At this time, after King Yama used the first angel (the old man) to question the sinner, he used the second angel (the disease) to ask the sinner:"What do you think? Can't you see the second angel?" He replied:"No."See."

King Yama asked him again:"When you were originally a human being, did you ever see a person lying on a bed due to a disease, or in a smelly place with feces and urine, with his body lying on it, unable to get up and live? He has to rely on others to eat and drink, his joints are sore, he sheds tears and moans, and cannot speak? Have you seen these people?" He replied:"Yes."

King Yama said to him again:"What are you doing? Why don't you think to yourself: If I am suffering from such a disease, I will be like this?" The sinner replied:"When I was alive, I was careless and unconsciously aware of it."

Yama said to him again:"You are carefree and cannot cultivate yourself. Words and thoughts cannot change evil and do good. Now you should know the pain of letting go!"

King Yama told him again:"The sins and pain you are suffering now are not the fault of your parents, nor are they the fault of your brothers. The fault is not the fault of the emperor of heaven, nor the ancestors, nor the good teachers, servants, messengers, nor the fault of the ascetics and brahmins. It is you who have created the bad karma yourself, and now you are suffering the bad consequences!"

King Yama After using the second angel to question the sinner, he used the third angel to ask the sinner:"What do you think? Can't you see the third angel?" The sinner replied:"No."

King Yama asked again :"When you were originally a human being, did you see that when a human body dies and dies, all the roots (six roots) are permanently destroyed, the body is upright like a dead tree, and is abandoned in a grave to be eaten by birds and beasts? ; or put the clothes in the coffin, or burn them with fire. Do you see these things?"The sinner replied:"Yes." King Yama asked him again:"Why don't you think to yourself: I too will die, and they will die. Isn’t there any difference?" The sinner replied:"When I was alive, I was always carefree and did not realize it."

King Yama said to him again:"You are carefree and greedy for enjoyment, and you cannot cultivate your body, speech, and mind, and you cannot change your evil ways. Good, now you should know the pain of letting go!"

King Yama told him again:"The sin you are suffering now is not the fault of your parents, brothers, nor the emperor of heaven, nor the ancestors, nor the fault of goodness. Knowledge is not the fault of servants, servants, or ascetics or brahmins. It was you who created the evil karma yourself, and you should suffer for it now!"

King Yama used three angels to ask questions one by one, and then handed them over to the jailer. The jailers took the sinner to the Great Hell. The width of the Great Hell is a hundred yojanas, and its depth below is a hundred yojanas, about a thousand kilometers.

Lin Feng and Bai Shao looked at the interrogation of King Yama. Lin Feng said to Bai Shao:""There are four gates in the four directions of this hell, all with well-organized passages. The Great Hell has iron walls as its prison walls, and they are also covered with iron nets. The ground is also made of iron, and flames naturally emit. The length and breadth are a hundred yojanas, and it dwells peacefully without moving.

There are black flames in the prison, and graves are rising, so powerful and unbearable that it is unbearable! There are sixteen small prisons, all of which are fiery prisons, all caused by evil deeds. That man is going to be thrown into these hells!"

"Although they have seen the things of angels (aging, sickness and death), they still act carelessly. Such people will always be filled with sorrow and be born in a humble place. If you are a wise person, when you see an angel, you will definitely get close to the Dharma of the sages and will not let go. It is scary to see that those who are reborn will experience birth, old age, illness and death; if there is no rebirth, they will be liberated and all birth, old age, illness and death will be over. He can live in a peaceful place, he can now achieve inaction, he has overcome all worries and fears, and he is determined to achieve nirvana."Bai Shao listened to Lin Feng's explanation with great concentration.

At this time, King Yama said to himself on the stage:"All living beings in the world are deluded and ignorant. They do evil deeds with their bodies, words and minds. Then they die. After their death, few people are immune to the evil deeds." Such suffering. If all living beings in the world can repent of their evil, cultivate their body, speech, and mind, and do good deeds, they will be able to enjoy happiness after their death, just like those gods! If I (King Yama) dies and is reincarnated While among human beings, if you can meet the Tathagata, you will be in the true Dharma, shave off your beard and hair, wear the three kinds of Dharma robes, become a monk and practice the Tao, and practice the holy life with pure faith, until you reach the point where you have accomplished what you have done. The end of life and death lies in the present Dharma, one's own testimony, and no future body."

Just as King Yama was talking to himself, the jailer pulled over a few more sinners, and several sinners came to King Yama, trembling with fear. He said,"dig in the pot, I still have a piece of horse shit in the pot."

King Yama heard that it was Japanese! What kind of pot are you digging in? It’s just horse shit! He is actually a Japanese! , hurriedly asked the jailer, what crime did these people commit?

The jailer hurriedly replied,"Your Majesty, these people once invaded China and massacred many Chinese people! Especially the Jinling people of China." Upon hearing this, King Yama immediately slammed the table, stood up, pointed at those people and shouted,"All of them Put the oil in the pan and fry it, fry it hard! After you blow it, throw it to the 18th level of hell and continue to fry it every day!" After

King Yama shouted, he thought again,"It's not enough. After it's fried, use a hammer to crush it into powder.!"

The jailer was very curious about why King Yama lost such a temper, and did not dare to ask any more questions. He immediately rushed up, beat several people severely, and then dragged away several Japanese people and threw them into the oil pan like garbage.

After giving the instructions, King Yama calmed down his excitement and sat down quietly.

The jailer who led Lin Feng and the others immediately stepped forward to report to King Yama.

When King Yama learned of this, he immediately came down, along with the three angels, and came to Lin Feng and the others.

I saw King Yama saying:"Ah, when the two immortals come here, some are not welcomed from afar, and some are not welcomed from afar!"

"You're welcome, Mo Xue just needs something to ask for! Lin Feng replied politely.

"Just ask, see if I can help?"King Yama replied politely.

"Well, I'm here to see Moro. Lin Feng said,"Where is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?""

"At the foot of the mountain behind our main hall, not far away."King Yama replied

"Great." Lin Feng was about to say goodbye to find Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. At this time, King Yama said to Lin Feng:"You two are from the upper realm. We rarely have the opportunity to study the Dharma here. I hope you can give me some pointers."

"Oh, you're too polite, I'm not good at learning, so I'll teach you the total recitation of the mantra and the Nascent Soul technique. Lin Feng saw that they were only at the Golden Core level, so he said

"Ah, that’s great!"The eyes of King Yama and the three envoys shone brightly, and they were very happy.

So Lin Feng chanted the general mantra again:"The five yin and eighteen realms, the Nirvana Tathagata Hidden, the wisdom of Prajna Tao, cover all dharma. Because it is the most excellent of all, it corresponds to this, because it appears in two places, because it is different in three places, and because it manifests in four places, it appears in this order.

With the path of liberation and the path of Buddha's Bodhi, I pray for the enlightened Buddha to accept and uphold everything." And he probably told King Yama and others the main meaning of the mantra.

King Yama and the envoy said at the same time:"Thank you so much, it's rare to be so good. The curse.", the jailer next to him was also happy after hearing this, because this would eliminate many of their karma and leave hell as soon as possible.

Lin Feng and Bai Shao said goodbye to Queen Yama and headed in the direction pointed by King Yama.

The mountain road here is easier to walk, although both sides There are trees, but they are all withered branches, no flowers, no fruit and no industry. After all, the blessings here are very poor. As he walked, suddenly there was a shadow moving in front of him and coming towards here. Bai Shao was startled and didn't know what it was. Lin Feng was also surprised. Startled, the steps stopped.

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