
Loki looked confused when he saw Dane coming to kill him. Who is this?


Odin saw that Loki was stunned and didn't move, so he couldn't help calling him loudly.

Loki came back to his senses instantly, and then quickly avoided it with a jerk.

He just turned his head, and a battle ax was pressed against the side of his face. Flying by, the air stirred up by the airflow scratched his face.

But he avoided the battle ax attack, but did not avoid Dane's fist.

Dane's fist flashed with lightning and hit him hard in the face. It gave him a strange feeling of familiarity.

After taking this punch firmly, Loki fell to the ground on his head and feet.

The two demons Ani and Belial, who were watching him move from a distance, looked at each other, and then followed his previous steps. The issued orders led the demon army to rush to the battlefield.

"Let's go too!"Diana felt her blood boiling, and the warrior's blood surged in her body.

So as soon as she finished speaking, the man had already dragged the mantra and killed him.

Clark and Hal followed closely, and after a while, there was only one left here. barry allen a

"Xiao Shen, what should I do now?"

Barry started to get nervous again.

"You have to ask yourself, what do you want to do most right now?"Xiao Shan is good at tempting.

"I...I don't know, I just want to help..."Barry said a little confused.

Xiao Shen said:"Then don't ask, just do it first. Maybe you will think it through in the process of doing it.""

"do what?"Barry said doubtfully.

"Do what you do best and run, Barry!"

Barry ran quickly under its urging. The faster he ran, the more electric charges accumulated on his body.

Little Flash organized the accumulated electric charges for him in his suit, and then when he got close to the demons Then release this energy.

Although it is just a general electric current and does not have magical power, the electrical energy contained inside is still very strong, enough to hurt and destroy some relatively weak demons.

Little Flash said to Barry in the suit:"Barry, the faster you run, the stronger the electricity you generate and the more damage you can do to these demons!"

When Barry heard this, he ran faster. In the eyes of others, he was like a flash of lightning, and no one could catch his shadow.

"He really is a freak!"

Ani commanded the demon army to attack. He saw this scene from the corner of his eye and couldn't help but cursed inwardly. The earth is really an evil place, and all kinds of cattle and horses may appear. He returned to the battlefield of gods.

He saw his brother being shot down. , Odin's eyes flashed, he muttered something, and a rune text suddenly jumped out.

Odin grabbed it, and then applied it to himself roughly, as if applying a magical ointment.

But it turned out that It was indeed very effective, and Odin's wound stabbed by Osiris really healed.

And he also picked up his own Gungnir, the head of this divine gun smelted from the Eighth Metal.

Engraved on it Rune characters mean"sure hit" and"indestructible".

He put the broken gun handle together, raised it to the sky, shouted, a bolt of lightning fell, and the gun body returned to its original state.

Lightning is the most common thing in nature. An energy radiation phenomenon that is a manifestation of the divine power of many gods.

Therefore, many manifestations of divine power will be displayed in the form of thunder and lightning.

Gangnir's gun handle is made of branches of the World Tree, and it may not have the ninth metal. Or something as hard as the eighth metal, but it is not something that can be destroyed so easily.

And he, Odin, is by no means a god that can be defeated so easily!

Odin roared in the ancient Nordic language, Dane knew the world language, so I can understand, what he said is——"Penetrate my enemies! Gangnir!"

The Eternal Spear was thrown from his hand, and it was like a meteor. It drew a dazzling light in the sky, like a bolt of lightning, and came to Dane in an instant.

Dane also reacted extremely quickly, Gangnir It is a sure-shot gun, so there is no point in dodging. Even if it hides in the human world, it will chase after it.

So Dane chose to resist head-on. He summoned the double-sided battle ax into his hand with his backhand, and then charged it briefly and then slashed directly. came out and collided with the tip of Gangnir's spear.

An explosion wave like the collision of heaven and earth spread instantly, clearing everything in the center of the battlefield!

Even other gods in the melee were affected at the same time, and were affected by this huge wave. The impact was pushed away and he fell hundreds of miles away.

Even if he was as strong as Hades, he had to retreat hundreds of meters to avoid the impact.

When the impact dissipated, a spear fell from mid-air, The head of the gun was inserted downward into the ground.

In the sky, Dane stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, calming down the restless divine power and boiling blood.

This blow was powerful enough!

If Gangnir really stabbed him Your body may be a bit dangerous.

But it's a pity that your magic gun is"certain to hit" but not"certain to kill". There is no guarantee that it can destroy your enemy.

"It's my turn."

Dane muttered silently, and the divine power of the God of War condensed on him.

Since this was in his hell, the war that affected the entire hell was closely related to him.

The energy of war was transformed through the sealed Ares , turned into the pure power of the God of War and gathered in his body.

Before long, the power had expanded to the point where he felt a little painful.

He transferred this power to the battle ax in his hand, and this battle ax There are no other fancy functions, only two:"Indestructible" and"Divine Slash".

They can perfectly match the explosion of the God of War's power.

"If you can, give it a try!"

The Dane followed the ax and flew downward together. The surging divine power condensed into a dazzling flame on the ax blade, and it locked onto Odin!

"Father!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thor shouted and rushed over with Mjolnir, and finally blocked Odin before the battle ax hit him.

However, it was almost In an instant, Mjolnir flew away from his hand, and Thor was also thrown away by the reaction force. The battle ax remained unabated and struck directly on the side of Odin's neck, almost completely penetrating into his chest, giving Odin It brought great pain!

A gold-like liquid flowed out of his wound, which was his divine blood.


Farther away, Loki roared loudly. He mentioned"Levatin" and wanted to rush towards Dane.

But he stopped before he took two steps.

In the darkness, a sharp blade made a small sound of air friction, and then Loki heard the sound of the blade piercing the skin, and a sharp pain in his chest. He knew that he had been penetrated by a sword.

Loki turned his head ferociously,"Levadine" slashed at him, and a black shadow quickly retreated.

That's Sugu Mingzun! The weapon that penetrated his chest was Tian Congyun. This god from the Far East betrayed their covenant!

"You shameless bastard!"

Sugu Mingzun raised his head, his eyes radiating powerful ambition:"This is the art of war! Soldiers who, deception also!"

Loki laughed angrily. He, the God of trickery, never expected that one day he would be educated by a Mao God!

However, Sugu Mingzun hit the target with one strike and quickly came to Dane's side. He immediately lowered his head.

"My Majesty, Susano-o, is willing to serve you in every possible way!"

He actually switched sides on the spot and defected to Dane.

Dane looked a little surprised, but then a smile appeared on his face (Zhao Qianzhao)

"Very good, I like people who know the current affairs..."

Sugu Mingzun was overjoyed that he had made the right bet.

Regarding Shazam's prophecy, Takamagahara's family also had it, and Amaterasu originally did not allow him to participate in this matter.

However, the Japanese clan is the best at gambling. If the profit is big enough, they will not hesitate to bet on the fate of the country.

This trait is also reflected in their gods, and Susano'o is the best among them. He has almost never failed in gambling in his life, so he believes that he will not fail this time either....

However, before he could finish his thoughts, a giant ax fell from the sky, decapitating the unsuspecting Susanoo on the spot!

His huge head flew high into the sky, and the divine blood spurted upward, turning into a bloody rain to water the earth.

Hell absorbed the divine blood and emitted uncontrollable joy. This emotion was transmitted to Dane's heart through the Hell Key, as if to encourage him to continue doing this.

It wants more killing, more blood!

Dane chopped off Susano'o's head with an axe, and the cold and ruthless expression on his face was chilling.

"I hate the Japanese god the most in my life. What level do you think you deserve to be a horse boy for me?".

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