Bai Shao couldn't bear it any longer. She was about to speak, but Lin Feng patted her on the shoulder. She finally said nothing. The man smiled and finally spoke:"Why is the Immortal Lord here?"

"oh? Did you see it?" Lin Feng said. He saw that this person's cultivation level was only at the immortal level.

"What immortal, we are just here to play," Bai Shao said

"I've been waiting here for a long time, and finally someone came."The man didn't answer Lin Feng's question and said to himself.

"Do you want to help us with anything? Lin Feng asked

"Yes, I am also Zhenli’s disciple Shi Huo, and I can also be considered your senior brother. When the teacher asked us to go out and practice on our own, I came here."

"ah? , turns out to be a senior brother, didn’t expect to meet him here?"Lin Feng said happily. Bai Shao looked at the two people, but he was confused anyway.

As for the name Dendrobium, it is also the name of a Chinese medicine, [Dendrobium is slightly cold in nature, has the effect of nourishing yin fluid and clearing away heat, and can relieve yin deficiency and excessive fire. Caused by dry eyes and pain, upset and insomnia, dry mouth and throat, night sweats and nocturnal emissions, short yellow urine and other symptoms. Dendrobium is sweet in taste, has the effect of tonifying the stomach and neutralizing the stomach, and can relieve discomforts such as low food intake and retching caused by insufficient stomach yin. Symptoms. Modern pharmacological research shows that the dendrobine contained in dendrobium has anti-inflammatory, blood sugar regulation, anti-influenza effects, and can also prevent and treat diabetes.】

【Dendrobium has the effects of clearing away heat, nourishing the kidneys and improving eyesight. 】

Lin Feng was once again curious about what the name of the Chinese medicine was.

Dendrobium asked Lin Feng,"Junior brother, what do you want to do here?"

"Even though I was passing by, I don’t know where to go," Lin Feng said. He didn’t say anything else.

Shi Hu said,"If you want to go out, you need to go through hell and find a disciple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva named Moro, Ksitigarbha. Bodhisattva will naturally know your purpose of coming and will take you out"

"But the scene of hell is too terrifying, and you girls probably can’t stand it. Here are some glasses, so you can’t see the horror when you put them on. After speaking, Dendrobium took out a pair of glasses. Lin Feng took them and handed them to Bai Shao.

"I feel relieved now, otherwise I would be really scared. According to the legend, hell will be a place of endless death and endless suffering, and you will never be able to bear it if you encounter one."Bai Shao patted herself and said

"It's okay to go and have a look. In the future, people will know not to do bad karma and how painful it is to go to hell."Lin Feng said

"Don't worry if you go here, there is no danger, it's just scary to see. However, you must remember that when you encounter some scenes, even if you cannot bear it, you must be careful not to interfere with the cause and effect there. You can ask them to recite the name of the Buddha or Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva so that they can achieve liberation in the future."The man said

"Remember, brother, thank you very much. Although you don’t say who you are, we still thank you. Lin Feng said.

Dendrobium waved his hand, smiled and said,"Thank you, no need. When you meet Master, please say hello to me."

Dendrobium raised his right hand and drew a circle in the middle of the tree, muttering something in his mouth, as if The mantra seemed a bit like a mantra, so Lin Feng didn't dare to ask.

He saw two doors opened in the middle of the tree. The door on the left looked warm, and the door on the right looked a little cold. The two doors confused them. The man said:"The left side leads to heaven, and the right side leads to hell. Go quickly. This door can only be opened for ten minutes, and it can only be opened once in a thousand years."

"Ah, how should we go? Brother Lin, it's better to go back to heaven, hell is not fun."Bai Shao said.

Lin Feng said goodbye to Dendrobium and stepped into the door on the right. Bai Shao held Lin Feng's hand tightly. She was still a little scared and held her arms tightly.

"Everyone has heard of hell, but I really don’t know what hell is like or how to find it. It sounds scary.", Lin Feng said.

When Lin Feng was in Mount Xumi, he had been to the mountainside and the sea. He knew that hell was far away from the sea and deep in the Tiefei Mountain. He never thought there was an entrance here!

After they walked into the door on the right, the door disappeared and they entered a It was relatively dark, like a cave. With the weak light, you couldn't see the head at a glance. It was so gloomy. Bai Shao held on to Lin Feng tightly and didn't dare to look forward.

Lin Feng introduced Bai Shao:"There is a big cave outside Mount Sumeru." Mount Kumgang surrounds the sea. There is the second largest King Kong Mountain outside Mount King Kong. The middle of the two mountains is very dark and graceful. No matter how powerful the gods of the sun and moon are, no light can shine through.

There are eight major hells there, and one hell has sixteen smaller hells. The first major hell is thought, the second is black rope, the third is pressure, the fourth is shouting, and the fifth is loud shouting. The sixth place is Shao Zhi, the seventh place is Da Shao Zhi, and the eighth place is Wu Jian. He imagines that there are sixteen small prisons in hell, each of which is five hundred leagues wide in length: the first small prison is called black sand, the second is boiling excrement, the third is five hundred nails, the fourth is hunger, the fifth is thirst, and the sixth is Name, one copper cauldron, seven names, many copper cauldrons, eight names, stone mill, nine names, pus and blood, ten names, measuring fire, eleven names, gray river, twelve names, iron pills, thirteen names, Yi Ax, fourteenth name, jackal, fifteenth name, sword tree, sixteenth name, ice"

"So many hells, so much man-made karma! Bai Shao sighed.

"There are countless people who have killed living beings and committed evil throughout history, and there are also those who practice double cultivation of evil dharma as a way to practice Buddhism and slander the Tathagata. Then they will go to hell. Of course there are so many hells."Lin Feng said

"I have heard people often talk about the Vajra Hell, saying that you cannot read their tantras without initiation, or that you have seen the Vajra Hell!"Bai Shao also knew some knowledge and asked.

Lin Feng said:"That's not true. There is no so-called Vajra Hell in the sutra. It's just to scare people. Think about it, wrong teachings are published publicly and they say you can't read them. It doesn't make sense"

"No, so many people believe it, don’t they know?"Bai Shao is more curious. Bai Shao knows that there are some sects in Dihuang Continent that practice dual cultivation evil methods.

"Of course they don't know, and even if they wanted to know, they would threaten them with the Vajra Hell." Lin Feng continued,"The core teachings of dual cultivation of evil methods are very disgusting and are not allowed to be read. They are all about dual cultivation of evil methods by men and women. It's nonsense. Yes, it’s like eating shit. No matter how clean you are, eating shit will not turn into eating!"

"From what you say, it sounds like you have a grudge against them?"Bai Shao said jokingly

"It’s not that we have any grudges, but that we misled sentient beings and caused so many people to go to hell. We will find out when we go to hell and ask the jailers."Lin Feng said.

Bai Shao replied:"It's really messy.""It’s too far-fetched, there’s so much talk about one hell, let’s think about how to get out of it."

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