Li Deng's death did not cause any waves.

The Third Military Factory is still operating normally - even more efficiently.

The workers were grateful to the Qin family simply because the Qin family allowed them to eat the food they should have been able to eat in the first place.

But all this is not what Qin Jun needs to care about.

In the era of hot weapons, the power of ordinary people has become infinitesimally small, and there is basically no possibility of affecting the upper levels.

Not to mention the end of the world. On the one hand, the emergence of evolvers has further weakened the voice of ordinary people.

On the other hand, the bottom line for ordinary people has also become quite low - as long as they can survive, their tolerance will become surprisingly high.

It has to be said that after the end of the world, the Qin family has an absolute advantage.

The industrial zone in Dongdu is basically in operation, and many weapons and equipment, industrial products, and compressed food are produced every day.

For a long time, Dongdu will have sufficient supplies.

And this is why those civilians would rather choose to be slaves here than leave the Eastern Capital.

Because in Dongdu, you can at least survive.

Now the internal situation in Dongdu is considered very stable, pedestrians have begun to take to the streets, and entertainment venues have even appeared.

Classes are clearly distinguished.

The master at the top is naturally the Qin family, who is superior.

Under the Qin family, there are senior officials like Meng Mi and Zhao Yi, who can be said to be powerful people in the Eastern Capital, with a transcendent status.

Then there are the recruited evolvers, who have a high status and have many privileges.

Then there are small leaders like Hu Weimin who are attached to the Qin family and have some power in their hands.

Next are the administrative staff of various agencies, similar to the civil servants in the previous life. It is a decent job. They don't have to worry about food and drink on weekdays, and they even have merit points to spend.

At the bottom are ordinary people with no background and ability.

They work in various factories under the Qin family, working day and night, just to make money and feed themselves.

This pyramid-shaped structure is unfair and unreasonable.

But very....Stablize..........

In the past few days, Qin Jun visited various industrial zones in Dongdu City and also showed up in the administrative and military districts.

He announced in front of everyone that he had entered the decision-making level of the Qin family.

Although the subordinates of the Qin family had expected this, they were still a little shocked and emotional.

A twenty-year-old young man can already control the life and death of millions of people with a single thought....

However, no one is dissatisfied. The future of the Qin family belongs to Qin Jun, not to mention that Qin Jun is an evolver with SSS level talent.

Although only one month has passed since the end of the world, people have already fully realized the power of evolution..........

The black obelisk rising from the ground in the north of Dongdu has been completely controlled by the Qin family.

Qin Jun deployed one division and more than twenty evolvers there.

Biologists, linguists and other scientists from various fields are doing research around the black obelisk day and night.

No one knows how the black obelisk appeared, but this does not prevent humans from studying it.

Because there are many patterns and words engraved on the black obelisk, which are the basic rules of the doomsday, as well as more profound knowledge.

Under the study of these scientific researchers, the Qin family quickly summed up a practice method.

And immediately secretly carried out human experiments in the research institute..............

Dongdu, Institute of Evolution.

In the silver-white sterile environment room, Qin Jun slowly opened his eyes. The energy crystal core in his hand had become dim.

But corresponding to this, he felt that the power in his body had become stronger.

He looked at an iron felt weighing several tons in front of him, stretched out his right hand, and shook it slightly with an expressionless expression.

The iron felt immediately collapsed, making an extremely harsh sizzling sound, and its volume was doubled by invisible force!

In the analysis room outside the window, researchers immediately analyzed all aspects of Qin Jun's physical data and formulated the next round of training methods.

Qin Jun nodded with satisfaction and walked out of the room.

The servant outside the door immediately handed him the prepared black tea, and a middle-aged man in a white coat came up to him.

"Master, your evolutionary level should reach level 3 soon."

This man's name is Zhao Bo. He is the head of the Institute of Evolution and the scientist who has studied the black obelisk the most.

He led a team to build this institute specializing in the study of evolution, and personally led a team to assist Qin Jun. Practice.

It has to be said that although the end of the world is a catastrophe for mankind, it is also an opportunity for change.

After the end of the world, not only the evolvers appeared, but the emergence of the black obelisk also made the level of human science and technology advance by leaps and bounds.!

Qin Jun’s team recorded the changes in various aspects of Qin Jun’s physical data after Qin Jun’s practice.

And based on the information on the black obelisk, they formulated the most appropriate and scientific practice method for Qin Jun!

Such luxury This training team is probably the only one in the world.....

Qin Jun nodded with a smile on his face.

In just one month, he is about to become a level 3 evolver. In addition to his own talent, the support of this team also plays an important role.

"Director Zhao, thank you for your hard work."

Hearing Qin Jun's praise, the smile on Zhao Bo's face almost reached the back of his head. In the apocalyptic era, scientific researchers like them must also rely on big forces to maintain their transcendent status.

Qin Jun is the future of Dongdu Being able to become Qin Jun's successor is self-evident, and the benefits to him and even his family are self-evident!

Then Zhao Bo whispered again:"Master, the first batch of genetic medicines have been successfully developed and are being processed in humans. experiment.

If there are no problems, it can be put into use.

When the time comes, Master, your cultivation speed will be even higher!"

The Qin family swept through the Dongdu area and the different space copies that appeared nearby, and obtained not only talent seeds and energy crystal cores, but also genetic potions and other things.

Based on the analysis of the ingredients of these genetic potions, plus the black formula The knowledge and information on the obelisk.

The institute has developed the first batch of genetic medicines.

Of course, for safety reasons, the genetic medicines were not used immediately.

Instead, experiments were carried out.

What other experiments are better than human experiments? What about precision and efficiency?

Even if it is very cruel and inhumane.....

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