotham City to the right path.

But after he paid such a heavy price, someone now told him:

"Everything you do is meaningless. All the hard work, suffering, and countless hard choices you have made over the years are all in vain. Gotham is destined to be like this, dark, dirty, and filled with crime."

It can be imagined that at this time, his heart must have suffered a huge impact.

On the Mobius chair, he saw that Gotham was like hell in the human world. Maybe he had one or two at some point. It is a highlight moment worthy of people's attention, but in the end it is just a flash in the pan.

And Nite Owl is this"bliss in the pan". He briefly appeared in Gotham City, bringing a tiny bit of light, and will eventually Like others who tried to make a difference in the city, died insignificantly and ultimately left nothing behind.

——"Just.Nothing!"Night Owl remembered what his old rival Fool once said to him.

His thoughts changed because of this.

In the past, the reason why he had gritted his teeth and persisted was simply because he firmly believed that his efforts could bring about real freedom and fairness in Gotham City. and justice.

But the Mobius Chair told him that he couldn't do it on his own.

Because this world is a world where"good cannot defeat evil". It is like a cancer deeply rooted in the entire universe. If this cancer is not eliminated, He will never get what he wants.

But he still wants to know, is there a way to break through this law-like restriction and give Gotham a glimmer of hope? The

Mobius Chair gave the answer. What he doesn't have, he can They can only take it from others.

They need to participate in a world with the law of"evil prevails over good", and such a world must be found from parallel worlds.

At this point, Dane has understood , what the Mobius Chair said, the world with the law of"evil prevails over good" should refer to the main world, which is also the starting point of all parallel worlds in DC. It is the origin world that Night Owl pursues in the movie.

In the main world , no matter what desperate situation they encounter, Superman and the Justice League can always make a comeback and rekindle hope.

Dane knows that this is because in the real world, DC Comics can never let the Justice League truly lose, so they always It can turn defeat into victory.

But once the comics are transformed into the real world, this patch becomes a law-like force.

Therefore, the main world always represents the beautiful symbol of those dark parallel universes that are hard to find, and is the real world's ideal state. Projection.

Except for the main world, the forces of good and evil in other parallel worlds are always in a stalemate. Some worlds are more"good" and some are the opposite. The world of Night Owl is very unlucky. It is a world where justice cannot defeat evil. Overall, it was only a little better than the Dark Multiverse.

Night Owl didn't sit on the Mobius chair for long. When he got the answer he wanted, he got off the chair.

Metron and Mobius The Bius Chair just disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Dane was very confused about this guy's motives, but there were no more deeds about this person in Ye Xiao's memory.

And Ye Xiao, from that day on Conspire a plan.

The Mobius Chair claims to be omniscient and omnipotent. This is of course an exaggeration, but it does give Night Owl some useful knowledge.

For example, when he saw the magic box for the first time, he knew this Things can be used for space teleportation.

But unfortunately, according to his research, the magic box can only teleport between the positive and antimatter universes, and cannot move between all parallel worlds without scruples.

But by analogy, Night Owl He still relied on his own ability to discover the answer to the quantum decorrelation problem. This technology can help him find other parallel worlds.

But his first experiment failed. This is normal. No researcher's first experiment is successful..

However, Night Owl's failure was extraordinary because it was strictly caused by Atomic Girl.

Although it has not been said before, Atomic Girl originally helped Johnny Quick come to spy on Night Owl's intelligence. The syndicate had just been established at that time, and the members did not trust each other.

In order to gain control of Night Owl, Johnny Quick asked Atomic Girl to secretly follow him to Gotham and enter the laboratory.

But she was accidentally discovered by Alfred. During the fight, the two activated the quantum starter just made in the laboratory, and were transported to the earth in the positive matter universe together with the magic box that was on the same platform at the time.

However, the time and place they arrived were not consistent. Because the magic box's space function was activated, it was transported to the earth tens of thousands of years ago, and was picked up by the Olympus gods of the positive material universe.

Alfred and Atomic Girl were transported to the same time and place because they had contact during the fight.

And they are lucky enough to be transported to modern society.

When Night Owl learned about this, he almost planned to kill Johnny Quick because his quantum starter had not been debugged.

Atom Girl's actions not only caused him to lose Alfred, a useful chess piece, but also took away the crucial magic box.

As a result, technical research on parallel worlds had to be temporarily suspended.

It wasn't until Alfred reconnected with Night Owl as an outsider that he discovered that they had been transported to another parallel earth opposite to theirs.

Night Owl immediately revised his plan. He planned to use the world discovered by outsiders as a rehearsal for himself.

""Hope" is a very abstract concept, and it cannot be grasped directly like a real thing.

To obtain the"hope" of the main world, the method given by the Mobius Chair is to destroy the main world. As long as it is destroyed In the world of origin, the"hope" thing will automatically transfer to other worlds.

Dane was surprised by this method. This is a bug, cheating the protagonist's halo!

We all know that the DC comic universe has experienced many reboots, and after several Ten years of development have become a norm.

Almost every once in a while, the DC universe will undergo a large-scale reboot, and the settings of the DC main world will be rewritten, and even in the new main world. Adding some settings that were originally only available in parallel worlds.

But this is an interpretation from a high-dimensional perspective, the views of screenwriters and readers outside the fourth wall.

But for people living in the DC universe It is said that the periodic destruction and restart of the multiverse is a very terrible disaster. People have experienced countless deaths and rebirths without knowing it.

And each rebirth may turn into a completely different person from the previous life.

What’s crazy about Night Owl is that he actually tries to use this rule of periodic destruction to reshape the world and even the multiverse!

He doesn’t know that the world he lives in is just a comic book, and there is no breakthrough like Deadpool’s. The ability of the four walls.

But he still thought of an evil idea to try to influence people outside the fourth wall, a group of comic screenwriters.

Night Owl didn't know that these people were screenwriters and a group of painters, but he knew very well There is a group of beings controlling the fate of all of them, and the rule of"good cannot prevail over evil" is the rule set by this group of beings.

And he wants to challenge it!

If the main universe is destroyed, then the DC writers will naturally only be able to restart it again and restart it. Rewrite the history of the main universe.

And along with it, other parallel universes related to the main universe will also be rewritten.

This is not a delusion, because they also have many versions of the universe where the Syndicate is located.

There are all villains, naturally There are also less evil Syndicates.

Alexander Luthor is a good example.

In the comic book version of Evil Eternal, he is the brainless but powerful Xantha.

But in the animated movie, he is a member of the Syndicate's Justice League of the World Leader.

Therefore, Night Owl’s idea is feasible to a certain extent. Even screenwriters in reality sometimes often cannot control the characters they write.

But this also raises a new question, that is, if Night Owl’s If the plan can succeed, will the Gotham after rebirth still be his Gotham?

And will he still be him after rebirth?

Night Owl's courage to calculate the DC screenwriter is indeed admirable, but the success rate is almost zero, because he has Everything may be given by a poor painter or editor, and all his actions may be within their expectations.

Even if he can really do all this, is it his own wishes or those who live on the fourth side? An idea for the person behind the wall?

Under such a dilemma, Ye Xiao fell into the embrace of nihilism. The world is meaningless, no matter who it is.

Ye Xiao saw Dane's changing eyes and slightly smile

"You should have seen my memory, I think, with your wisdom, you should be able to understand my thoughts."

Yes, Dane understands it very well.

Just like Night Owl doubts the entire world, Dane sometimes also suspects that he may also be a character in a certain work, his thoughts, his power, and all his experiences It may have been arranged.

Then what is the meaning of his life? Besides

, although he has never sat on the Mobius chair, he knows more than Night Owl. He knows that the DC universe is a universe. A comic, a movie or a novel.

Since the first day he entered the cave of the Rock of Eternity, he has been doubting the entire world and doubting that his life is set.

This is why Lucifer believes that he has no chance The real reason for being fearless is because Dane is really not afraid of him.

Now that he already knows that everything is just a setting in the work, God is not noble, but just a background character written by a third-rate screenwriter.

When you After knowing all this, will you feel afraid of a created virtual character?

Everything is just a shadow in the real world. There is nothing to be afraid of in the shadow. Once, Dane almost fell into something. But in the end, he chose to face life head-on and focus only on the things in front of him, which at least made him live more comfortably. As long as Truman did not encounter the searchlight falling from the sky, he could still be calm on Taoyuan Island Happy life.

That's the end of the conversation. Dane has gotten everything he wanted.

"You're a smart man, Thomas Wayne Jr. Dane stood up,"But you chose a completely different path than me.""

Night Owl smiled lowly, and he said to Dane's back:"Do you know what I saw at the end when I left that chair?"

Dane turned his head, half of his face hidden in the shadows

"i saw you…"


Washington, White House.

After experiencing countless inner torments, President Wilson finally relented and hoped to meet with the Justice League, a superhero organization from another world.

At Dane's call, all members of the Justice League gathered, and even the long-lost Plastic Man came back. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Justice League and the others appeared directly in front of the White House. By the way, the Super Queen was also among them.

This almost led to some misunderstandings, and the White House guards immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at her.

"I don't mind having a warm-up match first."Super Queen smiled and looked at this group of people, feeling a little itchy.

Dane had no doubt that if he hadn't been standing here, Super Queen would have killed all these soldiers. The Amazons here are not only aggressive, but also better. Kill.

He stopped the Super Queen's imminent move, and the guards of the White House were also uneasy. They did not dare to shoot first. It was not until Ross Wilson hurried over that they took back their weapons.

"President Wilson is already waiting for you inside, everyone from the Justice League and...Super Queen?"

Ross looked at Louise, with an expression of hatred and vigilance on his face.

"Hello, little girl~" The Super Queen teased her indifferently.

When Ross spread the threat of the Syndicate all over the world, their syndicate had seriously discussed whether to kill this woman because she was very noisy.

But considering Killing an influential figure like Ross would only lead to louder discussions, so in the end the suggestion was shelved.

She was lucky enough to be able to wait until the Justice League arrived in this world.

The Super Queen thought to herself, Many villains within the Syndicate have considered abducting her and then ravaging her.

Dane explained to Rose:"She is on our side now."

Rose frowned and secretly cursed the Super Queen for being a loser.

But she couldn't do anything about this woman, so she could only turn a blind eye and walk away.

The Justice League followed closely behind, and this was not the first time that Dane had entered the White House. The two worlds did not change much in the layout of this building.

When they came to the president's office, they finally saw the president with a 4.7-eye eye.

A president like Wilson who wore an eyepatch was extremely rare in the history of the United States. It’s rare.

Don’t think that people in the United States don’t care about this kind of thing. In fact, they also pay great attention to the appearance of politicians. A person with obvious disabilities can actually achieve the high position of president.It is indeed a magical work.

The other members of Zhenglian had not heard before that President Wilson was a peer of Deathstroke, so they were all stunned when they first saw the president.

Red Hood even complained:"I thought Penguin was a rebel, which was outrageous. I didn't expect Deathstroke to be the president. No wonder this country is almost hopeless..."

Batman's death stare...

President Wilson looked tired, but He still managed to put on a professional smile and greeted him.

"Welcome, Justice League, welcome to the world."

He has gotten some basic information from Ross, so it is not surprising to know that Zheng Lian comes from another world.

And he knows more than that

"First of all, I'm sorry for the trouble our world has brought to you, but I believe you have also seen that there is really nothing we can do about the Syndicate."

When he said this, President Wilson was very unwilling and helpless, but he could not hold on any longer.

The loss of the quantum bomb was a major dereliction of duty on his part. He must solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise he will It will cause bigger problems.

Who knows what irrational things the Syndicate will do with this bomb.

Dane said:"We are here just to solve this incident. We have arrested several of the more difficult people in the Syndicate." members are preparing to deal with the remaining few.

But before that I need to ask, what is the situation with the quantum bomb? Can the enemy detonate it at any time?".

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