It's not like talking about it verbally, just thinking about it.

Especially for a god like her.

When decades and hundreds of years passed, my own martial arts and strength only improved a little, a few points.

That was even more indescribable torture.

In addition, others are advancing by leaps and bounds and cannot stop.

This contrast.

So this journey left a great impression on the general.

Now she cared more about Su Bai.

She wanted to stay with him more, asking about martial arts and insights. For a martial artist like her, Su Bai's existence was simply a bright light, and she couldn't help but get closer.


"Get ready to connect"


At this time, both Su Bai and Morgan were standing in a mysterious space, operating and connecting with the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

In their eyes, a series of lights and shadows flashed.

After all, there are generals in Honkai Impact III. The experiment of connecting the World Bubble back to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, which is the World Bubble in Youlandel's body, not to mention that it has been studied for so long now, even though Teyvat is a world that has not been downgraded.

The false sky has blocked that transformation process.

And it is still being strengthened by Su Bai.

So there is no problem at all in reconnecting the world to the tree.

They were thinking about other things before, not only returning to the tree system, but also having a bigger plan. Now it was finally successful.

As the world of Teyvat once again connected with the branches of the tree, a new force began to pour in, and the world began to change, guided and transformed by Su Bai.

Back With the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, the world will always exist.

And there will be abundant energy support! Maintain the normal and healthy operation of the world!

And continue to grow.

And in the command room here at Liyue Kongtian Port, a series of Liyue high-level officials are watching Looking at the scenes from the Xianzhou and Qianshu battleships, they crossed the false sky and came to the boundary of the world.

But at this moment.

With Teyvat as the center, the world is constantly expanding and extending, and the black starry sky begins to gradually With the emergence of the new universe, this place will become the center of the new universe and gradually become larger.

So such a scene surprised Ye Lan.

"Is this, the border is expanding? It also feels thicker. Originally, the border of our world was at the end of the sky. As long as we continued flying, we would rush out of the world and head to the Quantum Sea."

"But now, the borders and space of the world are starting to get bigger."

"The world we live in will be broader"

"Is this the regression tree? Can it continue to grow? In the future, the expanding place will be the starry sky in the universe?"

Keqing couldn't help but say something. She kept her eyes on the picture.

"This all depends on Su Bai."

"In a bigger picture, the upper limit of our world is increasing. Real stars will gradually appear and take shape in the future.."

As time goes by, it will become more and more magnificent and vast, right?

Thinking about what a huge future Liyue will usher in, and what a vast and vast world it is, Ke Qing becomes extremely excited.

It's really great!

Liyue will reach unprecedented and unimaginable heights in their generation.

And keep breaking the limit!

And Tianquanxing Ningguang, who was responsible for more, was also meditating and watching carefully.

"At this time, the husband is mainly responsible for the most critical things, and those of us who share the burden for him must also get started."

So Ningguang began to direct

"The fairy boat fleet outside Teyvat obeyed the order and began to launch the alchemy satellites [Cowherd] and [Weaver Girl] series, which will then fly around our Teyvat."

"yes! I'll wait for the fleet to understand!"

At this time, outside Teyvat, the fairy boat in the world opened a passage to a certain area.

Several large alchemy boxes began to be ejected, causing them to float in the starry sky.

Many Qianshu fought. The ship also flew over, activated and summoned the machine arm, and began to work. The huge alchemy box also slowly unfolded, revealing its true appearance as a large alchemy satellite.

A series of debugging and assembly began.

There is no need for this. Lift-off, operations carried out directly in the space environment

"The alchemical satellite [Altair 1] is starting up stably and the data remains good."

"The alchemical satellite [Vega 2] has begun operation and is assisting the work of No. 1. Other combat ships please go to the designated area."

"Altair 3 has also begun ejection, please be ready to receive and prepare."

Suddenly, the place became lively.

The Teyvat Alchemy Satellite Project was proposed a long time ago.

It will play many roles in the future.

Whether it is observing the Teyvat weather or carrying out data on the expansion of the outer starry sky Collect and record, a series of communications and transmissions, or conduct research without gravity.

Or produce some resources that can only be processed in this environment.

Anyway, there are many prospects.

We will continue to work on this basis in the future And the number of Qianshu battleships mobilized this time is very large. They are continuously spreading and emitting light towards the periphery to form a protective force, surrounding Teyvat in the rear into three layers.

And began to drop various Alchemy and Mechanical Creation

"The first protective barrier has begun to be built. Please ask the Qianshu battleship group to act according to the original plan, release energy and formation flags, connect them as one, and work according to various missions."

"The second protective barrier is open! The third protective barrier is opened. Note that the third barrier is the most critical defense. It begins to release the Nine Cauldrons and creates a [Nine Cauldron Barrier] surrounding Teyvat.】!"

A series of protection systems began to be established.

Dazzling golden light formed on the outermost periphery, forming a large golden network. Many Qianshu battleships were constantly responsible for every connection and formation, making them continuously connected.

Their movement and flight are very skillful.

As if they had rehearsed it hundreds of times in advance, Liyue's soldiers were naturally ready for such an important matter, and each one strictly and conscientiously carried out the orders in the channel.

Vast and huge projects are constantly underway.

For Liyue, who had been going outside to collect resources beforehand, there was no pressure at all to do this now.

It’s time to show off your skills!

Resources were put into use crazily at this time! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The first outermost layer of protection was successfully formed, and began to disappear at that moment, returning to its previous appearance.

The protection system is still there.

It's just hidden.

The same goes for the second line of defense.

And the third innermost line of defense uses nine Liyue giant cauldrons as key objects, which continuously release light beams, spread and connect, forming the most stable and terrifying large golden barrier.

Protect Teyvat firmly.

It also faded and disappeared after molding.

Even though there are no enemies now, the necessary protection is still necessary.

It's impossible to open the door wide.

A series of projects are ongoing.

Qianyanjun is busy enough.

Somewhere in Skyport, there is a fairyland cave in the Kingdom of Shadows.

This cave is very huge. The rocks and environment inside are not in the style of Liyue. Instead, they are of the Celtic style in the mythical period. There are a large number of mountains standing in the distance, and the magnificent and huge City of Shadows is located deep in the cave. at. original.

Su Bai created this unique Celtic wonderland style cave for Scathach.

Convenient for two people to study together.

But then Scathach shook her head in amusement, and simply put her own move [Shadow Kingdom] inside, and then took it out when she wanted to use it later.

It saves you, Su, from wasting so much effort on making a second similar one, it would be better to put ours together.

After all, Liyue is where Scathach feels at ease.

And Su Bai also said that you can think of this as your third home. The first is the world where Scathach came from, the second is the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, and the third is the fairyland of Liyue.

This is Scathach's private place.

Moreover, after research and transformation, the two of them implemented various ideas. Under the support of Dongtian, the Kingdom of Shadow itself will become stronger and stronger, and by then it will become more and more powerful, and it will be a terrifying killing move.

At this time, Su Bai and Scathach were standing here on the grassland.

The latter is tall and sexy. Even though she is wearing a white coat, like a big sister, she still exudes her mature and amazing charm. Her slender thighs are covered by long stockings and skirts.

"Su Bai, the [Condensation Shadow] project has been successful. It is worthy of my research with you."

"It is really a pleasure to talk to you, and I always feel that you can inspire me a lot. Moreover, we are both Su Bai, and sometimes we often have a good understanding of each other."

"No, this is for you. Scathach smiled and talked to Su Bai.

He handed him a magic mirror in his hand.

It looked like a diamond-shaped crystal piece without a frame. The middle looked like the trace of a broken mirror. Spread is a completely mysterious and special creation.

This is [Stagnation Shadow Boros].

As long as you choose a good place and place it, it will be fixed there and become an adult-sized demon realm challenge space.

Entering it, you can fight and fight with the created afterimage of Boros.

It is a false image, an afterimage in space.

But it has all the power of Boros.

It is like a puppet and has no consciousness. After all, he has already It’s gone.

But I can still say those fixed lines verbally, although it’s a bit weird after hearing it too much, and it’s like an inexplicable ghost, just those few words coming back and forth.

Scáthach is still hugging his chest and laughing.

"You know, Demon Orchid (Elven Lancelot), she heard that he is a very strong opponent and has always wanted to give it a try. When the time comes, you have decided on the placement. Remember to inform her."

"Compared with virtual training, this kind of training is more realistic and easier to use."

What can be harvested will be greater!"

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