At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room, after Su Cheng explained, also seemed to be very emotional.

"He's meow, Su Cheng's question reminds me of the day before yesterday, there was someone begging with a mobile phone outside my community, and I gave him five yuan!"

"I like Shenhe's friendly greetings very much, isn't it you?

"I learned meow, the next time I meet someone who asks for food, I'll ask the other party to take out his ID card and show me first. (30 yuan paid message)"

"Brother Su Cheng rejected the request for the end a moment ago, and as a result, the second question was clearly right and wrong, this may also be a kind of silent love......

"Blow up Mora to Shenhe!"

"Anyway, I'm already Shenhe's dog, and I have to spend the owner's money to let her feed me meat every day~"

"You guys one by one, hey~ Let's ask Brother Su Cheng to quickly ask the third question. "

On Su Cheng's side, after finally calming down completely, he was ready to say the third question.

Su Cheng: "Next, it's the third question, please prepare the two contestants and listen carefully." "

"Let's say you ordered two boxes of leeks for takeout this morning for breakfast. "

"The takeaway is delivered, and when you open it, you find that there should have been two leek boxes, but now there is only one. "

"And will you?"

"A contacts the seller and asks about the situation. And after the other party apologized and refunded part of the money, he chose to forgive. "

"B: Don't say anything, go up and give a bad review first, let the merchant take the initiative to contact and ask the reason, and then you take a picture to make the other party realize your negligence. "

"C: Take the initiative to inform the store and let him know that there is one less leek box for takeaway.

And I got a promise from the store that when I order his takeaway again tomorrow, I will give you a less leek box. "

"Questions and options have been given, and the two contestants are invited to answer them. "

As Su Cheng's words fell, two boxes of leeks that looked extremely attractive also appeared on the background board of the stage.

And Gui Zhong and Shen He, the two of them also looked at the options on the screen at this time, thinking carefully.


A beep suddenly rang out on the table, which had been silent for about half a minute.

Su Cheng: "Finalist, please answer." "

In the end: "Let me ask first, Su Cheng, is your option a multiple-choice question?"

After all, she felt that option A and option C seemed to be quite similar.

When Su Cheng heard the final question, he also thought for a while, and then said, "If you want to choose more, it's okay." "

"You can only choose a maximum of two options. "

Otherwise, Shenhe would have no choice.

"Hmm...... In that case, I'll choose option A and option C. "

In the end, he stroked the hair on his ears and gave his own explanation:

"If I choose both A and C, then I have room to maneuver. "

"It's a win-win situation to get me a refund today and an extra leek box tomorrow. "

"I'm happy that the store doesn't get bad reviews. "

"That's it, isn't it?"

"It's gone. "

looked at Su Cheng's gaze, and finally nodded calmly.

Seeing this, Su Cheng almost couldn't help but laugh.

Fortunately, he is very conscious of being a host, so he didn't laugh.

looked at Su Cheng's appearance of smiling or not, and in the end, he simply changed the topic.

In the end: "Let's see if Shenhe is right or wrong after choosing option B." "

Seeing that his predecessors mentioned himself, Shenhe also said to Su Cheng with a cold face: (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mr. Su Cheng, I choose option B. "

"As for the reason, in addition to the multiple choices of the last seniors, which led me to choose only this, there are naturally other reasons. "

Su Cheng raised his eyebrows at Shenhe and said, "You say." "

Shenhe: "Although I don't understand what the so-called takeaway is, I can understand the meaning of the bad review. "

"After giving a bad review, the merchant will take the initiative to come to me to ask the reason, so the initiative of this matter is in my hands. "

Then take photos to give evidence, and the other party will naturally admit negligence and offer compensation. "

"At this point, I can take the opportunity to move towards option A or option C, and the initiative is in my hands. "

"Even I can get a refund, just like my predecessors, and get a leek box tomorrow that should have been eaten today. "

Hearing that Shenhe actually revolves around a bad review, he can do something similar to himself.

In the end, while looking at her, he secretly said in his heart, the disciple of Liuyun is really not simple. []

And after Su Cheng saw that Shenhe would no longer speak, he also announced:

"There is no right or wrong in this question, so the prize money for this question will be divided in half by the two contestants. "

"Five or five points? Not my four, Shenhe six?"

In the end, as expected, questions were raised.

Su Cheng moved the mouse, poked her forehead, and said:

"It's just that there is no right or wrong choice for this question, and I also have a good heart, so I let you and Shenhe share the bonus for this question. "

"If you don't want to, then directly ninety-one points, Shenhe nine, you one. "

Finally: "Then it's still not okay." "

Su Cheng was finally willing to send her money, why didn't she want it.

Although there is nowhere to spend, just saving money is already a kind of joy.

However, Shenhe, who was on the right side of the stage, could only take half of the money after learning that he had answered this question, and a subtle thought arose in his heart.

Why don't you wait for the questions to be answered later, and go directly to the seniors to ask for money?

Anyway, it's useless for her to keep the money, it's better to give it all to herself, and when she goes back, she can still use it as a coil.

was talking to Su Cheng at the end, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling at this time.

I turned my head left and right to check, but I didn't find the source of this feeling.

I just don't think about it. (Okay) And the audience in the live broadcast room, after the two contestants finished answering the questions, the madness of the barrage seemed to be a little one-sided.

"I used to eat two leek boxes, and I could eat enough, but now you only send me one?"

"Then how can I make up for the nutrition that Shenhe lacks?" (30 yuan paid message)"

"You said you would make it up to me tomorrow, what if you forgot? I'll give you a bad review, and when you make it up, I'll get rid of the bad review. "

"I want to return the money and the leek box, I Shenhe just want them all!

"Firmly grasp the initiative, two leek boxes, today's nutrition must be in place today!"

"In the end, I still want to be friendly with the store, and the A C option is to give the store a chance. "

"I'm super, Shenhe, what kind of otto style speech is this. (Funny)"

ps: Please order!Order!Ask for flowers!Thank you, Yanzu!.

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