The body was chopped into two sections. Even a monster with strong vitality like Doomsday would not be able to recover in a short time, but Dane discovered that this guy was not dead yet!

Granulation sprouts sprouted from the incisions on Doomsday's upper and lower bodies, like worms that seemed to want to reconnect the body.

Dane didn't give him this chance. He went up and struck another blow with the axe, directly cutting off Doomsday's head.

Without this brain, his body could no longer survive. After struggling for several minutes, the final result was that he returned to death.

At this time, Diana, Arthur and Victor came over

"This monster, I remember, wasn't he killed by you?"

Diana frowned, very puzzled.

"This is another one, the one I killed earlier. The body is still in the lab."

Arthur and Victor didn't feel anything at all yet. The former was not smart, and the latter saw Dane playing so easily that he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

But Diana quickly reacted:"What do you mean? Are you saying that this kind of monster can actually be mass-produced?-?"

Dane nodded, Doomsday was tricky at that, or rather, Kryptonians were tricky.

Their superpowers are universal. As long as they are clones, they can obtain similar powers. The upper limit may not be high, but the lower limit is definitely not low.

And Doomsday is even more dangerous. The spores on his body can also infect other carbon-based organisms, causing them to also transform in the direction of Doomsday.

"Cortana, as usual."

A magical light flashed, and Doomsday's body, blood, and tissue cells were taken away by Cortana.

Only then did he remove the dream and restore the neighborhood to what it was before it was destroyed.

"We arrived a step late, Steppenwolf had already taken the mother box away.

Victor asked at this time:"That thing is called a mother box?" So why did the guy take it?"

Arthur explained:"The mother box is a magic prop used by a cosmic villain to destroy other planets. That guy is the minion of that villain..."

Victor heard his statement with a subtle expression on his face.

But Ya Se then added:"This is what my mother told me."

Showing off that you have a mother?" Victor's face darkened.

"He's kidding, right?"

Victor felt like he was telling a fairy tale

"Although his description was a little childish, it was generally correct. Judging from the best guess, it might just be Steppenwolf, and he was not a problem."

But Dane's next words made everyone feel tight.

"What I'm most afraid of is that he also lured out the guy on Apokolips.…"



In a certain scientific research base in the Arctic, Steppenwolf emerged from the sonic tunnel with the last mother box.

The mother box will emit a lot of heat when it begins to integrate the Trinity. If it is in a normal area, it is likely to be detected by the Justice League satellite.

But here, there are not many satellites monitoring the Arctic, and the low temperatures here can provide them with good cover.

In the base, Steppenwolf began to call DeSaad, who was on Apokolips. He was Darkseid's closest follower.

With the help of the Mother Boxes, Steppenwolf was finally able to contact him.

After a while, a tall, cloaked new protoss appeared in front of Steppenwolf.

He took two steps back and lowered his head deeply:"Salute to you, the great right hand of Darkseid, Desaad"

"Ah~ It turns out to be Steppenwolf, once the most outstanding warrior beside His Majesty Darkseid. You could have stood by his side like me and enjoyed the glory of ruling the world."

Steppenwolf suddenly asked with longing:"Can I see him?

Disad suddenly shouted sharply:"But you betrayed him!""

"You are his most trusted subordinate and closest relative, but you actually betrayed him!

Steppenwolf quickly retorted:"I saw my mistake!" And doesn’t that make me atone for my sins by slaughtering all those who tried to claim his throne?"

However, Desarde raised his head and squinted at him:"You still owe him fifty thousand worlds, Steppenwolf."

"When you pay off your debt, he will listen to your plea. You need to work harder, Steppenwolf..."

Steppenwolf's face became determined:"I have found three mother boxes, and they will be reunited in my hands. For one, this world will fall like the rest."

Desaad smiled and nodded:"Very good..." Then his figure began to disappear, and he finished his last sentence:"For. Darkseid (Darkseid)!"

Steppenwolf also said in a low voice:"For.Darkseid."

Like Darkseid, Steppenwolf is also a multiverse-level powerhouse, but the clone is not the same as the main body. The real main body Steppenwolf does not dare to betray Darkseid at all. Germany, he surrendered to Darkseid's power and is still serving under him.

But the Steppenwolf in front of him has greater ambitions. After Darkseid in this universe failed to attack the earth, Steppenwolf began to rise. He teamed up with some other rebels to try to challenge Darkseid's throne.

But soon Steppenwolf discovered that his choice was foolish, because the Omega ray chose Darkseid!

Omega is the divine power hidden in Apokolips. It is not only powerful, but also represents orthodoxy, and it resides in Darkseid, proving that he is orthodox.

So Steppenwolf wanted to make up for his mistakes, and he killed other people who opposed Darkseid, but This cannot change the fact that he rebelled against Darkseid.

In the end, he was sentenced to be exiled to the universe. If he cannot dedicate one hundred thousand worlds (planets) to Darkseid, then he will never be able to return to Apokolips.

For For a new god like him who was born in Apokolips, leaving his home planet is a very unbearable thing. His strength will even slowly fade away due to the long-term lack of nourishment from Apokolips. That's why he is eager to return. To Apokolips, and even kowtow to guys like DeSaad.

You must know that this bastard was originally from the New Founding Planet and one of Apokolips's sworn enemies.

And Steppenwolf is a direct bloodline of the royal family, but now he has been reduced to I have to bow my head to this surrender.

0 Asking for flowers

But Steppenwolf is a flexible person. Although he did not get the results he wanted, he is a very patient person.

He believes that he will eventually achieve his goal, as long as he has When the Day of Destruction is here, they will become his most powerful weapon to conquer the world.

But the only thing that makes him feel a little bad is that the Day of Destruction is very difficult to control. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They are Pure beasts, killing machines, without any brains.

Although the demonoids have low intelligence, at least they still have the intelligence to pull the trigger, but Doomsday can only smash with fists, and maybe use teeth?

If it weren't for them Their individual abilities are too outstanding, and Steppenwolf is unwilling to use them.

If only there was a way to control their consciousness, he could command Doomsday to use human sea tactics.

Doomsday uses human sea tactics?

I'm afraid even a pile of people can do it. All the Zhenglian members were piled to death.

He had something in mind, and the three Mother Boxes in front of him suddenly responded and emitted light that made him look sideways.

As a creation of Apokolips, the Mother Boxes can communicate with the New God through electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies. , so Steppenwolf suddenly seemed to hear something.

He walked up to the mother box and said,"Show me!"

As he said that, he put his hand on the Mother Box, and the energy of the Mother Box was transmitted to him. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a world from ancient times in front of him.

This is still the earth, and it is the memory of her past.

Steppenwolf seemed to feel a force, a force as eternal as the universe. He grabbed the soil on the ground, and the feeling of this force became even stronger.

""It's here."

Steppenwolf looked very surprised,"In this world!""

He struck the ground with his battle ax, and the divine power in his body lifted up the ground. In an instant, the magma flowing on the surface carved a mysterious pattern.

"Anti-life equation!"

The anti-life equation is a supreme force that exists in the DC universe.

It will corrode and engulf everything it encounters. When hearing this equation, humans will lose their free will.

Of course, there is also a saying that The anti-life equation is a mathematical model, which is the same basic attribute of the DC universe as the physical laws of gravity.

However, the physical laws of gravity are used to explain the material world, while the anti-life equation is used to explain the spiritual world of life.

If it really exists, then it proves that Darkseid's domination of the entire universe is a natural thing.

It also proves that life itself has no meaning, and free will does not exist.

It can serve as a basis for Darkseid's The endorsement of hegemony proves that the will of the conquered can be controlled by him.

Once its power is proven to be materialized, it can control the free will of any known life form and make them completely obey Darkseid. The order.

And this kind of power is exactly what Steppenwolf urgently needs now.

And what he is most hesitant about now is whether he should tell Darkseid about this matter.

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