"It seems there is no use finding travelers now!"

Rosalia glanced at Amber and said, Amber was stunned for a moment and then fell silent. Indeed, it is meaningless to discuss these things now!

Everything has changed, Amber Scratched his head:"Indeed, there is no need to do such things now, but since the travelers are here, we can also become friends with the travelers!"

"If it were not an accident, we should have become good friends with the travelers now."

Amber's face looked a little lonely. If those things hadn't happened, Amber and the travelers would have become good friends by now.

Amber was very sure that if those things hadn't happened, she would have definitely become a good friend by now. Became good friends with the traveler.

But it's a pity

But immediately a smile appeared on Amber's face again:"No matter these things, as long as we work hard to build the new city of Mondstadt, Mondstadt will be re-established one day!"

Looking at Anbo in front of her, Seeing Bai's brilliant smile, Rosalia couldn't help but sigh and said:"It would be great if everyone could smile as brilliantly as you do!"

Rosalia said with emotion, except Amber Others in the city outside Mondstadt obviously cannot forget what happened in Mondstadt before!

"Because I believe that the future of Mondstadt will definitely be better than the past. It is enough for us to firmly believe that Mondstadt in the future will become better than the past."

Rosalia didn't say much about Amber's optimism, but she also agreed with Amber's optimism.

After all, compared to living every day pessimistically, it's obvious that she lives optimistically every day. The day was even more enjoyable.


Even if Rosalia knew it, she couldn't be as happy as Amber. After all, not everyone is Amber, and there was no way she could be as happy as Amber.

"Okay, then I will continue to patrol, Miss Rosalia, you should also drink less!"

"I know, I know, it’s so long-winded!"

Rosalia waved her hand and said to Amber impatiently.

Amber smiled helplessly and then turned around and left.

Looking at Amber, she remembered that Rosalia rubbed her irritably. Hair then exhaled and said:"Really, how can anyone refuse such a gentle look!"

Looking at Amber in front of her, Rosalia helplessly rubbed her head and said with a headache.

Then Rosalia seemed to have thought of something and stood up staggeringly towards the outside of Mondstadt. Walked out.

In the headquarters of the West Wind Knights, Yukinoshita Yukino also received the news of the arrival of the travelers.

After learning about the arrival of the travelers, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say much, but just said that after knowing about it, No more words were said.

For Yukinoshita Yukino, the arrival of the travelers did not matter. Whether the travelers came or not, to Xiao Bai, the travelers were just that.

"I know, just come when travelers come, don’t take it to heart!"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Captain Qin on the side:"Qin, Mondstadt doesn't have enough food on one side and needs to import it. But the problem is that Mondstadt's current finances are completely in deficit and there is no money at all. money to buy food!"

Yukinoshita Yukino pinched her eyebrows and said to Captain Qin!

"Sorry I don't have any good ideas about this either!"

There was an expression of shame on Qin's face. Now all the big and small things in Mondstadt are handled by Yukinoshita Yukino. Qin has actually become Yukinoshita Yukino's secretary.

"Now there are only two options before us. The first option is to pay on credit. The Liyue side is the grain production area. We can only ask the Liyue side to allow us to buy grain in arrears." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The second option is to lose face and return to our world to buy food from that world and then transport the food over there. However, if you do this, you will definitely be ridiculed by Xiao Bai!"

"And more importantly, once we do this, it means we are incompetent!"

Yukinoshita Yukino is not willing to accept that she is labeled as incompetent, especially Yukinoshita Yukino is not willing to let Xiao Bai know that she is incompetent.

Yukinoshita Yukino made wild words at the beginning, saying what she would do How about this? If I go back to Yukinoshita Yukino now in despair, I can't accept it.

Even if it is just to fight for a breath, Yukinoshita Yukino will not return to the original world to buy food.

Even if it is Mondstadt's Everyone is starving to death, and Yukinoshita Yukino will not make this decision!

"Then I'll contact Ningguang first. Maybe Ningguang is willing to help!"

Captain Qin and Ningguang are pen pals, so the relationship between the two parties is pretty good, so if Ningguang wants to borrow money, Ningguang shouldn't refuse.

"Although Xiao Bai will know about this sooner or later, it is definitely better than just letting Xiao Bai know now!"

And it's only a little bit like Liyue's loan, which is acceptable.

"Then I will write to Ningguang now, and there should be news within a few days."

Qin said immediately!

"Then this matter is left to you!"

Yukinoshita Yukino put the document aside and then squeezed her aching head.

Yukinoshita Yukino has worked hard to re-establish Mondstadt, but Mondstadt still has many problems. Yukinoshita Yukino has already

Even though Mondstadt is trying hard to make changes, the main reason is that the progress is slow due to resource and manpower constraints.

"Mondstadt needs a lot of labor, but even though the individuals in Mondstadt now have supervisors, they still can't reach the level we need."

"If Mondstadt doesn't work, why not recruit workers from outside! Lisa said on the side

"I heard that there are 10 more people on Inazuma's side. We can recruit people from Inazuma's side!"

"So what are we going to use to pay wages?"

Recruiting people requires paying wages, but the problem is that now Mondstadt can't even have enough to eat. How can we pay wages?"

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