Looking at Xiao Bai's face getting closer and closer, Ying could not help but close her eyes.

However, after waiting for a long time, Ying didn't wait for Xiao Bai to kiss her. She opened her eyes and looked at Xiao Bai with an angry look in her eyes. She had already realized that she had been tricked by Xiao Bai. How dare this bitch man dare to trick her. Himself, and how could he be indifferent to a beautiful girl like him who closed his eyes and waited?


Seeing that Xiao Bai actually dared to look at him with a smile, Ying suddenly became very angry. He looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with a look as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Why don't you kiss me?"

Ying looked at Xiao Bai's expressionless inquiry. It was obvious that Ying had been ready to be kissed by Xiao Bai just now, but in the end, Xiao Bai did not lighten up at all and instead looked at her with a smile on his face.

Then As if to say, you have been fooled, you fool!

Suddenly, Ying felt a surge of anger rushing into Tianling Gai.

Then the next moment, Ying's eyes widened because Xiao Bai softened.


Ying wanted to push Xiao Bai away, but now how could Ying, who had not even obtained elemental power, push Xiao Bai away!

In the end, Ying gritted her teeth and bit Xiao Bai's lips hard.

Suddenly The smell of blood was introduced into Ying's mouth, but even in this state, Ying still couldn't push Xiao Bai away. In the end, Ying had no choice but to let Xiao Bai kiss her, and at the same time in her heart She told herself that it was just because Xiao Bai kissed her forcibly, and it was definitely not her own wish.

Ying said firmly in her heart, but her body was indeed honest, and she silently hugged Xiao Bai with her hands.

Just In less than half a day, Ying had become completely accustomed to Xiao Bai, and was completely indifferent to Xiao Bai's intimate gestures. It wasn't until Ying was almost out of breath that Xiao Bai let go of Ying and just looked at her. Ying Xiaobai said with a hint of smile in his eyes:"You have to have confidence in your charm, how could I not take advantage of a beautiful girl like you!"

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

(cece) glared at Xiao Baiying fiercely, but did not do anything but cursed verbally. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood on his mouth. Looking at Xiao Bai's lips that were almost bitten by him, his heart was filled with tears. I can’t help but feel a little guilty!

But soon Ying couldn't help but secretly cursed herself as a fool for actually feeling pity for Xiao Bai. You must know that Xiao Bai took advantage of her and was bitten by her.

Now I actually feel sorry for Xiao Bai, my brain is really sick, and it's not serious!

After secretly cursing herself, Ying forced herself to look away, but the smell of blood in her mouth constantly reminded Ying of what she had done before.

Ying couldn't help but feel some regret in her heart. Did she go too far just now? She could just give him a warning. In the end, she even bit Xiao Bai's lips.

Although this guy is said to be a pervert, he can understand it. After all, it is normal for a beautiful girl like me to be unable to control himself!

Self-pua, obviously I don't know what it is, otherwise I would probably bang my head against the wall, I actually self-pua for a scumbag.

Of course, the current one has too little experience. If it were the one in the game who has experienced a lot, then the other party would be a piece of shit by now. How could Xiao Bai be able to handle it!

That is to say, Xiao Bai is now taking advantage of the fact that Ying has just woken up and his mind is still blank, so he can quietly take action. Otherwise, no matter how high Xiao Bai's rank is, he won't be able to do anything about Ying.

In Mondstadt, Barbatos put down the wine in his hand and the expression on his face became weird!

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing the expression on Barbatos' face, Rosalia showed a confused look on her face.

"It’s nothing, just some interesting things happened!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing what Barbatos said, Rosalia showed a look of disgust on her face:"Isn't it you who want to be lazy again? Well, let me tell you, if you dare to be lazy this time, I will never let you go!"

Rosalia thought of Barbatos's past history of laziness, with a look of disgust on her face. Barbatos looked at Rosalia's helpless smile!

"Don't worry, I'm really here for business this time. You can rest assured!"

After saying that, Barbatos turned into a gust of wind and disappeared. The corners of Rosaria's mouth twitched slightly. Could it be that this bastard Barbatos ran away again?

Barbatos ran away once before. Go to be lazy, but Rosalia had to deal with the Chuqiu people and monsters gathered around Mondstadt alone.

"Barbatos, you bastard, the best thing is that you really have serious business as you said, otherwise I will never be done with you."

Rosalia cursed and said nothing more. At least now Barbatos has changed a lot, so it's better to believe in Barbatos for the time being.

Then leave after Barbatos Not long after, Amber hurried in. Rosalia looked at Amber running in.

"Amber, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Rosalia's inquiry, Amber hurriedly said:"I'm here to see Mr. Fengshen. Someone said that a traveler was discovered!"

Rosalia's pupils shrank. Rosalia had also heard of the Travelers. Yora had brought back the news that only Travelers could purify the poison of the Demonic Dragon Dulin from Tevalin, the Dragon of the East Wind. Blood.

But a series of things happened later. In the end, it was a mess before the travelers arrived. In the end,

Mondstadt was destroyed. Thinking of this, Rosalia couldn't help but curse Xiao Bai in her heart. Bastard, but in addition to cursing that bastard Xiao Bai, Rosalia also has a trace of gratitude in her heart.

Because of Xiao Bai, Mondstadt was able to regain a new life, gain new life amidst destruction, and become a phoenix!

Compared to At least the atmosphere of the previous Mondstadt and now the new Mondstadt is much better. At least the people of Mondstadt now know how to do their own things.

Well, it's just limited to this.

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