Although in the movie, Steppenwolf behaves like an honest man, and in the director's cut, he also shows the courage and belief that a warrior should have.

But this doesn't mean that Steppenwolf is really a guy who is completely loyal to Darkseid.

Otherwise, when Darkseid was weak, he would not have been able to unite with others to try to seize his throne.

Now that he knows that the Anti-Life Equation is on the earth, and that he also has a batch of Doomsday Suns in his hands, anyone would probably choose to give it a try, let alone an ambitious man like Steppenwolf who has tried to compete for class and position.. and...

Steppenwolf is still thinking that there are still legacy of the old gods in this world. If they are transformed with Apokolips' technology and then controlled by the anti-life equation, he might even be able to lead his own army. Counterattack on Apokolips and sit on that throne in person!

Thinking of this, Steppenwolf already has a choice in his heart, but before that, he needs to activate the power of the Mother Box and let it complete the"Trinity" Agreement.

Although the mother box's ability is very powerful, it also needs external energy to stimulate it before it can exert its internal power.

This is also the reason why Steppenwolf placed them in an area filled with nuclear radiation in the movie"900" where they could recharge the Mother Boxes.

Moreover, when the Justice League resurrected Superman, it also required Barry to apply enough current to the Mother Box for the same reason. This was all to awaken the Mother Box with external energy before it could use its abilities.

Steppenwolf heard that this was an insurance policy taken by Apokolips scientists when they created them.

Mother boxes have their own self-awareness, and if the consciousness inside them is allowed to freely manipulate energy, they may not necessarily obey the master's orders.

Therefore, it requires external instructions to activate internal functions, just like a nuclear bomb needs to detonate an external bomb first to cause a chain reaction.

There will be long nights and many dreams, and Steppenwolf needs to quickly accumulate enough energy to activate the Mother Box to activate the power of unity.

But in this Arctic land, he couldn't do it. He needed to change his base.

Once he changes his base, his whereabouts are likely to be discovered by the Justice League.

So Steppenwolf thought about it carefully. He needed a new partner who could give him enough energy and at the same time help him cover the Justice League's sight.

He actually has a helper, but he doesn't trust that guy very much, so he wants to find another one

"He also understood the principle of"Don't put all your eggs in one basket".

He searched the earth's network, searched carefully, and finally locked in a candidate.

"Lex Luthor!"

The Lex Group has laboratories all over the United States, and even has some cooperative relations with the famous Star Laboratory.

And the Kryptonian spacecraft transported from the mountains of Canada was placed in Gotham City by him at this time. In an underground laboratory somewhere.

Gotham is not far from Metropolis, so Luthor often comes here when he has time.

And because it is Batman's territory, Superman usually doesn't set his sights here. It is a perfect location..

On this day, Luthor was coming to the laboratory in person to stare at the experiment. This time it was the deconstruction of the Kryptonian spacecraft. He still did not give up studying it.

At this moment, a huge noise sounded behind him, Luthor Se immediately looked back and put his hands on his waist.

Steppenwolf walked out of the blue sonic tunnel.

"Lex Luthor, you've been drafted."

Luthor saw that the person who came was not an Earthling at all, so he took a few steps back calmly. When he heard the movement here, a group of mercenaries suddenly rushed in from outside the laboratory.

The leader was the one who led the troops to clean up the scene in Canada. And brought back the spacecraft's petty officer Anatoly Knyazev.

He did not panic after seeing Steppenwolf, and led his men to protect Luther behind him, while pointing his gun at Steppenwolf.

Luther looked calm , he smiled and looked at Steppenwolf opposite:"Sir, why don't you introduce yourself first?"

Steppenwolf couldn't help but sneer when he saw the mercenaries with guns and ammunition around him.

"You guys can't be called warriors at all."

After that, a group of demonoids suddenly flew out from the sonic tunnel behind him, and they rushed towards the mercenary team.


Anatoli immediately issued an order, and the surrounding mercenaries suddenly sounded.

Those projectiles were not useful on the wasteland wolf, and after a dozen sounds of ping -pong ping ping, they fell to the ground and piled up the copper cakes on the ground. Although the defense power of demons cannot be compared with Steppenwolf, the armor on their bodies is not so easy to break. If it is not hit at the vital point, it will not hurt the root at all.

So one after another mercenaries were caught by demon-like creatures. Then he was torn into several pieces in mid-air.

This bloody scene instantly shocked the other mercenaries and reduced the shooting frequency of their hands.

At this time, Steppenwolf strode over and grabbed one of them to block the way. The mercenary's head.

His big hands grabbed the man's head like an apple. With a slight squeeze, the head exploded.

"Shit! I quit!"

One mercenary couldn't bear it anymore and ran away decisively.

But before he could run a few steps, he was brutally cut into pieces by the ubiquitous demons.

When the remaining mercenaries saw this, they felt in a dilemma and couldn't help but regret why. To take on such an errand.

Only Anatoly quietly approached Luther:"Boss, what should I do?"

Luthor kept his eyes on Steppenwolf, and he found that the other party didn't seem to want to kill him. If he wanted to, he would have died long ago.

Then his purpose of coming to him is worth pondering.

So He suddenly raised his hands and shouted to Steppenwolf:"Sir, I am willing to surrender, can you please stop?"

Steppenwolf shouted"Stop", and the demonoids obeyed the order to stop, but they still flew around the mercenaries and stared at them like a pack of hungry hyenas.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be able to communicate normally, Luther seized the opportunity to ask More information

"What do you call this gentleman?"

"You can call me Steppenwolf, Lex Luthor, I know who you are, so let's skip the unnecessary testing and get straight to the point. 0

I need your abilities to help me accomplish something, and of course, in return , I can help you hack Kryptonian technology."

Although Krypton's technology is very advanced, Apokolips' technology is not far behind, and because it has not experienced generational eradication and castration, it will be stronger in application.

Especially the technology used in destruction and destruction is extremely sophisticated.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Luther's eyes flashed, and he was indeed a little moved.

"That sounds great, but I want to know, what exactly do you want me to help you with?"

What does an alien who claims to be able to crack Kryptonian technology need help from a mere earthling like him?

Luther smelled a conspiracy. He felt a little nervous and a little scared, but more. It's exciting.

In the current world situation, although many people are unwilling to admit it, superhuman beings are gradually becoming an increasingly powerful political force.

And the foundation of this power is in the Justice League.

On weekdays, it is not without people. They have tried to take action against the Justice League, but every time they take action, they fail due to various reasons.

Luther has reason to suspect that the economic and technological strength of the Justice League may have far surpassed the rest of the world. country.

So if you want to break the current situation, someone needs to disrupt the current situation again, and Luther can fish out of the chaos.

So no matter what the ultimate purpose of Steppenwolf is, Luther knows that he will definitely follow The Justice League faced each other, and he could hide behind the scenes and wait for the opportunity.

Steppenwolf heard Luthor's question and took out the three mother boxes.

"I need energy, a lot of energy, to activate the Mother Box."

Luthor looked at the three suspended hexahedron"boxes" in front of him and was very interested:"What form of energy do you need?"

"Light energy, heat energy, electricity, anything will do, they won't be picky"

"But I have a request for 2.8"

"Please say"

"This matter must not be discovered by the Justice League! For this reason, Motherbox can help you upgrade your system, your firewall is as fragile as a piece of paper"

"You must not realize that everything about you has been exposed to the eyes of the Justice League. They have a member in the digital realm whose identity has never been disclosed to the public, and she is now monitoring your world!"


Kandak Justice Building.

A trace of doubt suddenly appeared in Cortana's eyes

"Dane, I noticed something unusual."

"What's up?"

"There is a force interfering with my access to other servers. Dane attached great importance to this question:"

Where is the server?""

"That's the problem."Cortana said:"It's all the servers"

"That power shrouded the entire digital world in a fog, as if an iron curtain shrouded everyone in it."

"Not just me, everyone has become blind in the night, unable to see anything."

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