Although Dane already attaches great importance to Night Owl, it is obvious that he does not pay enough attention. He did not have time to stop Night Owl's men from stealing the quantum bomb.

Because Night Owl doesn't like delays when doing things, he arranged the matter to the Magic Family before returning to Gotham, and he himself became a smoke bomb to cover their actions.

Night Owl returned to Gotham for reasons other than Gotham.

But he didn't know the exact address where Wilson hid the bomb, but he had several guessed target bases on hand, and he asked the Magic Family to search there one by one until they found the bomb.

When Night Owl was captured, Batman and the others didn't notice that Night Owl had another plan due to poor information.

Dane did not learn the news from Ross until after the items were stolen, and Ross told him that President Wilson now wanted to meet with him.

Quantum true bomb, Dane remembers that this is the masterpiece of Night Owl in the movie

"Before that, I need to figure out where Night Owl hid the bomb.Got it"

"But Night Owl is not an easy enemy to deal with..." Ross was a little discouraged.

"oh? Didn't I tell you? Night Owl has been captured by our people"


Rose was silent for a while before continuing:"When did this happen?"

"Before that time I met you."

Doesn't that mean that Nite Owl was in their hands from the beginning?

Ross was a little confused:"If that's the case...then how did Nite Owl steal the bomb?"

"He used Zanza's DNA to make three clones. They possess Zanza's power. Before being captured by us, he probably arranged for those three people to steal the bomb.

But none of that matters now. What matters is where is the bomb now? You'd better make sure with your father that the bomb won't explode before I figure out its location!"

Dane did not continue, but he made up his mind that if the bomb exploded early, he would run away with everyone in the Justice League and return to his own world.

He could help the world based on humanitarian principles The people who subdued the Syndicate and even the OA that Hal said would never let his teammates risk their lives because of Wilson's stupidity.

After making these decisions, Dane rushed to Gotham City, and he was ready to confront Night directly. Owl conducted interrogations to find out the whereabouts of the bomb.

When he arrived in Gotham, the city was still licking the wounds left by the previous battle. Although Nite Owl was captured, his vest was still on.

Now besides The core member of the Joker Gang, other people in Gotham City do not know that Thomas Wayne Jr. is the Nite Owl.

In order to restore the local people's livelihood and economy in Gotham as quickly as possible, Batman proposed that Dick pretend to be Thomas Wayne and take over the Wayne Group. , and presided over the reconstruction of Gotham City.

After careful consideration, Dick agreed. He put on the nano mask prepared by Batman and made up as Thomas Wayne Jr. to go to Wayne Group to deceive the shareholders and the board of directors.

Dane is When I met Night Owl in Wayne Manor, he was imprisoned in a separate room. The room was specially modified and not only extremely strong, but also had surveillance cameras watching every corner. It can be said that he went to the toilet inside There was a camera watching his every move.

For other people, life in this environment would have been suffocating, but Night Owl behaved calmly, even contentedly.

When he saw Dane walking in There was no surprise when he entered the room, he just smiled and said:"Finally I meet you, Mr. Shazam from another world."

During the time when outsiders contacted him, Alfred repeatedly emphasized the danger of Shazam and believed that he was the biggest obstacle to the Criminal Syndicate's conquest of that world.

Now facts have proved that this is indeed the case.

Night Owl and Al Fred agreed that what Shazam did in the other world was essentially no different from them, it was just done using a gentler method.

Even Night Owl was paranoid that Shazam, to some extent, Perhaps he allowed some events to happen in order to give the organization he founded some prestige far beyond what it deserved.

And he seems to have succeeded.

Besides Bruce Wayne, Shazam is the second person he hopes to meet. , and he was also sure that Shazam would come to him. Calculating the time, the Magic Family should have got that thing.

"Did you know I'd come over?"Dane is not a vegetarian. When he saw Ye Xiao's expression, he knew that the current situation must have been deliberately created by him.

"Well I guess we don't need to beat around the bush, let's just tell you where you hid that thing, don't lie, because I can read minds."

"I have no idea."Ye Xiao smiled and said,"Although I didn't know you could read minds, I have considered similar situations, so I told the Magic Family in advance to find a place to detonate the bomb by themselves, without going through me."

That's it. Dane nodded. The other party didn't lie. This seemed like something he could do.

"Why are you doing this?"

"In fact, I originally intended to use it in your world."Ye Xiao's words contained a bit of regret.

"But you came so fast that I didn’t have time to prepare"

"But our world isn't really your goal, is it?"

Dane's words surprised Ye Xiao. He raised his head and looked

"You must have learned about the theory of parallel worlds through outsider affairs. I have learned about you. You have a very obvious nihilistic tendency. Dane said

"Not just tendencies."Ye Xiao smiled and said to him:"I am a believer. If you knew the truth of this world, you wouldn't think that all this is meaningful, right?"

Dane frowned. He felt something was wrong. Such a statement could not come from a person who knew nothing about the universe.

"You didn't discover the parallel universe because you were an outsider, right?"

Dane suddenly thought that if he came up with the idea of ​​destroying the world after Alfred entered another world, then this time does not correspond.

Because in the early days of entering another world, the Outsider and Atomic Girl spent a lot of time used to adapt to the differences between the two worlds.

He also spent a lot of time looking for the magic box. Although the outsider knew the function of the magic box, in the early days, he did not actually own it.

So during this period of time, In fact, the Outsiders and Atomic Girl are completely out of touch for people here, and Night Owl happened to be planning the quantum bomb during this time.

So he should have known about it before the Outsiders got in touch with him The existence of parallel worlds.

Even thinking about it deeply, what accident caused the Outsider and Atomic Girl to drift into another world?

It turns out that Dane did not think about this problem carefully, because the space barrier of the DC universe is extremely unreliable, any Experimental accidents may theoretically lead to time travel.

But if we think according to the current logic, is it possible that the Outsider and Atomic Girl were deliberately exiled to Dane's world because Nite Owl verified the theory of parallel worlds? Where are you going?

"Alfred's arrival into our world was not an accident, right? Did you arrange for him and Atom Girl?"

Night Owl smiled:"In the first year of the establishment of the Syndicate, I solved the problem of quantum decorrelation. In the second year, I created the quantum starter...."

Smart people don't need to say too much. Based on these contents, Dane understood that Night Owl had indeed known about the existence of parallel worlds before.

So he continued following Night Owl's words:"You used the Quantum Activator to conduct experiments on the Outsider and Atomic Girl, and successfully sent them to our world. It's just that...Why?"

Why not choose some stronger characters? The outsider has no superpowers at all, and any accident may kill him.

As for Atomic Girl, she is more suitable for infiltration than a warrior. She is very suitable, but she can be replaced by another one. One person acts as a partner.

But it should be noted that Atomic Girl is not Night Owl's subordinate, so it is unreasonable for her to partner with an outsider. Would Johnny Quick allow it?

Also, why did Night Owl not tell the rest of the Syndicate about this? ?

Night Owl did not speak.

But Dane only thought about it for a moment and understood that Night Owl's purpose was to blow up that world, but for the Syndicate, the attraction of conquering that world was obviously greater than destroying it.

If allowed The other members know that they may become an obstacle to Night Owl.

No, no, for Night Owl, even if they want to test the power of the quantum bomb, they do not necessarily need to use a parallel earth as a testing ground.

In the entire solar system , there are many celestial bodies that can be used for experiments, and those asteroids orbiting around the galaxy can also serve as this task.

If it is too far away, it is not impossible to use the moon. There is no need to use another earth for verification, unless...Night Owl's goal from the very beginning was the Earth

"Did you come to our world from the beginning? Dane asked suddenly

"You responded faster than I expected."Ye Xiao said this, which was acknowledging Dane's previous statement.

But why? Could it be that he has grudges against the earth in the positive matter universe?

Dane felt that he might have missed some key information, so he decided not to Through questioning, this was too inefficient, so he directly activated his mind-reading ability on Ye Xiao.

In less than three seconds, he read all of Ye Xiao's life. It took him a few more seconds to slow down and wear the En finally understood everything.

Why did Night Owl become a nihilist? Why did he send the Outsider and Atomic Girl to the earth in the positive material universe?

Why did he must destroy the earth over there?

All of this must be traced back to A man, a man named"Metron".

Before the Syndicate was established, one night, Night Owl was fighting criminals in the streets of Gotham as usual. At that time, he was not as concerned about all evil as he would be later. He kills criminals without mercy. Like the Dark Knight, he only captures and fights criminals, but leaves them alive.

Of course, he will be more ruthless and is not opposed to the use of guns, so he can survive in his hands. The felons were essentially either dead or injured.

But at least, he still had a bottom line at that time. Even if the bottom line was not very clear, it was essentially different from the current Night Owl.

Then, that man appeared..

A strange man wearing black tights, sitting on a seat made of unknown technology that can float in the air.

He said to the Night Owl at the time:"Little Thomas Wayne, you want to know why brother Can the evil in Tan City always be eradicated?"

Like Batman, Thomas Wayne Jr. has been pursuing this truth.

Even Dane thought wrong because of his own inertia of thinking. Thomas did kill his parents, but it was not because of personal vendetta. Or it was to seize the Wayne family's property.

The original version of Thomas Wayne killing his parents was that he was afraid that the Waynes would squander the Wayne family's property, and Bruce Wayne was accidentally killed by Thomas in desperation..

But the truth that Dane saw from Night Owl's memory was another version.

Little Thomas Wayne knew the dark inside story of Gotham City very early, because he was the eldest son, and the Wayne family's property would eventually be handed over. He will inherit it.

Therefore, Thomas was told the truth by his parents very early on. The Wayne family is one of the important reasons why Gotham City is so full of sin and darkness, and the Waynes are a pair of disgusting evil capitalists..

From the moment he understood all this, little Thomas swore that he would eradicate the evil in Gotham City, and he would first operate on his parents!

Dane was shocked when he saw this memory, not that he was shocked that he dared to do so at such a young age The determination to kill his father and mother is because Night Owl has been in the decent camp from the beginning!

Night Owl, like Batman, comes from darkness, but yearns for the light, but the paths they take are completely different.

It’s just that Night Owl’s The method was indeed too cruel, and the first one actually operated on his biological parents first.

After he teamed up with Alfred to kill the Waynes, he once wanted to tell his brother Bruce Wayne the truth.

But what he didn't expect was , the Waynes gave Bruce the same education.

They took Bruce to face the darkness of Gotham City a long time ago, and Bruce's choice was completely opposite to Thomas Jr., he chose to follow the Wayne family's way of survival, he chose To be complicit in darkness and evil.

When Thomas discovers this, he understands that he must make a choice.

Should he keep Bruce and wait until he grows up to become a new evil capitalist and continue to poison Gotham City, or kill him? Guarantee that Wayne Group will be in his own hands and reshape Gotham according to his own ideas?

Thomas chose the latter. He did not accidentally kill Bruce. He planned to kill his brother and chose a path that he believed was just. Road.

But as Thomas became a Night Owl and rose to prominence in Gotham City, he felt more and more that something was wrong.

No matter how he cleaned up the rats in the city, there was always more hidden in the gutter than he could catch. So he gradually felt confused.

At this moment, Metron appeared. He claimed that as long as Night Owl sat on the chair behind him, he would be able to get the truth that had been confusing him.

Night Owl sat on the chair with hesitation. The chair, the chair called"Mobius".

The moment he sat on that chair, he saw everything in the universe.

He saw the origin of Gotham, a city composed of the Wayne family, the Keynes family, and Elio The city was built by the Carter family, the Krones family, and the Cobblepot family.

From the beginning, these five families were founded by the most notorious criminal families in the United States. They bought and sold slaves, resold arms, grew opium, provoked wars, and plundered. population...They have done almost anything that has anything to do with sin.

And a city built by such a group of people is dark, evil, and unjust from the beginning, and there is no hope from the beginning.

Every brick and tile in this city is bleeding with the dirty blood of sin, and the people living here are like walking zombies.

Gotham is not blessed by hope, and everything Night Owl has done is just in vain!.

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