Seeing that Yang Dawei had benefited, Taixiaopang became anxious and was about to ask Lin Feng for instructions.

Lin Feng didn't wait for Tai Xiaobang to speak, and directly handed Tai Xiaobang the ephedra decoction.

【Taiyang disease generally presents symptoms such as aversion to cold, headache, fever, and floating pulse. Taiyang disease is generally caused by exogenous wind and cold. According to the treatment principle of"when it is on the skin, it is caused by sweating", Taiyang disease should be treated with the"sweating" method. The disease is mainly caused by wind and cold symptoms, so the sweating method focuses on pungent and warm temperatures.]

Lin Feng used Mahuang Decoction as a treatment prescription.

Too small After receiving the ephedra soup, I was overjoyed and thanked him hurriedly,"Thank you, senior, thank you very much, senior."

Lin Feng briefly summarized the diseases of the six major sects:

"Your illnesses fall into three categories: superficial, internal, and half external and half internal. Each category is divided into yin and yang. For example, a Yang syndrome of half appearance and half interior is Shaoyang disease, and a Yin syndrome of half exterior and half interior is Jueyin disease.

【Half on the outside and half on the inside]:

Location: chest and abdomen, oral orifices, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and other diseases. Shaoyang disease: upper Jiao is deficient in fire, middle Jiao is weak, and lower Jiao is cold. The upper Jiao is weak and the fire is heavy, and the lower Jiao is cold and light with cold drinks.

Bitter mouth, sore throat, liver, dizziness, four major syndromes of Bupleurum, upset, vomiting, alternating cold and heat, no desire to eat or drink.

Jueyin disease: Yin syndrome of half surface and half interior with mild upper heat and severe lower cold, quenching thirst, upper Qi hitting the heart, and heart Pain, hunger, inability to eat, and constant pain


Location: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, digestive system, edema.

Yangming disease: internal Yang syndrome and four external syndromes: severe fever, severe thirst, profuse sweating, and a strong pulse. The evil heat enters the stomach and is not combined with food residues, so the stomach is not completely solid. Mainly heat.

Yangming syndrome: fullness and pain in the outer abdomen, hardness and pain when pressed, dry stool, foul breath, red tongue, thick yellow coating, and tight and rapid pulse. The combination of evil heat and food residues will lead to stomach deficiency, with the excess being the main factor.

Taiyin disease: Yin syndrome in this.

The pain persists, the abdomen is full and painful, the abdomen is cold, the patient prefers warmth and massage, the limbs are cold and edematous, and the urine is clear and the tongue is light. White fetus, weak pulse


Location: Skin, muscles, etc.

Taiyang disease: aversion to cold, fever, headache, no sweat or sweating, body aches, cough, nasal congestion and runny nose, skin rash, itching and pain, floating pulse, cold, tracheitis

, lung disease, Skin diseases, rheumatism, etc.

Shaoyin disease: sleepiness. Thin pulse, etc.


"Since your skills are under a curse, medicine can treat the symptoms but not the root cause. I have the Yin and Yang Jue. If you take it back and practice it, you can remove the curse and its drawbacks."After saying that, Lin Feng took out six jade tablets with the Yin and Yang formula on them and threw them to the six sect masters.

After receiving them, the six sect masters were so excited that they didn't know what to do. They knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Feng several times. They said in unison ,"Thank you for your kindness, senior. Lin Feng didn't keep them either. After sending the six sect leaders away, he took out the Yin Yang Five Elements Bagua Skills and handed them to Zixia Sect Master,"I'll leave this advanced skills book to you. You should take Xiaolian and the others with you.""

Zixia Sect Leader was excited and asked hurriedly,"Senior, are you leaving?"

Lin Feng said,"I want to go to Jinghua World to visit, and I may not come back."

Zixia Sect Master was a little disappointed and regretful, but being able to allow the seniors to stay in the sect during this period of time has brought great benefits to the sect. Zixia Zong Ye has become a first-level sect, not to mention that Lin Feng gave her advanced skills just now. This kindness is too heavy.

Before leaving, Lin Feng also gave Xiaolian and Xiaoling their Yin Yang and Five Elements skills.

Lin Feng After explaining, he flew directly to the upper world and came to the Jinghua World.

He landed on a river near a mountain. There was only one mountain pass to enter the mountain. The scenery here was strange, with strange rocks standing there, and the mountains full of woods and shrubs. The sun can't shine here in the dense shade, and because it's a valley, the wind can't blow in. In the bushes, mosquitoes and flies always fly around your face, and the forest is stuffy.

Many plants in the forest have never been seen before, and there are still many plants in the forest. There were traces of wild boars passing through.

In front of him was a canyon with steep cliffs. The canyon was very long and had no end, and the entire canyon was deep into the mountain. Lin Feng was resting on a flat place.

Sitting behind a huge rock, on the left was the road leading to the mountain. The road ahead was entirely filled with woods.

Suddenly, a big wild boar walked in front!

The demonic wild boar was about 10 meters long and weighed more than 4,000 kilograms. It had brown body hair and two sharp tusks next to the corners of its mouth that were very eye-catching. The wild boar was swaying. Gradually walked up to him.

Lin Feng just looked at the wild boar indifferently.

The wild boar didn't seem to see him at all, and actually walked past him, as if he didn't exist at all.

After resting for a while, he was about to move forward. There were probably some people in front of him. The two roads seemed to lead to the canyon. Lin Feng walked down the road where the wild boar came, passed a ditch, and reached the Grand Canyon. The bottom of the valley was very wide, a thousand meters wide, and the bottom of the valley was relatively flat.

The road behind Just keep walking along the canyon. There should be many cliffs here, making it very difficult to walk. The road is a hundred meters wide and endless.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at both sides. Sure enough, he also found that the trees here have also changed. Most of them are pine and metasequoia. , when we first landed, it was mostly bushes.

The air in the canyon was surprisingly good, there were no mosquitoes, and the trees along the road were dense. Spring water flowed out from time to time in the canyon, which was clear and sweet. Flowers were vying to bloom, and there were actually various fruit trees. Peach trees, mulberry trees, pear trees, and apricot trees made people's mouths water when they saw them. These flower and fruit trees seemed to have been deliberately made by someone. They were simply an outdoor peach garden. As he walked,

Lin Feng suddenly found footprints on the ground. He discovered that they were actually his previous ones. The footprints turned out to be lost.

Lin Feng didn't care, the worst he could do was fly out.

After wandering for a while, the valley on the right side of the mountain cliff was covered with dense woods except for the middle. The vegetation in other places was low. From a distance, it looked like a semi-circular Round.

It was covered with green shade from the outside to the inside. Lin Feng entered the shade curiously and found that there was a forest behind. It turned out that this side was not a cliff. There was a road between the woods that stretched forward. Sometimes it went uphill, sometimes downhill, and gradually The view widened in front, until there were no more woods in front of him. There were woods several thousand meters away. There was an open area in front of him, about a few hundred meters long, with soft grass on the ground.

Lin Feng was not idle, looking around. , he didn’t know where in Jinghua Continent this was. He looked into the woods on both sides and saw a big pit in front of him. It was so deep that he couldn’t see the bottom. The mouth of the pit was round and about a hundred kilometers in diameter. It was really a huge pit.

"Is this tiankeng a teleportation array?" Lin Feng secretly thought.

The tiankeng is indeed straight, and there is nothing at the entrance except some stones.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand to detect it, and found that it was actually an invisible formation, an immortal-level formation, and I don't know who it is. Maybe it was a secret realm below.

This formation was a trivial matter for Lin Feng, and he solved the big formation after a while.

He felt that his feet seemed a little loose, and he hurriedly retreated dozens of meters away.

But a huge thing happened in front of him. Changes. I saw a staircase appearing from the side of the sinkhole, extending all the way to the bottom, and with handrails.

Lin Feng walked down the steps. The steps went straight down, with a certain slope, slightly gentle, and the steps were quite wide. He needed to walk down along the handrail. As he went down, the light became less and less. It was pitch black below, and there was no reply after shouting several times. Lin Feng turned on the light, as if he was in an abyss.

The steps went all the way down to the opposite side. He turned back and walked back and forth. Every time he passed a step, the steps behind him disappeared. He didn't know how many times he walked back and forth, but gradually he seemed to hear the sound of spring water. Maybe there was a big cave down there with many beautiful things. Stalactites.

After exiting the large cave, a village farmland suddenly opened up. I saw a few rural children, about four or five years old, playing naked by the river. The river was very shallow, only reaching the children's ears. They were playing around,

Lin Feng walked over and asked a naked child standing on the shore,"Do you know how to get to the village?"

"Just go forward and turn left," the child replied. Just as he finished his answer, a child in the river shouted:"Xiao Linzi! Come on!"

"Oh, it’s coming, you play first!"After the child answered, he turned around and ran back.

Just as he was speaking, a little girl wearing plaid came over from a distance and shouted immaturely,"Brother, it's time to eat!

Xiao Linzi replied:"I know, sister Cao Dan!" Lin

Feng hurriedly stopped the little girl Cao Dan and prepared to ask.

The little girl was unhappy and said,"Bad brother!"

Xiao Linzi came ashore, put on his underwear and ran to stop Lin Feng and said,"Don't bully my sister!"

Lin Feng took out a few pieces of gourmet chocolate and said,"How about taking uncle to the village chief's house?" I have something to ask for directions. This is for you and your sister."

Xiao Linzi hesitated for a moment, then looked carefully and Lin Feng didn't look like a bad guy, so he still took the chocolate and took Lin Feng to the village chief's house.


Memory of the Six Sect Masters The name is the memory of the twelve meridians

: Taixiao bladder, Yang Dawei, Shaojiao gallbladder, Taifei lungs and spleen, Shao heart and kidneys, Juebao liver


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