After easily killing Susano'o, Dane took out the wizard's scepter and directly absorbed his divine power in front of everyone, not even sparing the opponent's soul.

But Susano'o didn't have the divinity to show off.

Dane discovered that the other party had powerful divine power, but his divine personality was mixed. Some were responsible for fighting, some for harvesting, and some for royal power.

Anyway, there are all kinds of miscellaneous things, but there is no one with the final word of godhead and authority like other main gods.

He recalled the legend about this god. At first, Susano'o was assigned to the Sea Plains as the ruler of the sea, but he didn't think it was troublesome and didn't go.

Therefore, the godhead that could have become a god of storms was lost, and the godhead was later enriched by other new gods.

However, because Susano'o still has the legend of subduing the Yamata no Orochi, his popularity is not low.

He should be worshiped more as a brave god of war, but this kind of godhood is useless to Dane. Wouldn't the godhood of the God of War be more useful than it? butAfter all, he is considered a god, and he is one of the most famous"Three Noble Sons" in Gao Tianyuan. It may be useful to keep him.

The gods watched helplessly as Dane plundered everything that a god had, and they all gasped.

The soul has escaped, and they still have a chance to recover, but even the soul has been taken away, which means they are not even given the chance to be resurrected!

Moreover, all the gods are well-informed people. All the gods recognize the scepter in Dane’s hand.

"That scepter, that person is Shazam!"

The gods finally knew who Dane was, and the expressions on their faces immediately changed.

"Although not every god has the ability to predict, there are still one or two gods with the ability to predict in a complete pantheon.

So they all know that the key to hell has been obtained by Shazam.

And they We all know that Shazam has a strange destiny, so he has never dared to attack Hell before, but only secretly snooped here.

This time, if Hades hadn't taken the lead in attacking Hell first, the other gods might have been secretly observing. , until Dane finally successfully took over Hell.

But now that things have reached this point, the gods also want face, and they cannot bow down to Dane like Susano'o did, let alone admit defeat directly.

So they can only bite the bullet and continue to fight. Maybe fate is not irreversible?

The prophecy only said that fate is strange, but it did not say that they would be unlucky if they participated. Just do it!

Hades keenly grasped the audience God's thoughts, he sneered in his heart.

He knew that these guys were greedy for profit. Even though he knew that it was time to stop, hell's territory has been conquered so much. How can it be stopped just by saying stop?

But Hades did not Mind you, his position was originally hostile to Shazam, so he said to the other gods at the same time:

"Everyone, the real master of this hell has appeared. I believe you all know the prophecy.

But I have to say, I don’t believe in fate!

As long as we join forces to kill him, so what if he is the destined one?"

"No matter how strong he is, he can't be our opponent together!

Marduk, the main god of Babylon, asked him:"If you kill him, how will hell be divided?""

"Divided equally according to the number of gods present."Hades said lightly.

In fact, everyone knows that even if they wrest Hell from Shazam, they still have to divide it based on their strength if they want to divide it again.

But if they say it that way, this fragile alliance will not be able to be formed..

Now it is just a verbal promise to prepare for the subsequent battle.

After the establishment of this loose alliance, Hades took the lead in launching an attack on Dane.

The golden double fork in his hand stabbed towards Dane. Go.

Just as Dane was about to lift his double-edged battle ax, he heard Cortana reminding him in his ear.

"Dane, that weapon has energy radiation from N metal, and it’s very similar to Doctor Destiny’s waveband!"

Dane stopped lifting the ax instantly and threw Odin out with his backhand. Odin was much stronger than Susano'o. If he wanted to absorb his divine power, Dane would need more time.

But the gods present obviously would not. Give him this time.

When Hades saw Odin blocking the way ahead, not only did he not get out of the way, but he even accelerated

""Hades, Fuck.You"

Thor recovered a little. Seeing this scene, his beard and hair exploded with anger. He picked up Mjolnir and flew towards Hades.

At the same time, the gods of other pantheons He also took action.

Seth, the Egyptian god of desert and storms, held a golden dagger and slashed at Dane. Dane reacted quickly and raised his ax to hold it.

In the darkness, Osiris, the god of the underworld, appeared, trying to repeat his same trick. Shi, stabbed Dane in the waist.

But Dane had already noticed it. With a hook of his foot, he lifted Gungnir from Odin's body on the ground. With a flexible ankle movement, he fired the tip of the spear towards Osiris. Past.

At this time, Anubis suddenly appeared from the ground. He put his hands on Dane's body and tried to use his death power to shake Dane's soul.

However, he found that he had made a mistake.

Dane's soul was as high as a mountain. It was difficult to shake, and Anubis also felt a familiar divine power from the power of the counterattack.

"The power of death? you——!"

Before Anubis could finish his words, Dane pinched his jackal head.

"It is not a good habit to randomly snoop into other people's privacy."

The superior power of death rushed directly into Anubis' body, attracting the power of death in the opponent's body like a magnet, drawing it out of the body under the action of siphon, and finally this power was sucked back into Dane's body.

Ah Nubis instantly understood that he was a person blessed by"death". Like the First Fallen, this person was conceptually rejected by death. As long as he didn't want to, he would not die.

They simply It's impossible to kill him!

Anubis turned his head sharply and looked at Seth and Osiris:"We were deceived, he was..."

But before he could finish his words, Dane grabbed his head and slammed it to the ground. At this moment, the last bit of death power in him was absorbed by Dane.

This guy is also the god of death, which can be an effective complement to Dane, so he accepted it without any courtesy, taking Anubis's soul with him.

Since it comes from the same source of power, he can absorb it faster than Susano'o, finishing it in a few seconds.

Seth just blinked and his son sent it. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


He was furious in an instant, and his divine power surged throughout his body. The surrounding land instantly turned into a piece of yellow sand.

At the same time, a storm rolled up with him and Dane as the center. A huge sandstorm quickly formed in a short period of time, and the wild sand turned into sharp... The blade ruthlessly cut Dane's body.

But Seth had turned into wind and sand, hiding in the billions of flying sand.

He was in the blind spot where Dane couldn't see, using the golden sword in his hand to cut his body..

This sword is forged with the eighth metal like the Vulcan Sword, so it is also extremely lethal to the divine body.

Even Dane cannot pass the level without being injured by this kind of artifact.

So as the wind and sand blew, more and more blood flowed from his body. The blood was carried out by the wind and sand, and finally absorbed by the sandstorm.

Dane originally tried to chop him with the ax of Ares, but he seemed to It really turned into a violent wind, invisible and all-pervasive.

Dane's eyes lit up with dazzling lightning. He raised his head, and his divine power connected with the celestial phenomena, causing the thunder to fall.

But there were not only gods present who had the power to call wind and rain. He is the only one.

Enlil of Sumer and Marduk of Babylon exercised their power at the same time, disrupting the celestial phenomena here, making it impossible for Dane to successfully activate the power of thunder.

"Dane, you have lost too much blood and must get out of your current situation as soon as possible!"Cortana reminded

"I know, but it's not easy."

Dane took off and flew into the sky, trying to escape from the wind prison made by the sandstorm, but a dark evil god was already waiting there.

Ahriman of the Zoroastrian Cult blew a whistle at the flying Dane. His breath instantly took away his vision.

He was the incarnation of darkness and death. Originally, this breath could directly take away the lives of people or gods, but only"darkness" had an effect on Dane.

And Dane did not Needing vision, he used Cortana's guidance and smashed Ahriman away with a fist flashing with electric arc.

At the same time, he heard a voice coming from another direction, and Cortana told him the exact location.

He Recalling the tomahawk, he swung it out with his backhand, and instantly felt that it hit a very solid piece of metal.

It was Nuada's silver hand.

Dane's lightning spread from the tomahawk to Nuada, electrocuting him all over. He was stunned, and then kicked down from the sky.

But then, behind Dane, Hades appeared silently, and he stabbed Dane with his double fork again!

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