Lin Feng followed the old beggar through the alley and gradually moved away from the street, with fewer and fewer buildings. When he reached the base of the city wall, the old beggar stopped. He saw a simple courtyard at the base of the city wall, built along the city wall. The courtyard looked relatively large, but the courtyard door was closed. The old beggar pushed the door open and went in. Lin Feng also followed in.

There is an open space in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by simple broken rooms. There is a well in the middle. Although it looks like a beggar's den, it is kept quite clean.

Just as they entered, five children suddenly ran out of the room, ran over and surrounded Lao Qiu, shouting:"Grandpa is back." The children all looked disheveled and had ragged clothes, but they had bright smiles on their faces.. The youngest of the children is about 5 years old, and the eldest is almost 12 years old. Three girls and two boys, the boys are older.

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he felt at peace with it and let everything take its course. It looks like a home here, with a warm feeling. Lin Feng had traveled all over the world and had never experienced the warmth of his siblings' parents' home. The situation in front of him gave him an indescribable sense of comfort.

Suddenly, a boy noticed that Lin Feng was following behind Lao Qiu. He pointed at Lin Feng and asked Lao Qiu,"Grandpa, who is this?"

Other children also noticed the stranger and asked Lao Qiu. Lao Qiu pointed at Lin Feng and said to everyone. :"Children, this is our new guy here. He has also joined us, and we will be a family from now on. His name is Lin Feng, and you will call him Brother Lin from now on."

"Really? Haha, we have a brother.", the children shouted happily.

Lao Qiu pointed to the group of children and introduced to Lin Feng:"The older one is called Ye Chen, the younger boy is called Ye Xing, these three girls are called Daya, and the second one is called Da Ya. Ya, Sanya"

"Are they biological sisters?", Lin Feng asked curiously

"No, I just gave them the same last name, and I picked them all up."Lao Qiu said happily, his eyes filled with pride. Lin Feng could also understand that it was not easy for Lao Qiu to take care of these little beggars and feed them.

"Don’t the three girls have names?"

"No name was given.", Lao Qiu shook his head and said.

Lin Feng thought for a while,"I think it will be called: Chen Xiyan, Chen Xirong, Chen Xi, okay?"

"The name is good," Lao Qiu praised.

When the three girls heard that the elder brother had named them, they asked Lao Qiu curiously:"Are you naming us?"

Lao Qiu said with a smile:"Yes, you have names. The eldest girl is called Chen Xiyan, the second girl is called Chen Xirong, and the third girl is Chen Xihao."

After the three girls each read it several times, they cheered happily,"We have I have a name. I finally have a name."

Seeing their happy expressions,"Lao Qiu, I can teach them how to write and learn literature in the future." Lin Feng said to the old beggar. In order to thank Lao Qiu for his warm-heartedness and not wanting to live in vain, Lin Feng had to do something. When Lao Qiu heard Lin Feng's request, he hurriedly said,"Okay, okay, you will teach them later. I don't have the energy."

When they heard that they could learn culture, several children also jumped up with joy, although this world is Most people are cultivators of immortality, but not everyone can cultivate immortality. This continent is dominated by cultivators of immortality, and those who cultivate immortality are still a minority compared to mortals. After all, to cultivate immortality, you first need to have spiritual roots. Most people do not have spiritual roots and can only be mortals.

Therefore, being able to read and write was also rare in this dynasty.

"Brother, can you really teach us?", the big girl with a runny nose and a dirty look on her face, Chen Xiyan looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng looked down at the cute little girl and replied,"Yes. I teach you how to read so that you can work and make money in the future." Lin Feng wanted to teach them some technical knowledge so that they could live a worry-free life in the future.

"Really?", other children also came over and asked

"yes. You can make money by taking the imperial examination and becoming an official.", Lin Feng said

"That's great.", the children rushed up to surround Lin Feng and shouted happily. They didn't understand about being an official in the imperial examination, but when they heard that they could make money, their eyes lit up.

"I can also teach you to do handicrafts and other crafts, so you can also make money.", Lin Feng said again

"Ah, we can learn a craft and make money.", the children cheered again.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Lao Qiu asked Lin Feng:"Since you have craftsmanship and literary talent, why don't you find a job? And rely on pawns."

Lin Feng smiled. He couldn't tell Lao Qiu the truth, so he had to make up a reason and said,"Maybe I want to be free by myself, and I don't feel comfortable working for others." Lin Feng said in his heart. If he didn't want to disappoint Lao Qiu, he wouldn't have followed. He didn't know what was going on. He followed him by some strange combination.

After hearing this, Lao Qiu didn't ask any more questions. Lao Qiu asked the children After everyone went to play, they arranged for Lin Feng to live in a room near the door.

There was a bed, a table, and no other furnishings in the room. It could be said that it was a house with only four walls. The room was not big, only a few square meters. Lin Feng thought about making a few in the future. There were chairs, and there were many tools in his small world. Although the room was very simple, it was still a nest for Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't care where he lived, whether it was a luxurious residence or a simple house. You can lie down comfortably anywhere.

Lin Feng tidied up a little, chatted a little with Lao Qiu, and asked about the situation of the Dongchen Dynasty.

There are many sects cultivating immortals in this continent. There are not many top sects, but their strength is It’s similar to the dynasty. The sect and the dynasty also use each other. In addition, in the dark forest on the far periphery of the dynasty, there live the demon clan. The human race and the demon clan do not interfere with each other and often communicate with each other.

The dominance of the dynasty is very strong. Therefore, the public security in many cities is good, except for the Sin City near the Monster Clan, which is full of exiled sinners. The place where they are is Suiye City of the Dongchen Dynasty. Suiye City is an affiliated city outside the capital of the dynasty. , the main imperial city is Cangyun City.

After listening to Lao Qiu's introduction, Lin Feng also asked Lao Qiu about his experience, but Lao Qiu avoided answering. Lin Feng used his divine eyes to try to see if Lao Qiu had practiced, and found that Lao Qiu was He had some cultivation skills, but he didn't want to mention them, so Lin Feng stopped asking.

Lin Feng packed up, came out and said to Lao Qiu:"Lao Qiu, I'll go out again later and come back in the evening.", Lin Feng decided to go out and change some money. It's not possible to have no money.

"Oh, when you go to the pawn shop, don't pawn anything.", Lao Qiu said doubtfully

"No, just go out for a while."

Lao Qiu thought Lin Feng wanted to go out to beg or find work,"Yes, young people are ambitious. Okay, you go ahead.", Lao Qiu encouraged."But begging also requires skill, roughly three. Pretend to be pitiful, say nice things, and be shameless. Remember?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he was a little confused. I went to change money, not to beg. However, it was rare for him to explain that he should make mistakes so that he could blend in with them in the future. Otherwise, he would spend millions on himself, which would obviously be incompatible with this place. Lin Feng decided to let nature take its course. Just follow the requirements here,"Well, remember, Lao Qiu, I will try to beg more.", Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, you take the money. If you can't get it through begging, you can use the money to buy some food for the children to eat in the evening."Lao Qiu took out some copper coins from his pocket and handed them to Lin Feng. Lin Feng held it in his hand and thought about not wanting it, thinking that he would have the money soon, but then he thought again and couldn't refute Lao Qiu's face, so he took it anyway.



Why should we learn Chinese medicine 2:

Many people think that they are doing that. Some people are influenced by Western medicine and do not believe in Chinese medicine at all. They are superstitious about Western medicine, but research shows that it is Western medicine that causes the most drug poisoning. And with the development, people previously thought It is a good medicine, but later it was found that it has serious side effects. If it is not a standard side effect, there will be no other side effects. Traditional

Chinese medicine is empirical medicine. It has been tested for thousands of years, that is, it is supported by big data throughout history. Big data is also science.

For example, there is a Plant a new plant, and thousands or tens of thousands of people have eaten it. After more than ten generations of people eating it, there is no problem.

So, without testing the ingredients of such a plant, you can also know that it is edible and non-toxic. If there are still people who think hard about this plant You can’t eat without a laboratory test. You should stay away from such people. Traditional

Chinese medicine is just a tool that can help you and your family to heal. It is also useful at work.

For example, someone learns ear diagnosis, meets a client once, observes the client’s ears, and immediately points out What should be paid attention to when the other party is not good? Once the customer hears it, yes, the customer will have a better impression of that person.

Therefore, Chinese medicine is also a good tool to promote communication.

This is not to deny Western medicine. Western medicine also has merits. Medical science It is development, as long as it is useful to human beings. Wouldn’t it be better to have more options?


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