"Suppose you are walking on the road and you happen to be robbed by a gang of thieves. "

"Will you?"

"A retreats for the time being, has the right to endure, and hands over the wallet to keep it safe. "

In turn, he persuaded the thief to be honest again, and by the way, he asked him to collect the persuasion fee. "

"Please ask the two contestants to answer. "

As Su Cheng's words fell, he finally took the lead in pressing the answering machine.

Su Cheng: "Finalist, please make your answer." "

In the end: "I choose A, because in the face of a group of thieves, as a weak woman, I naturally have to put personal safety first." "

"So if I could leave safely just by handing over my wallet, I wouldn't hesitate to hand it over. "

That's my answer. "

Hearing her say this, Su Cheng also looked at Shenhe.

Shenhe: "I will choose option B, with the strength of this immortal, just a few thieves, if you want to solve them, it is naturally not a problem." "

"And after they are persuaded, they can also collect a persuasion fee; "

After finishing speaking, Shenhe also closed his mouth and stopped squeaking.

And the one on her left slapped 30 on the table and said:

"That's a thief, a thief! Shenhe, you have to figure it out!"

Shenhe: "I know very well that I will choose option B. "

Seeing that Shenhe didn't seem to understand himself, he had no choice but to turn his head to look at Su Cheng after all.

"Su Cheng, let's announce the correct answer......"

Su Cheng's face showed a rather playful smile at this time, and said:

"The first question, the answers of the two contestants, are counted as correct answers. "

In the end, 40% of the prize money for this question will be awarded, and the remaining 60% will go to Shenhe. "

Hearing Su Cheng's announcement, his eyes widened unconsciously.

Then he wondered, "Why is it all right?"

Su Cheng: "Because I didn't limit your strength in the question." "

After a simple click, Su Cheng saw that the expression of the end slowly underwent some interesting changes.

And the audience in the live broadcast room, seeing that Su Cheng actually played a trap on the question, they also said:

"Hey, after all, I'm still honest, and I would actually think about giving the thief's wallet and spending money to keep him safe? "

"Brother Su Cheng, who clearly set a trap on the question stem, is really a very bad and bad person. "

"But luckily it's just a problem, not a real thing. "

"It's Shenhe, the backhand is to effectively persuade the thief physically, and then collect a persuasion fee, perfect!"

"Su Cheng's first question is the question of sending money, and the left and right are correct. "

With the discussion of the barrage, Su Cheng also coughed lightly twice and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, let's listen to the second question. "

"Wait, I have something to say!" finally raised his hand and gestured towards Su Cheng.

Su Cheng glanced at Shenhe first, and after seeing that she had no opinion, he said:

"Finalist, what do you want to say? "

may have seen that Su Cheng felt a trace of helplessness about his frequent interjections, and in the end, a feeling of refreshment appeared inexplicably.

With this feeling in mind, she spoke: "For the next question, I ask for a clear right or wrong choice. "

Su Cheng: "Rejected, is it you or me who made the question?" "

While speaking, Su Cheng also moved the mouse, pinched Gui Gui's face, and pulled it.

It wasn't until he finally shouted "Pain, Pain, Pain" that he let go of the mouse.

raised his hand and rubbed his right cheek, and finally pouted aggrievedly: "If you recognize your status, you will recognize your status...... Why do you pinch my face in public......"

"I'm a senior, and I'm also a ...... who wants dignity"

Shenhe looked at the attitude of the opposite at this time, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

It's just that the arc is very small, and it hasn't been noticed by anyone. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Su Cheng also continued to get back to the point at this time, saying:

"Ask the two contestants to listen to the second question. "

"Suppose you are walking on the road and you come across someone begging for you, saying that you haven't eaten for five days and haven't drunk water for two days. "

"So I want you to give some money to buy food and water, so will you?"

A was skeptical at first, but after a pitiful explanation, you were kind. []

After the other party took out the mobile phone he carried and showed the QR code for receiving money, he scanned the code and gave the other party 50 yuan. "

"B: First of all, friendly greetings: Isn't it you?

Then, after the beggar's shameful explanation, you are kind.

I decided to go to a steamed bun shop not far away to buy two steamed buns and a cup of millet porridge, so that the other party could eat and drink well. "

"Two players, please answer. "

After Su Cheng's words fell, neither Gui Zhong nor Shen He pressed the answer button for the first time.

And both carefully look at the two options on the big screen.

After almost twenty seconds, Shenhe's side took the lead in pressing the answer button.

After the buzz fell, Shenhe replied:

"I'm going to choose option B for this question. "

"Because this beggar, who has not eaten for five days and has not drunk water for two days, needs food and drink most at the moment. "

"So buying food and drinking directly for them is the easiest and most effective option. "

"In the end, what about you? According to the rules, you can only choose A. "

Su Cheng reminded.

In the end, there was a little silence, and after sorting out some thoughts and words, he spoke slowly.

Finally: "First of all, keep questioning, it means that I must be vigilant, and I will not give money directly because he is begging for 370." "

"But since the other party can explain it clearly, and it is really very pitiful. "

"Then give him fifty yuan and let him go to a good meal, which can be regarded as a good deed. "

The final voice fell, and he turned his head to look at Su Cheng.

I saw Su Cheng shaking his head with a "tsk", and then announced:

"The second question Shenhe answered correctly, but in the end, he answered incorrectly. "

The prize for this question was won by Shenhe alone. "

After hearing Su Cheng say this, he frowned tightly and said:

"Why? Why is this question B vs. A?"

Su Cheng: "I haven't eaten for five days and haven't drunk water for two days, and I still have my mobile phone with me? "

"If he is really desperate, he must have even sold his mobile phone for money, so the beggar is an iron liar. "

"Are you stupid enough to scan the code and scan fifty for someone, so that he can have a good meal? Maybe he will turn his head and change places and slander you in his heart, who is so stingy that he gave me fifty?"

Hearing Su Cheng's explanation, the emotions in the end have been mobilized, and thinking about it from the perspective of putting yourself in the shoes is really very infuriating!

After taking a few deep breaths and calming down, he finally nodded:

"It seems that I was careless. "

ps: Please order!Order!Ask for flowers!Thank you, Yanzu!.

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