Anthea didn't want to cooperate with the Seven Deadly Sins, but she couldn't disobey her two sisters' orders, so in the end she gave in to their decision.

Her soul was indeed as pure as the Seven Deadly Sins expected, with almost no flaws, so she easily crossed the door between the two worlds.

As an ancient being, the Seven Deadly Sins do have some unique attainments in magic, and they were able to deceive Dane's early warning magic.

【Come here, Your Highness, come here quickly...]

As soon as she entered the Rock of Eternity, Anthea was taken advantage of by the combined power of the Seven Deadly Sins and her soul was invaded.

She is now just an ordinary girl without magic power, no different from Gabriel, and cannot stop the joint attack of the Seven Deadly Sins.

With a dazed expression, she quietly came to the seven stone statues, stretched out her hand and placed it on one of the stone statues.

""Lust" broke the seal of the stone statue, transferred his power to Anthea through the contact part of his palm, and entered her body through the pores on her body.

When the transmission of power was completed, the stone statue shattered and turned into A pile of stones and debris.

But this also caused Anthea to wake up in an instant.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

As the youngest daughter of Atlas, Anthea is also one of the rare virgin goddesses in the Olympian pantheon. However, because she is not a major god and has no particularly famous deeds, her reputation is not obvious. But this cannot cover up her The fact that her heart is pure, so as soon as the power of"lust" invaded her body, she was immediately strongly rejected.

But Anthea did not have the power to refuse, and all she could do was to retain her sobriety and watch" The power of"lust" settled in her body

"This is just a small gift, my lord, you should focus on completing your mission"

""Lust" a bewitching voice sounded from the bottom of Anthea's heart. It was a nice female voice, which instantly made her give up her doubts.

She obeyed the idea of ​​"lust" and came to the door she just walked out of. In front, a spell was recited under the guidance of"Lust".

After the spell was recited, the ban on the door was instantly lifted.

She opened the door, and Hespera and Calypso were already waiting for her behind the door.

"well done."Hespera patted Anthea on the shoulder and passed her.

Calypso found a new strength in Anthea. She gave her a meaningful look and followed Hespera. Entering the Rock of Eternity.

Hespera's goal was very clear. She followed her senses and walked into the storage room, and took a dark apple from the many collections.

She recited a spell, and the black color on the apple The paint peeled off, revealing the golden pattern inside. This was a golden apple.

Perhaps it was also the last golden apple in the world.

Hespera couldn't help but be happy, but when she looked back, she found Calypso She is receiving the power of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Calypso stood in front of the stone statue of"Jealousy", took a deep breath, and"Jealousy" turned into magic smoke and entered her body.

"Ah~ This power is so wonderful~"

Hespera frowned. She saw that two of the stone statues had been broken into pieces, and she roughly understood that her two sisters had accepted the power of the Seven Deadly Sins..

Even Anthea did this? She couldn't believe it.

Anthea had always been the most upright and kind-hearted among them.

When she saw Hespera actually wanted to walk to the second stone statue, she seemed to absorb The strength she obtained was not enough, so she immediately stepped forward to stop her.

She grabbed Calypso's hand and shouted:"That's enough, you can't bear too many original sins, don't be greedy for their power."

Infected by too much original sin, even a god may be corrupted by it.

Calypso was eager to try and seemed to want to resist her, which made Hespera frown deeply.

At this time, the power of"arrogance" emerged from It leaked out of the stone statue, and then the smoke it transformed climbed onto Hespera's body like a living creature. This time she did not refuse.

If she did not accept it, she might not be able to suppress the extreme personality of Calypso in the future.

After a while, Hespera fully accepted the magic of"Pride".

As the oldest goddess, her use of energy is far beyond what Calypso and Anthea can compare.

On the surface, she even seems to be completely Not affected by"arrogance"

""Pride" is the strongest power among the Seven Deadly Sins. With this power as the foundation, Calypso did not dare to resist the orders of his eldest sister because he had been disciplined for many years.

In the end, he could only stop and left the remaining children with reluctance. The four stone statues below.

But the remaining four sins were not in a hurry. They knew there would be a chance, so four magical lights lit up, and the remaining four sins turned into four palm-sized statues and fell on the ground. On the ground.

Hespera grabbed them in her hand before Calypso could, ignoring her indignant look.

"Let's get out of here quickly. Our next stop is the human world. We must find the guardian and take back the scepter!"

"Regarding this matter, we have a suggestion..."

The voices of the seven deadly sins sounded in the hearts of the three goddesses.


In the Peninsula Hotel, Jon Muen, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were dull, and she muttered in a low voice:"Enchantress."

In the blink of an eye, she turned into an enchantress, and her eyes exuded a faint divine light.

Dane, who was sleeping next to her, was awakened by her movements and opened his eyes.

"Witch? What's wrong? Dane said in surprise.

Do you want to come to the second half?

But the witch just looked at him seriously:"Something was stolen in the warehouse.""

Oh? Dane sat up. This way the thief can still get in. The person who came here is not simple!

"Do you know what is missing?"

The witch is connected to the warehouse, so she just searched with her eyes closed and knew what it was.

"It is a golden apple, and the Seven Deadly Sins have escaped from the Rock of Eternity."

Dane's brain quickly analyzed, and he quickly realized that it was probably not the Seven Deadly Sins that united the three goddesses in the Small God Realm to help them break the seal, and also helped him break the seal. It is indeed a legacy that has been left from ancient times to this day. There is something about the incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins!

He suddenly wanted to see what kind of work they could do. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the Seven Deadly Sins are too annoying, they are all like this They were still able to run out. He was thinking about whether there was any way to solve them once and for all.

Dane was thinking about various possibilities. Suddenly, he had an immature idea.

His recent research on the bodies of the parasitic demons was carried out. At a new stage, maybe you can try demonization... use the power of Shazam as a template to create a new contract magic.

Moreover, the golden apple and the tree of life are long-lost mythical objects on the earth. I don’t know if Hespera can restore them to the glory of the age of gods.

Why don’t we take another look?

He patted the witch’s white back and motioned for her to lie down again.

"Let it go for now. If they are coming for me, then I believe we will meet soon."

The witch didn't know who"they" Dane was talking about, but she was always obedient and huddled under the quilt.

But now that both of them were awake, it was unreasonable not to do something. After all, idleness was idle. How about that

? Let’s talk about some exercises that are good for the body and mind.

Just do it. In less than three minutes, the room started to shake again.


At the same time, the three goddesses also came to the world through the door of the Rock of Eternity.

Thousands of years have passed, and things have changed in the world.

Their Greek-style armor is quite eye-catching in human eyes.

Countless people paid attention to them.

But everyone thought they were just cosplaying, although they didn’t know who the cosplayer was.

"Wow, your outfit is so cool. Where did you buy it?"

The three goddesses looked around and found that it was a little girl, about thirteen or fourteen years old. Despite her young age, the granary had begun to take shape.

The goddesses looked at her holding a strange rectangular shape in her hand. Something like a small card was pointed at the sisters.

Calypso was furious and reached out to grab the little girl, but Hespera stopped her.

"Don't alert the enemy."

Just now Hespera just took a cursory glance. There were countless humans on the street, more than the population of all the eras she had seen before.

She was a little afraid. Before her power returned to its peak, she Decided to proceed with caution.

But fortunately, the Seven Deadly Sins feed on the inner sins of human beings. The greater the number of human beings, the stronger their power will be, which also means that the power of the three sisters will be stronger.

Time is on their side Anthea is very interested in humans. This is the first time she has seen living humans in so many years, so she is very curious.

She is afraid that her two sisters will do something to them, so she hurried forward

"Hello, this is our first time coming to this place, so we don’t know the rules very well. My name is Anthea."

The girl put away her phone, stretched out her hand, and greeted Anthea in a friendly way:"Hello, my name is Mary, Mary Bromfield, welcome to Philadelphia."

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