As the two of them approached.

Ying also saw the formation of a water god's eye in the light pillar, which was lifelike and delicately suspended there.

And suddenly disappear. presumably.

Did this appear on someone on the mainland?

How amazing.

So she looked at Su Bai

"What will happen next?"

"Just leave it to me"

"The Eye of God is actually a very interesting thing. In the future, I will repair the device that emits the Eye of God with the element of thunder so that it can continue to operate normally."

"And it will be of great use in the future."

Looking at Su Bai with a mysterious smile, Ying was confused.

You should speak up!

Don't pretend to be the Riddler!

Damn it!

"Don't tell me, we have an old saying in Liyue, the secret of heaven must not be leaked"

"Pooh. You are a hammer. Wait, don't come up and hug me! Woohoo!"

Ying could only blush and sob.


Do it again!

She let Su Bai hold her and buried her head shyly in his arms.

"A thoughtless knife!"

The World of God Killers.


At this time, General Thunder and Lightning pulled out the Dream Issin, and with a flash of light in his eyes, it instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed forward. The ground under his feet was shattered!

It sunk down.

It was densely packed. The spider web continued to spread.

He was fighting with a peerless beauty wearing Chinese-style robes. However, no matter how fast the general slashed, the opponent could only dodge easily.

Only a purple streak was seen. The stream of light shuttles everywhere, constantly attacking in the middle.

This speed is difficult to catch with the naked eye. 27 The so-called Wuxiang sword can also be like now, every sword is Wuxiang.

Because the general has already exhausted all his martial arts. They are all blended together.

You can use them however you want.

And the strength is maintained very well, causing no damage at all. In the distance there are still green waters and green mountains, a beautiful scenery of rivers and mountains that have been quiet for years.

And the next moment.

That person The peerless beauty waved her wrist, just a slight blow.

The thunder and lightning general who had just come over was instantly knocked out, and like a meteor, it suddenly smashed through the mountain in the distance.

After being smashed out , In the cave, the general was lost on the ground.

But then Su Bai appeared here and stretched out a hand. The general also chose to hold it and stood up.

He smiled

"It's not hurt. If it does, I'll fix it for you."

At this time,

Sky Island has been cleaned up and before the Eye of God incident.

After all, Su Bai didn't go to Sky Island.

Just draw a few cards from Liyue. What do you want to use on Sky Island?

He was walking and talking with the general. Then he stopped by Luo Hao's side of the world.

Met with old friends.

Drink tea and talk about some insights.

Facing Su Bai's words, the general shook his head slowly.

"It's okay, this general is fine. But, is it true that this general is so weak??"

"You are all so strong."

The general began to doubt life again. She looked at her hands in a daze. The battle with Luo Hao reminded her of the first time she met Su Bai.

He was able to defeat her so easily and many times. There is that unfathomable feeling, just like facing the whole world. An invisible sense of oppression rushes towards your face.

This is another general who has this feeling besides Su Bai.

The arrogant general is silent

The self-confidence was gradually destroyed.

Wu Xiang's sword had no effect at all. It was unbelievable.

Is the other party waiting for martial arts attainment? So the general could only silently take back his dream Isshin, even in the Pure Land of Isshin Thunder movie, they are all silent and silent.

It is obvious that they are the eternal gods standing at the pinnacle of the Kingdom of Thunder.

As a body of special dignity, they hold the power of the world.

As a result, they are hit again and again.

They are hung. Fighting.

It's really numb.

Even the thunder and lightning Meiyi is about to catch up.

But their strength is stuck here.

There has been no great progress in so many years.

General, I am a little anxious.

The strongest in the world There were too many.

And after a while, everyone was sitting on a large platform. There were streams and vegetation not far away. Farther away, there was a waterfall flowing down. It looked like a place full of Zen and artistic conception..

And the previous damage is gone and restored to the original state.

The same is true for the traces on the mountain that were smashed by the general.

Su Bai smiled slightly.

Because Luo Hao transformed this place, this is her world, and she can change it according to her wishes. He will be back to his original state.

Anyway, the stronger Luo Hao is, the better.

I like to see it. Of course, this is just a small trick.

And Luo Hao mainly wears white corseted Hanfu, with her slender legs crossed. Even sitting in such a friendly manner Here, there is still that moving power, the kind of majestic and amazing unparalleled powerhouse.

Then Su Bai also took out a lot of things on the table in front of him.

"These are Liyue's specialties. Luo Hao, please accept them. There are also these rings, which are also filled with a series of resources and items. You can use them as you like."

In response,

Luo Hao just smiled with beautiful eyes.

"OK, thank you very much"

"Even though you are being slapped by those heartless people at every turn, you are the most sincere. Of course, you are the one who gets slapped the hardest."

"I want to hit you many times, especially when I am narcissistic, oh no, when I am so happy that I have researched something else."

Every time he researches a new power, Luo Hao will feel proud in his heart. She is worthy of herself.

A beautiful woman who is unparalleled in the world, transcending heaven and earth, a great beauty, a peerless beauty! She is so powerful.

Why is she so beautiful?


Just thinking that Su Bai could also get it, her face twitched. She was so angry that she wanted to punch him.


But Su Bai was very good to her, and the two of them often cookedThey chatted and laughed together, which made Luo Hao sigh.

You guy.

Anyway, just compete and try your hand with me more often.

After all, it is difficult for her to test the new power by herself. She needs a strong opponent. It is best if she can persist for a long time and is not inferior to herself!

It's a pity that this kind of thing, pfft, is rare to see.

But Su Bai fits perfectly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s very interesting.

The general was confused for a moment

"Well, isn't this Liyue? Why do we talk about Liyue's specialties?"

The style here is obviously that of Liyue.

Luo Hao glanced at her

"No, this is another world, the world I live in. You and Su Bai are from the world of Teyvat."

"It seems that you don’t know the secrets outside the world. You can hang out with Su Bai more in the future and let him take you to many worlds."

"Liyue has a lot of secrets"

"As for what I defeated you just now, it was Feifeng Twelve Palms, a unique skill that I have been researching and perfecting myself."

Both the general and Ying's eyes widened. They were shocked.

They thought they had come to the secret realm of China, and what should I say about the secret realm of China?

At that time, the general had an idea.

This place is ridiculously big, and it is not a cave at all. With Xiaotiandi?

I'm afraid it is?

It's just too exaggerated, and she can't believe it.

Later, she and Ying quietly discussed it for a long time.

But this time, she directly heard such shocking news that shocked her heartstrings!

No wonder the leader Luo Hao is so powerful!

It turns out that she is a terrifying and powerful person from another world. It’s incredible.

The world is so big that it can’t be easily imagined.

So the general spoke out of curiosity

"Are there many strong people like you?"

"No, if you are referring to my worldview here, very little"

"Can't even find the second one."

Of course, Luo Hao won't be too full about this kind of thing.

Anyway, she is very modest.

She just needs to keep getting stronger. With a pair of iron fists, she can defeat countless powerful enemies!

The general and Ying both relaxed. One breath.

I see.

Luo Hao is such a pervert, he is at the top in this world.

Then, they did not lose unjustly.

But Luo Hao said something else next

"As for you with 597 strength, there is no need to be too disappointed. Let me think about it. Among the opponents I have encountered, how far can you rank?"

"Hiss, it’s a bit hard to think about. I’m not talking about your food. Wait a minute and let me sort it out."

"After all, I've been thinking about a lot of ideas lately."

Ray Movie:......

Thunder General:......

The two goddesses were stunned now.

How could they not hear it!

This means that he is so good that Luo Hao had to think for a long time before he could rank them in a similar position.

Shadow wants to cry but has no tears.

The general was also greatly affected.

Eyes dim. how come.

Is the outside world so dangerous?

This Luo Hao, how many terrible opponents has he encountered? If he can't think of them for a while, then they have to be ranked at the bottom.

This is too exaggerated!

However, Su Bai looked calm and had no objection.

It’s also relatively confirmed.

What they said is right.

The general felt that he had been hit hard by an arrow, no, a lot of arrows.

Logically speaking, a warrior like her, with a firm will and an indestructible character, would be difficult to shake, and would instead keep moving forward. but.

After all the blows, if they can continue to get stronger, that's fine.

The key is.

The upper limit of strength is stuck here.

How to do this?

I can't think of a way to become stronger.

In fact, this is normal. What Teyvat focuses on is a clear distinction. The card level is too harsh!

The holder of the Eye of God is like this until he dies, and the devil and so on are still like this after thousands of years.

Immortals have always been immortals, and demons have always been demons.

Unable to achieve greater strength.

It’s the upper limit that can be seen at a glance.

So Su Bai also said at the beginning, how can this be compared with the Herrscher? no way.

The world is different and the systems are different.

That's all.

So can the general not feel gloomy and disappointed? She also wants to become stronger!

But, how to change?.

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