In the Third Military Factory, Li Deng has become a hero!

After all, without his words, their treatment would not have been better.

Uncle Song smiled and said to Li Deng:"Xiao Li, it's all thanks to you, otherwise we would still have to live such a miserable life."

The others agreed.

Li Deng looked at the happy-looking workers with a bit of disbelief in his heart.

Are they satisfied with this?

Yes, their salary has been improved a bit, they can eat normal meals, and their daily working hours have also been reduced a bit.

But it still belongs to the category of slave labor!

Are these people already so grateful?

Li Deng is a person with a strong sense of struggle, and he is never satisfied with the status quo.

He believes that the world should not be like this.

When the end comes, all human beings should unite closely instead of a few people dominating at the top of the pyramid.

A little charity can make the people below extremely grateful.

He had seen the light before, how could he endure the darkness?

But Li Deng feels pretty good now, because at least he has a good start.

That young man seems to be easier to communicate with than other powerful people, so maybe we can start from here.

Li Deng quickly had a plan in mind, and he now had some prestige and appeal among the workers.

If we could gather the strength of these workers and negotiate with that powerful young man, we might be able to improve their status as ordinary workers again.

Maybe even a union can be established!

Of course, Li Deng never thought of using violent means to resist.

Now that the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Eastern Capital are all under their control, and with the emergence of Evolutionaries, resistance will only bring bloodshed and more brutal suppression.

It would be better to use this non-violent, gentle approach.

Li Deng suddenly began to think about it. According to the good attitude of the young powerful man, could they ask for more?

For example, establishing a democratic parliament?

While Li Deng was thinking about the future, Hu Weimin walked into the workshop with a smile.

When Li Deng saw this, a trace of boredom and regret flashed in his eyes.

It's a pity that the young powerful man didn't deal with Hu Weimin just now.

But presumably through today's incident, Hu Weimin will also restrain himself a lot, right?

Hu Weimin walked up to Li Deng with a smile and said with a smile:"Xiao Li, come out for a moment. I have something to tell you."

The smile on his face was very warm, even to the point of intimacy.

Li Deng sneered disdainfully and nodded.

Just as Hu Weimin left the workshop, he walked into Hu Weimin's office.

In Hu Weimin's office, food such as canned beer is provided, and there is even air conditioning and beds. The conditions are many times better than those of the workers!

Li Deng snorted coldly:"What, you want to discuss with me how to improve our working conditions?"

Hu Weimin looked at the confident Li Deng with sarcasm in his heart.

Does this fool think that Qin Jun has a good attitude towards him and thinks that he has found a backer?

He sneered and clapped his hands, and two fierce and strong men walked in from outside the door, staring at Li Deng with unkind expressions.

It was only then that Li Deng panicked.

He took a few steps back and said in a panic:"What do you want to do!?"

A cruel smile appeared on Hu Weimin's face, and he said lightly:"It's nothing, I just want you to disappear forever."

After that, the two strong men Walked towards Li Deng.

Although Li Deng was a thorn in his side and had often contradicted Hu Weimin before, but now he saw that Hu Weimin really wanted to kill him.

He was really panicked!

In the final analysis, the fundamental reason why Li Deng is so prickly and rebellious is that he has not gotten used to the end of the world.

His way of thinking is still in the old era, where everyone is equal, and he is even full of hatred of the rich.

But the doomsday is cruel, and all those who do not adapt to this era will be eliminated without a second chance.

Li Deng shouted desperately:"Hu Weimin, you dare to touch me?

That young man of the Qin family has a good impression of me, you kill him How can I explain to the young master of the Qin family?!"

When Hu Weimin heard this, an exaggerated smile appeared on his face

"Boy, I want you to be sensible. The one who ordered your death is Master Qin Jun....."


Li Deng could hardly believe his ears!

How is this possible?

Doesn't Qin Jun look gentle?

Isn't he willing to improve the treatment of workers?

Shouldn't he be a very communicative and open-minded person?

How is this possible?

Why did he praise me to my face and then turn around and order to kill me?

Li Deng was like a chicken, choked by a strong man, and he began to struggle.

My plan has not started yet, I am going to do this Dead??

His struggle was in vain, and the feeling of suffocation came up like a tide, surrounding him.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and there was only one last thought in his mind.

When the workers found out that he was dead, they would probably riot with great anger. ?.........

Li Deng was dead, strangled to death.

Hu Weimin looked at Li Deng's body with a sarcastic look on his face, and then lightly ordered:"Pick up his body and take it to the workshop."

The two strong men nodded and lifted Li Deng's body. , followed Hu Weimin back to the workshop again.

When the workers in the workshop saw Li Deng's body, their eyes widened in shock.

But no one spoke, they just looked at each other in silence

"Li Deng is dead, I killed him!"

Hu Weimin sneered and admitted openly. He looked at the silent workers with disdain.

"Does any of you have an opinion?"

Still no one spoke. Even Uncle Song, who had the best relationship with Li Deng, although he was very sad, he was still afraid.

Looking at the workers' shrinking eyes, Hu Weimin nodded with satisfaction.

He sneered:" Master Qin Jun has improved your salary. In the future, you will be able to eat rice and your working hours will be reduced to ten hours a day.

It will be implemented starting tomorrow!"

When the workers heard this, they immediately began to cheer. No one cared about Li Deng's death.

"Thank you Master Qin Jun!"

"Thank you, Director Hu!"

Some workers even knelt down and cried bitterly.

"but. Hu Weimin changed the subject again:"Because Li Deng is such a thorn, I am very dissatisfied, so 20% will be deducted from your grade points this month."

If there is another thorn like this in the future, I will apply as above and adjust your treatment back."

"No, no!"

"I have long disliked Li Deng!"

"If anyone dares to resist the factory in the future, we will kill him ourselves!"

People were so frightened that they all made promises, and some even spat on Li Deng's body. Everyone immediately hated Li Deng.

If it hadn't been for Li Deng, how could their grade points have been deducted this month?

Even if it was only half a month. Hours ago, they regarded Li Deng as a hero....

Looking at this scene, the smile on Hu Weimin's face became even bigger.

But at the same time, he also felt a sense of disgust in his heart....

These pigs!

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