Lin Feng, Black Phoenix and the others were resting on the spaceship when suddenly there was a noise and the spacecraft shook.

Lin Feng quickly got up and went to the deck to see what happened.

I saw Black Phoenix and a group of people standing on the deck. Following Black Phoenix's gaze, I saw several spaceships in the sky in the distance.

On the leading spacecraft stood Viper and another man.

Dark Phoenix said at this time:"Viper! Black Panther, what do you want to do?!"

"What to do? You won 200,000 spiritual stones and want to leave? Why don't you hand it over obediently!"said the viper

"Don't even think about it!"

"Don’t even think about it? Didn’t you see that Black Panther and I teamed up? The wealth belongs to me, the women belong to the Black Panther brothers!"said the viper

"Little Phoenix, I didn’t succeed in administering the medicine last time. How did you recover? You can't run away today, all your women belong to me," Black Panther said with a smile.

"Black Panther, you are despicable!!"

"I'm just despicable and shameless. What's wrong? Why don't you surrender obediently?"said the black panther

"Wishful thinking, let’s see if the knife in my hand lets you go!", Dark Phoenix said angrily

"We are two to one, you have no chance of winning!", Viper said.

Lin Feng watched from the side. He quietly waved his finger, and Black Panther's palm was manipulated to slap Viper.

"what are you doing! Black Panther!"

"No, I am not independent."

Lin Feng waved again, and the viper slapped the black panther.

"Viper, what are you doing?!"

"I am also involuntary"

"Who believes it? You did it on purpose! Why come again?!"

"You did it on purpose! Yo, hit me again, don’t blame me for being rude"

"Do you want to take it all to yourself?"

"I think you are the one…!!"

"I'm afraid of you, you don't know how powerful I am!"

In this way, under Lin Feng's instigation, the Viper and the Black Panther fought each other, triggering a war between the two sides.

Black Phoenix was stunned, what is going on? The two sides started fighting on their own.

After watching for a while, Black Phoenix directly drove the spaceship After leaving, only the Viper and the Black Panther were left fighting each other. In the end, both were injured. The Black Panther was destroyed by the Viper, and the Viper was seriously injured. Their respective spaceships suffered a lot of losses. The spaceship continued to fly forward, to reach the Tianba Continent in Sanjiao. It will take another month.

After flying for three days, we arrived at a planet. According to Black Phoenix’s introduction, this is her hometown, Venus, which belongs to the Kidney and Water Star Region.

This planet is dominated by women. It can be said to be a daughter’s country. Men are all They are slaves who are kept in captivity and only work as stallions. If a woman wants to give birth to a child, she will go to the stud farm to choose a man and then be imprisoned back. The men at the stud farm can only enter and exit, and the outer walls have huge defenses, but Automatically identify men and women. Every man has a bracelet that cannot be taken off. If anyone takes it off, it will explode. The bracelet has a range and will explode if it exceeds the range. The whole man is under control.

There are also some men who are relatively free. But they also wear bracelets. They are staff and waiters responsible for entertainment, KTV, hotel work, etc. Anyway, this is where men have the lowest status, but it is a paradise for women. There is another situation here, if a woman likes or brings back a man , or buy a man from a stud farm, or buy a waiter from the waiter’s owner. He is a special pet and can be kept alone. A woman is allowed to have three male pets, but she must register and wear a bracelet. The bracelets are divided into There are three colors, green for independent men, orange for stallion men, and blue for male waiters.

The law here also stipulates that women are supreme. Men who offend women will suffer terrible consequences. The worst thing is to be tortured by the jailer woman continuously until they are finished. And It is not illegal for women to use force against men. Anyway, men who enter prison will not have a good end, and those who disobey will be executed.

Men from outside are only allowed to stay for a maximum of one month, and they must first apply for a temporary residence permit, otherwise they will be arrested by the law enforcement team Caught into a stud farm. If the women here give birth to a boy, they will all be sent to a stud farm or to other planets.

This planet has a queen who is an earth fairy, and there are three earth fairy elders, so this planet is basically No one dares to bully or behave wildly. The Queen is also one of the elders of the Star Sea Alliance. The elders of the Star Sea Alliance are composed of the strongest people in each star field. They can stay in their own place and go to the Star Sea Alliance for a meeting once a year. After

Black Phoenix landed, he first applied for a temporary residence permit for Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng could move around more easily.

"On your planet, is the status of men so low?"Lin Feng asked Black Phoenix

"This has always been the case, it was decided by our king!"

"I guess your king has been hurt by men, so he hates men so much."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of getting caught!"

Lin Feng quickly covered his mouth.

"Make sure you bring your temporary residence permit with you when you go out. Don't run around, or you may be caught working as a waiter or stud!"

"Know it!"Lin Feng said nonchalantly.

Black Phoenix would meet acquaintances on the road. When the acquaintances saw Black Phoenix leading Lin Feng, they all joked:"Hey Phoenix, you found a man?","nice","Let me enjoy it someday"

"Go, go, he is my guest!"Dark Phoenix said to them

"Lin Feng, you can go shopping by yourself. Xiaoqing and I have to go home first and do some errands. It will probably take a week or a month. It doesn't matter if you have a temporary residence permit. You can go and stay at the Qingyun Hotel."Dark Phoenix said

"Well, leave me alone, I'll see what your planet has to offer!"Lin Feng said

"The specialty here is all kinds of magical weapons. It is rich in the best steel and other metals, and the blacksmiths here are the most powerful in the entire Star Sea, and they are women! Therefore, the magical weapons here are the best. All the alien planets purchase them from here. You can go and see!"Black Phoenix said.

After hearing this, Lin Feng hung the temporary residence permit sign on his chest and left the spaceship to go to the Qingyun Hotel. He registered first and Xiaoyu was assigned to Black Phoenix by Lin Feng. The golden actress is located on the left side of the kidney water star field. After all, it is close to the Tri-Jiao Star Territory ruled by the demons.

According to the description of Black Phoenix, the six star territories form a star sea, and the headquarters of this star sea is in an interstellar space above the six star domains. A thousand star seas form a star sea. Central Star Sea. What Black Phoenix knows is limited to the six star regions and the Star Sea Alliance. In these days of wandering, Lin Feng has almost forgotten that he still needs to find the medical scripture, from the Lung-Gold Star Region to the Kidney-Water Star Region. Nothing was found.

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