Lin Feng and the others noticed that the people here all had similar bodies and similar appearances. They all looked like young people, and none of them looked old. The people here all had smooth, white teeth, dense and seamless mouths. The hair is cyan blue and free of dirt. The hair hangs down eight fingers long, all to shoulder length, neither long nor short.

When people here go to the fragrant tree, the fragrant tree bends down for that person, and the person picks up various kinds of incense with his hands and applies it to his body, as if the tree is a service robot. When you walk under the clothes tree, the tree will also bend down, pick up various clothes with your hands, and put them on casually.

When you walk under the solemn tree, you can also pick up various solemn things and wear them solemnly on your body.

He picked flowers from the trees, musical instruments, and whatever he wanted. When he walked under the fruit tree, he picked up all kinds of beautiful fruits. Some were eaten, some were held in the mouth, and some were just squeezed. Drink the juice.

After fetching the musical instrument under the musical instrument tree, you can tune and play it, and harmonize the strings with wonderful sounds. Then you can go to the garden and have fun there. After playing here, go to other places.

"This place is simply a communist society, where people are distributed according to their needs and get what they want. Bai Shao couldn't help but sigh,"I will live here again in the future.""

"Don't think about it, there is no parental favor here. Lin Feng said lightly.


"The scriptures say that when people here fall in love, they will look at a woman and then leave, and the woman will follow them all the way to the garden. If the woman is the flesh and blood of the man's father and mother, and is a close relative, and should not have sexual desire, the tree will not bend its shade and will scatter. If it is not the flesh and blood of the father and mother, it is not a close relative. And if it means that they can have sexual desire, the tree will bend and cover them, allowing them to have sex. They can play as they please for seven or eight days, many days. Lin

Feng shook his head and continued to explain:"After the woman is pregnant, she will give birth after seven or eight days. The children will be boys and girls, and they will be placed at the head of the four major roads. According to the rules on the earth, The Dharma is called an abandoned baby, and after abandoning it, he leaves. If a pedestrian passes by that place, he will hold out his fingers so that the baby can suck them with his mouth, and the fingers will produce sweet milk, which will fill the baby's body.

After seven days, the child will grow up and be as big as an adult. If it is a boy, it will be more male-oriented, and if it is a girl, it will be more female-oriented. People here have no parents, no husband-wife relationship, no family burdens"

"Ah, that's it, then I don't want to. Although this place is good, I still can't stay here. I have no parents and no family. I can't accept it. No one will care about me until I die."Bai Shao waved her hands quickly, overturning her words.

"This is true. After those people die, they will not cry to each other, but will solemnly dress the dead body, place it on the four thoroughfares, and abandon it. There is a kind of bird named Zusu Changa, which will come to pick up the dead body and place it in another place.

Also, if people here need to relieve themselves, the ground will split open, and after they relieve themselves (after defecating), the ground will be put back together as before. The people here have no attachments and no livestock. Their lifespan is fixed, and they are reborn in heaven after death. The scripture says, Why do they have an eternal life? Because they all practiced the ten good deeds in their previous lives, and they were born in Yudan after the body was destroyed and died. Their life span is a thousand years, and their years do not increase or decrease. Lin Feng replied

"Then let’s go shopping, since we’re here anyway, we have to go shopping."Bai Shao said

"To the south of Shanjian Pond, there is a garden named Dashanjian. To the west of Shanjian Pond, there is also a garden called Entertainment. To the north of Shanjian Pond, there is also a garden called Waiting for Flowers. We'd better go to Dashanjian, but we'll probably get there very late."Lin Feng said.

The few of them walked while admiring the surrounding scenery, tasting naturally grown stem rice, and eating fruits. The taste was sweet and extremely delicious.

They also met Yu Danyue on the road, but Yu Danyue didn't know how to eat. I didn't pay attention to them. Maybe their living habits are immersed in pleasure and they don't care about other things at all. This may be the reason why there is no Dharma here. The six perfections such as giving, observing precepts, and enduring humiliation are of no use to them. Don't worry. Eat, drink, have fun, and give alms to whom.

After walking for a long distance through the woods from the pond, the sky gradually turned dark. Lin Feng and the others found a tree and rested under it. The shade of the tree naturally covered them, like each other. Wrapped in a small quilt, soft and comfortable, no one disturbed Lin Feng and fell asleep in this comfortable environment, and Bai Shao also fell asleep gently.

The night was so quiet that there was no sound. At almost five o'clock in the morning, Bai Shao was nodded The sound of raindrops woke me up. When I woke up and took a look, it turned out to be raining.

There is a dragon king named Aunta in Luzhou in Beiju. Clean clouds often appear all over the sky at any time, and sweet rain falls, like milk falling from a hub. The eight-flavored water was so moisturizing that it never stopped, and there was no muddy road on the ground.

After the rain, the grass and trees were still dry, and there was no sign of rain.

Then Lin Feng also woke up. He didn't know Bai Bai Shao lay on him and slept all night last night

"It's so comfortable, I've never slept like this before."Bai Shao woke up and stretched. She talked the most.

To the left of the tree was a big mountain, and to the right was a gentle area. People go there from time to time. It should be the Dashanjian Garden. In front of the mountain is a big tree.

"Wow, that tree is so tall! There must be something good!"Bai Shao pointed forward and said loudly

"That one should be a big tree king named Anpala. The tree is 77 kilometers thick and more than a thousand kilometers high. Its branches and leaves are spread all over the four sides, and it is more than 500 kilometers wide. It's like a tall tree."

When they approached the tree, they found a person under the tree, and that person was actually meditating! Since Yu Dan said that people, old and young, were all about the same age, they couldn't tell how old the person was.

And there were no practitioners here. Suddenly a cultivator appeared. I don’t know what was going on.

Lin Feng stepped forward, saluted and asked politely:"Excuse me..." Before Lin Feng could finish speaking, the man opened his eyes, looked at them, and then smiled..

This smile confused them. They didn’t know if this person knew them or knew something about them. Anyway, it was a bit strange.

"Why are you smiling at us? Bai Shao couldn't help but ask.

The man didn't answer. He still looked at them with a smile and didn't say a word for a long time.

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