Anthea quickly became good friends with Mary, and this was the first time she met a"peer of her own age."

But in the process of getting along and talking, Mary clearly felt that there was something different about the three Anthea sisters.

First of all, they had no common sense and didn't even know how to use mobile phones, which made Mary a little suspicious of where they came from in ancient times.

Anthea carefully picked up the phone and awkwardly pointed at the icon on it with her finger.

That’s the icon of KuaiDou APP, and Mary’s ID is"Magic Mary".

Anthea exclaimed softly after seeing the pop-up window, as if she had seen something incredible.


"No, it's not magic, it's technology. Mary couldn't laugh or cry when she heard what she said, and then asked doubtfully:"Who are you, and why don't you even know about this kind of thing?""

The three sisters looked at each other. Anthea was a little hesitant, and her brain was spinning rapidly, as if she was compiling something.

But Hespera and Calypso didn't have so many worries, especially the eldest sister Hespera, who directly Keep your chest high and your head high

"We are gods, real gods!"

Mary cast a surprised look, which gave Anthea a headache.

The gods have disappeared from this land for a long time. Hespera and Calypso said this, and there is no guarantee that they will not be regarded as crazy by humans.

But Mary's The move surprised her

"Really? You are gods, so do you have any special powers or something?"

She actually believed it! 490

Calypso suddenly laughed:"I like her"

"Don't you have any doubts about this?" Anthea was a little puzzled.

But Mary said:"Because I have seen God, not just me, we have all seen it."

The three goddesses were shocked at the same time, looked at each other, and then solemnly asked:"Who is it?"

"Don’t you know yet?"

Mary took her phone back and clicked on the superhero channel. The rankings of superheroes on it were neatly listed.

And in Mary's private channel, among the heroes classified as"gods", Shazam ranked first.

She turned on her phone Pass it to Anthea again

"You see, the superheroes here are all gods known to the world today."

Calypso snatched the phone from Anthea's hand and took a quick look. Sure enough, there were several names listed on it.

They were: Shazam, Wonder Woman, Gabriel, Doctor Fate, among which Shazam Evaluated as the King of the Gods by high praise comments...

Calypso squeezed the phone with force with his palms and exploded it.

"How unreasonable!"

"Hey! That's my phone!"Mary said dissatisfied.

But Calypso quickly fixed his eyes on her

"you! That Shazam is clearly a thief, a shameless robber! You actually worship him as a god!"

Mary felt something was not right at this time. Could it be that these three so-called"gods" had some grudge against Shazam?

She quietly moved her body backward, ready to escape at any time. (chbg)

"Even if you say so, I'm not the only one who thinks so"

"In fact, many people have begun to believe in him. Greece has even begun to prepare a marble statue for him. They are also considering building a temple for him."

Now even Hespera's face turned ugly. The Greeks were their loyal supporters back then, but they even rebelled?

"traitor! Humanity must pay the price for their ignorance and blasphemy!"

Well, as soon as she said this, Mary was immediately sure that these three women who claimed to be"gods" were definitely villains.

She immediately turned around and ran away.

Anthea looked at her sisters with complaining eyes, didn't they know What does it mean to be low-key?

Didn't you already agree to be cautious?

"Anthea, don't be stunned, grab that girl quickly!"

Anthea still couldn't refuse the orders of her sisters, so she had to use her own abilities.

Because of the magical support of"lust. Desire", she is now able to use her natural abilities.

This is equivalent to a new energy car without electricity. Finally it was charged and ready to run.

Anthea stretched out her hands, and the divine patterns lit up on her palms.

With her as the center, the surrounding ground and buildings began to rotate and reorganize. Mary had not run very far when she suddenly found herself The front became where Anthea and others were.

She quickly turned back, but within a few steps she ran towards the location of the three goddesses.

After doing this several times, she finally understood that it was impossible for her to escape Anthea. She can only give up this futile approach and at least retain some physical strength.

Anthea's axis power can center on herself and manipulate the surrounding space at will to reorganize it in the way she wants.

Mary gave up escaping After that, Anthea quickly pulled her back to her position.

Hespera grabbed Mary's neck and lifted her high.

"You seem to know a lot about Shazam? Anthea quickly stepped forward to dissuade her:"Sister, don't do this. Let me do it. I can make her speak.""

Hespera stared at her for a while. After all, she was the sister closest to her. She did not refute her face. She loosened her hand and let Mary go.

Anthea breathed a sigh of relief and quickly helped Mary up.

Who Zhimari pushed her hand away and refused to have physical contact with her

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Anthea took back her hand and said with a bit of guilt:"We are the daughters of Atlas. We came out this time to rebuild our homeland.""

"And revenge!"Calypso stood aside and added fiercely.

"Your home?"Mary tried to get more information.

Anthea continued:"Our home is the world of gods, and it is also where the gods once lived.

Mary reacted instantly:"Mount Olympus?""

"No! That's where Zeus lived, we lived in our father's domain, where the tree of life once had its roots, and that damn wizard, he ruined it all!"

Calypso was furious when he said this.

In order to eliminate Mary's hostility towards them, Anthea made a promise:

"Mary, we just want to rebuild our home and have absolutely no intention of seeking revenge. Sister Calypso is just too angry. She is actually a good person."

"snort!"Calypso turned his head.

But Mary was even more confused:"If you just want to rebuild your home, then why don't you seek help from Shazam and the others? I believe he will be willing to help you"

"You are so naive, human, Shazam's powers were stolen from us, how could he possibly help us?"

After hearing this, Mary was not happy at the time. You don't even know who Shazam is, how can you be so sure?

Anthea saw her disgust, and suddenly her mind changed and she changed her explanation.

"So what should we do if we want to ask Shazam for help?"

This question stopped Mary. Shazam usually only appears when encountering emergencies, and is not the kind of hero who is always on call.

But if he has the official account of Aite Zhenglian, he might be able to see it. Come on.

Mary silently looked at the phone that had been broken into pieces.

Anthea followed her gaze, Hespera also followed her gaze, Calypso also looked over, and then looked away.

"Is there any other way? Hespera frowned.

In fact, there is. Mary has not told anyone that she actually has a way to summon Shazam, but she has never tried it. In fact, she has been living very safely these years, even in the previous period. The demon event of time also perfectly avoided her.

Who was Hespera? She could tell at a glance that this human girl was hiding something, and immediately gave Calypso a wink.

The corners of Calypso's mouth raised slightly. Gou, she came closer to Mary and said in her ear:"Say it."

In an instant, a magical power invaded Mary's body and began to affect her sanity.

"Speak up and let's find a way to Shazam."

Mary opened her mouth slightly, and as soon as she said the syllable"Sha", she covered her mouth and forced herself to wake up.

Calypso frowned, her magic power should not be resisted by a mere human.

"She has a strong will."Anthea couldn't help but marvel, and then begged:"Sister, let her go..."

At this moment,"Pride" whispered in Hespera's ear

"Your Highness, you can actually make this girl one of ours, and then what she knows will be equal to what we know."

Hespera silently took out four small statues and looked at Mary with uncertain eyes.

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