It only took two days to fly from Xuantian Sect to the capital of Dongchen Dynasty. Lin Feng chose to walk and look around. There were many cities along the way, so he could take a tour.

The scenery along the way is picturesque, with gurgling clear water of the river, as white as dyed clouds, and mountains and forests in the distance.

Paths stretch ahead, with branches and leaves intertwining on both sides. In the distance, surrounded by Cangshan Mountains, there is a tall city, reflecting the blue sky, and the city and the mountains and rivers are harmoniously integrated.

Lin Feng lay comfortably on the green grass on the hillside for a while, holding a piece of grass in his mouth and a picked wooden stick in his hand, swinging in the air.

Lin Feng's clothes were clean, but they looked a little old, but at first glance they looked like street goods.

Gurgling, Gurgling, Lin Feng heard his stomach growling. He was hungry. There is a city in front, where you can eat some delicious food.

He was waving the wooden stick in his left hand while groping around in the space to get some money, but he found that he was penniless! He had no money and no spirit stones. Lin Feng was a cultivator of immortality and had no use for spirit stones for a long time. He used immortal stones. Immortal stones cannot be circulated here. If he releases one, his head will definitely be robbed.

It seemed that the pills could only be exchanged for some money. Lin Feng stood up, patted himself, and then walked towards the city.

Along the way, it was very quiet. Except for the occasional people passing by, there were carriages passing by. There was no movement at all. The ordinary ones couldn't be more ordinary.

Occasionally, a flying boat passed by in the sky, and there were monks flying with swords. Lin Feng looked at these monks and thought that he had been the same in the past, joining a sect or becoming a handyman disciple, then practicing, and then reaching the top. Sometimes he also thought about opening a shop and living a life of salted fish. He also thought about setting up a sect, deceiving a few emperor-level disciples, etc. Anyway, Lin Feng thought about various plots in the novel..

After a while, Lin Feng walked out of the mountain road, and not far away he saw the city in front of him. The city wall was very wide, and it read: Broken Leaf City. The golden sunshine shines slantly on the red walls and green tiles from a corner of the woods, and the clouds in the sky fade out of the pavilions on the city wall amid wisps of smoke.

The first thing on Lin Feng's mind was to have a meal and then find a place to sleep. I don’t know why I like sleeping so much recently. Lin Feng even suspected that there was something wrong with his liver qi. [The liver belongs to wood, the spleen and stomach belong to earth, and wood overcomes earth. If liver qi invades the spleen, the spleen and stomach are weak. 】

And a weak spleen and stomach can make people sleepy. Lin Feng used the five elements to describe himself. In fact, Lin Feng was lazy, afraid of moving, and wanted to lie down. If a person is lazy, his energy will be lazy. If his energy is not mobilized enough, he will not be energetic.

Entering the city, there are many shops on both sides of the street, with all kinds of shouts, cries, and people placing bets in the competition. It's like a lively market.

Originally, he wanted to find a place to exchange some money so that he could buy something to eat. Although immortals do not eat mortal food, for Lin Feng, food is also a kind of enjoyment.

Lin Feng came to a shop selling steamed buns. When he saw the hot steamed buns, the aroma wafted over him. Lin Feng couldn't help but swallowed. He had to wait for a while to change the money. He thought it would be okay if he wanted to try a bun, so that the other party would not be stingy. He walked forward, holding a wooden cane, and said to the bun shop owner:"Boss, can you give me a bun?".

The owner of the bun shop looked at Lin Feng and thought he was just a beggar, so he quickly said:"You stinky beggar, go away, go away, don't affect my business!"

Lin Feng felt annoyed after hearing this,"What are you doing, treating me like a beggar?" , but he couldn't do anything. A cultivator has the magnanimity of a cultivator, and it's impossible to argue with mortals. He didn't continue to be angry, he was used to it. Lin Feng tried another bun shop, but was kicked out every time. This is true for several consecutive companies

"Damn, can you still make people eat? Why is it so difficult to get a steamed bun?", Lin Feng said to himself. Lin Feng had no choice but to find a pawn shop to sell some elixirs in exchange for some money, and then use the money to hit these bosses. He felt very happy thinking about it.

Lin Feng walked to the street intersection and there was an alley next to it. Beside the wall near the entrance, an old beggar was sitting there, with a rice bowl at his feet. There was a little money and steamed buns in the rice bowl.

Lin Fengli walked up to the old beggar and said,"Old sir, old sir,".

That old beggar Hearing someone call him, he raised his head and looked at Lin Feng in front of him. His clothes were not shabby but relatively old. He had a cane in his hand and asked,"What did you call me for?""

"Well, old gentleman, where is the pawn shop here?", Lin Feng asked.

The old beggar looked at Lin Feng and thought that Lin Feng was desperate and wanted to pawn his food in a pawn shop. So he said,"Young man, you are too young to work, but you want to pawn something in a pawn shop? You can beg, begging is a technical job"

"Begging?" Lin Feng was a little depressed. The old beggar regarded him as a homeless person. He stopped talking to the old beggar.

"Forget it, look at you, you haven’t eaten yet, I’ll give you this steamed bun." Seeing Lin Feng’s appearance, the old beggar took out the steamed bun in the bowl and handed it to Lin Feng. Looking at the old man’s dirty hands and steamed bun, Lin Feng was stunned."Who wants to eat your steamed buns? I want to exchange money." Lin Feng said in his heart. He knew that the old beggar misunderstood him, so he did not explain. However, he could not violate the old beggar's good intentions, so he had to take it and eat it. The steamed buns were quite delicious.

"Young man, where do you come from and how did you end up like this?", asked the old beggar

"Well, I came from the other side of the mountain... later..", Lin Feng was about to say something about exchanging money, but then he thought there was no need to say so much. He held back the reason he had just wanted to explain, and had to hesitate.

The old beggar took a look and said:"Hey, forget it, I know, I guess you were robbed by bandits. You have no relatives here."

Lin Feng was happy when he heard this. The old beggar's misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper. As someone who comes here in distress. Lin Feng had no choice but to follow his words,"I have no relatives here, and my home is far away. Now that I am living here, it is a problem for me to have food and clothing.""

"Then, just beg with us and sleep with us"

"What? Begging with you?"Lin Feng didn't expect that this old beggar was still kind-hearted. He thought that Lin Feng was homeless, so he took Lin Feng to beg. Lin Feng found it very interesting. He had always held a golden key in his mouth since he was born and had never begged. Thinking about it, he felt Stimulate

"Is it rare that you have to beg from an old man?", Lin Feng was speechless.

"Hey, young man, young man..., the old beggar asked hurriedly when he saw Lin Feng standing there stunned.

Lin Feng finally came to his senses,"Huh?""

"Young man, what's your surname?"

""My name is Lin Feng. Sir, what is your surname?"

"Xiao Lin, you can just call me Lao Qiu from now on. Come on, I will take you to where we live, and you can rest at our place from now on." Lao Qiu could not tolerate Lin Feng's refusal and said directly

"OK, thank you." Lin Feng had no choice but to accept the situation and thanked him quickly.

Lao Qiu packed up the broken bowl, collected the small amount of money he had begged for, and walked into the alley with Lin Feng.


【Why should we learn Chinese medicine?

Some people think, why should we learn Chinese medicine? Just go to the hospital when you are sick. Learning Chinese medicine is not to treat people. Treating people is a doctor’s job. Learning Chinese medicine by yourself is for yourself and your family.

Chinese medicine talks about treating the disease before it appears, that is, there are signs of the disease before it appears, and then the signs are killed. Western medicine only detects illness through physical examination. When there are signs, the indicators are normal and cannot be detected.

Learning Chinese medicine is equivalent to mastering daily physical examination and health maintenance. Some people may think that they are young and do not need these. In fact, young people are most sub-healthy.

By studying Chinese medicine, you can take care of yourself on a daily basis, and you can also work well without being tired from work and unable to take care of yourself.

Therefore, the purpose of learning Chinese medicine is for yourself and your family.

For example, if you see a family member's tongue is crooked and trembling, or the veins under the tongue are enlarged, it indicates a precursor to a stroke, so go to the hospital quickly.

For example, people who often type on the computer and people who stay up late. Including the novel editor, [thinking too much hurts the spleen and stomach, thinking too much hurts the liver, staying up late hurts the liver], so the editor and readers should take care of the liver and spleen every day.

For example, for people who stay up late, drink some wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea to clear the liver and improve eyesight. Barley kernel, Poria cocos and yam strengthen the spleen. Yams are both vegetables and medicine.

Later, Xu will tell you how to maintain good health.

This is the benefit of learning Chinese medicine to detect problems in advance.

If you wait until the examination to see the results, you are already sick. Chinese medicine can detect signs before you become sick.

For example, for people who stay up late, their complexion and tongue coating can tell that they have insufficient liver qi. In the long run, it will lead to insomnia and bad spleen and stomach. I have a bad temper and get angry easily.

If you wait until your insomnia is severe, go see a doctor and prescribe western medicine for you. Taking too much will be even worse.

Early detection, early adjustment, and early change of habits.

Later in the novel, I will explain to you how to check your own health. Please memorize the knowledge in the chapters.

The knowledge points are laid out slowly, unlike textbooks that cover them in one chapter. This is so that everyone can read them multiple times to deepen their memory.

For example, wood makes fire, fire makes earth, and fire makes food. If you listen to it more and read it more, you will become familiar with it.

Simply reading the textbook is still not easy to remember and it is easy to get confused.

Nowadays, studying Chinese medicine in the market often costs thousands of dollars. Wouldn’t it be better to learn and be entertained by reading novels?


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